AEW Dynamite 3/10/20 Results: Scorpio Sky vs Darby Allin TNT Title, Matt Jackson vs. Fenix, and more

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Jim Ross begins the show by saying, "It's Wednesday night, and you know what that means.". Ross then welcomes the viewer to AEW Dynamite; they are coming to us live from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, Florida. Tony Schiavone then begins going over the Young Bucks match at Revolution.

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Rey Fenix (w/ Pac) vs. Matt Jackson (w/ Nick Jackson)

Matt Jackson and Rey Fenix begin with a tie-up; neither men get the upper hand until a minute or two into the match. Matt Jackson and Rey Fenix begin exchanging strikes until Fenix hits Jackson with a massive chop to Matt's chest. Fenix then hits Jackson with a hurricanrana by going through the ropes. Fenix then gets back up and then goes over the top rope and dived on to Matt Jackson. Fenix and Jackson are back in the ring, and Fenix still in control after laying in a