Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We'll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every match on the card. Follow us on Facebook! Facebook.com/FightfulOnline
Tonight's AEW Dynamite coverage will start later than normal due to the Milwaukee Bucks vs. Boston Celtics Game on TNT.
Jim Ross welcomes the viewers to Jacksonville, Florida, and they are coming to us from Daily's Place for AEW Dynamite's Holiday Bash.
Chris Jericho & MJF vs. Top Flight
Chris Jericho and MJF come out first, and Top Flight comes out with new theme music. Darius Martin and Jericho start it off; Jericho slaps Dante right away. Jericho is completely in control of the match. Dante leapfrogs Jericho and then drops him with a kick. Darius then tags his brother Dante in, and Dante gets some shots in. Jericho recovers and tags in MJF; MJF is controlling the match now. All four competitors are in the ring and exchanging punches. Top Flights get ten punches in on both Jericho and MJF while the crowd counts with them. Jericho and MJF roll out of the ring. MJF and Jericho take advantage of Dante with multiple punches and also an elbow. Jericho is now the legal man, and he is showboating in front of Darius. Jericho still in control. Jericho tags in MJF, and MJF is completely in-charge and not letting Dante get any offense in. Jake Hager gets some strikes in, and Jericho goes to pin Dante, but Dante kicks out at two. Jericho gets Dante up to the top rope, and he's going for a suplex, but Dante knocks him. Dante jumps really high for a cross-body and knocks Jericho. Jericho and Dante tag their partners. Darius hits Spanish Fly, and Darius hits a missile dropkick on MJF. Top Flight controls the match now and wears down MJF but stops Dante and hits him with a Powerbomb, and then MJF tags in Jericho. Jericho is in and does a Lionsault. Jericho is controlling the match, and occasionally MJF will double-team. Darius hits Double DDT on both Jericho and MJF. Hager punches Darius, and the ref is being distracted, and MJF hits the Heatseeker and then pins Darius for the win.
Winners: Inner Circle (Chris Jericho and MJF)
- After the match, Jake Hager cuts a promo and asks MJF where Wardlow is and says Wardlow is the only one in the Inner Circle not doing his job. Hager says he spoke with Tony Khan, and next week Hager will wrestle Wardlow on Dynamite.
- They go to a short rap video of The Acclaimed.
- They come back with a promo of AEW promo of Brandi and Cody Rhodes with Scorpio Sky doing a scene from the film "A Christmas Story
- We are back from commercial, and Tony Schiavone introduces the man who broke the internet two weeks ago, and it is Sting. Tony says to Sting, "How does it feel to be back on TNT"? Sting replied that "he has gone full circle, and he is glad to be back on TNT." Tony asks Sting, "Why did he come back, and people want to know." Sting talks about how he and Dusty Rhodes watched a match together, and he says Dusty is a big reason he is there and why Sting is who he is today. Sting said he's seen what's going on wanted and wanted to be apart of it. Taz interrupts and talks about how Sting is not that big of a deal anymore, and he talks about how his four guys will beat Sting down (Brian Cage, Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, and Hook). The lights go out, and Darby Allin is in the ring. This causes Team Taz to back up and say they won't do anything right now. Team Taz leaves, leaving Sting and Darby just standing in the ring looking at each other before they go to a commercial.
- They come back from commercial, and MJF is backstage telling Proud and Powerful that he is there for them and that he lost someone important to him also, and he embraces both of them.
Six-Man Tag
Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy, Marko Stunt, Luchasaurus) vs. The Dark Order (Colt Cabana, 10, & 5)
The match begins with Colt Cabana and Marko Stunt in the ring, and Cabana has no issue grabbing Stunt and throwing him in the corner. Stunt them knocks down Cabana and Stunt tags in Jungle Boy and Cabana tags in Alan Angels. Jungle Boy is in control and getting strikes in. Jungle Boy tags in Stunt and now Stunt is getting double-teamed in the opposite corner, but he gets away and tags in Luchasaurus, and he is beating down Cabana. Cabana tags in 10 and Luchasauras tags in Jungle Boy, and now 10 is controlling the match. Angels are completely in control of the match and getting many strikes in on Jungle Boy. They go commercial-in-commercial, and The Dark Order controls the match through the commercials and wearing down Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy is still being double-teamed the match. Jungle Boy recovers by hitting a lariat on 10. Jungle Boy gets to Luchasaurus for the hot tag, and now he is in complete control of the match. He throws Five into Cabana, and Cabana rolls out of the ring. Luchasaurus is no longer the legal man. Marko Stunt is now getting beaten down. Alan Angels hit a Spinebuster on Stunt. Luchasauras assist Jungle Boy for the Powerbomb on Five, and Jungle Boy pins him for the win.
Winner: Jurassic Express
After the match, Schiavone interviews Jurassic Express, but they are interrupted by Tully Blanchard and says on January 6th. FTR will wrestle Jurassic Express on Dynamite in two weeks.
Alex Marvez is trying to interview Kenny Omega and Don Callis. Don Callis says he doesn't understand how Tony Khan "lets everyone run amuck in AEW and has never seen anything like it." Omega is now talking about how good he is and how he has beaten Fenix many times. Omega continues to insult Fenix, and the promo is over.
Pac vs. The Butcher
The match begins with The Butcher and Pac in each other's faces. Pac is too quick, and The Butcher is chasing him around and getting frustrated. When Pac goes out of the ring, The Butcher will follow, and Pac gets the upper hand and starts hitting The Butcher with multiple kicks. The kicks do not do much as The Butcher is back up, and he is just throwing Pac around and getting some punches in whenever he wants. Pac tries to fight back, but The Butcher will grab Pac and throw him around some more. The Butcher goes for a quick pin with Pac down but barely gets the one count. The Butcher literally threw Pac into the corner, and Pac bounces off the turnbuckle because of the force. The Butcher walks away and starts focusing on Pentagon, outside the ring, allowing Pac to take over. Pac is on the outside now, and he was controlling the match for a minute, but The Butcher hits Pac with a massive boot to the face. They go to a picture-in-picture commercial, and The Butcher is controlling it throughout the entire commercial. They are now back from commercials, and now Pac is in control and is getting multiple kicks in on The Butcher. Pac goes up to the top rope and hits the Shotgun Drop, and then he goes back up again, and Pac loses focus when The Blade hits Pentagon. The Butcher now is in control, and he hits a Powerbomb on Pac. He goes for the pin, but Pac kicks out at two. Now, The Butcher and The Blade are not happy and get in Referee Bryce Remsburg's face. Eddie Kingston is on commentary, and he is yelling for The Butcher to stop messing around. Kingston leaves the commentary table. However, Lance Archer now comes out, which catches The Butcher's attention, who is no longer paying attention to Pac. Pac takes control and hits The Butcher with The Black Arrow and then pins The Butcher for the win.
Winner: Pac
- Jade Cargill is now doing a promo and says she wants to congratulate Brandi on her pregnancy. She says she has updated Shaq, and she wants Brandi to stop wasting her time.
- They go back near ringside with Miro, Kip Sabian, and Penelope Ford. Sabian says he wants to give everyone a gift, and he says he is going to announce the day they are getting married. They are about to announce it, and The Best Friends music starts up. Sabian and Miro were playing a joke, and now the cameras show footage of Barretta getting loaded into an ambulance. Sabian says he and Ford will get married on February 3rd at AEW Beach Break.
Evil Uno vs. 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes
Before the match begins, Evil Uno takes a cheap shot at Rhodes. Rhodes gets back into the ring, and he takes control right away and gets some strikes in on Uno. Both Uno and Rhodes are fighting outside the ring, and Uno is continuously getting strikes in on Rhodes. Evil Uno goes for one more, but Rhodes ducks and Uno hits the post, and now Rhodes has taken over. He gets Uno back in the ring and starts beating him down in the corner. They goto another picture-in-picture commercial, and Uno controls the match during the entire break. They are now back, and Uno goes for a Piledriver, and Uno goes for the pin, but Rhodes kicks out at two. Uno and Rhodes are now exchanging strikes, but Rhodes gets the upper hand and gets multiple punches. Rhodes hits The Running Bulldog, and he then pins Uno for the win.
Winner: 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes
- Once the match ends, Evil Uno asks Rhodes to join The Dark Order, but he does not, and he throws a heavy punch at Uno. Stu Grayson attacks Dustin from behind. They are both attacking Rhodes, and Q.T. Marshall comes out, and they get the upper hand on him until Lee Johnson takes them both out when he does a springboard to them.
- Schiavone is now interviewing Spears, and Spears is talking about how he is better than 95% of the roster. He sees himself going down the same path he went before (referencing his past in the WWE). Schiavone tells Spears, "do you think you may be the common denominator" Spears gets in his face and tells Schiavone to tell Tony Khan and the other Presidents he'll come back when he's ready.
Hikari Shida vs. Alex Garcia
The match begins, and Shida is in control right away and getting multiple strikes in on Garcia. She gets some big strikes in on Garcia. Shida sees Abadon at ringside, and Shida begins attacking her; and Aubrey Edwards is starting to do the count-out, but Shida gets back in the ring. Shida does quick work on Garcia, but Garcia now gets a few strikes in, but it does not do much to Shida. Shida nails Garcia with a strong strike, and she grabs Garcia, hits Falcon Arrow, and pins Garcia for the win.
Winner: Shida
After the match, Shida walks up cautiously to Abadon, who is outside of the ring. Abadon attacks Shida, and Abadon bites Shida and is bleeding, and Abadon leaves.
The Acclaimed vs. The Young Bucks
The match begins with Matt Jackson and Max Caster. Caster gets some strikes in on Matt; shortly after, Max does an Irish Whip to Matt, but Matt kicks him low and knocks Caster down. Matt now tags in Nick, and they both double-team Max with combination moves. The Bucks now dive to the outside, taking out both Caster and Anthony Bowens. The Young Bucks are controlling the match. Matt now jumps from the top turnbuckle, and he hits the double stomp on Bowens. Bowens soon gets the upper hand on Nick Jackson, but Caster gets some strikes in on Matt. Both teams continue to take turns on who is controlling the match. The Acclaimed are completely in control of the match; they are both double-teaming Nick Jackson, but Nick gets away and gets to his brother Matt for the hot-tag. Matt hits the Double-DDT on both Caster and Bowens. Matt hits The Northern Lights Suplex, and now Jackson puts Bowens in the Sharpshooter. Nick grabs Caster and puts him in the Sharpshooter on the outside of the ring. Bowens grabs the ropes, and Nick breaks the hold. Bowens is back up, but The Young Bucks in control and hit The Doomsday Device; and Nick goes for the pin, but Bowens kicks out. The match is going back and forth, but on the outside, they throw Nick over the guardrails, and now Matt is being double-teamed. Max Caster is going for a pin, but Nick breaks the count. The ref Rick Knox gets hit, and he is down. There is no referee, and Paul Turner runs out to do the count, but Matt kicks out. The Young Bucks are back in control; Nick hits Bowens with a Superkick, and Matt powerbomb's him through a table. Nick now nails Caster with a Superkick, and then they hit the BTE trigger for the win.
Winners: The Young Bucks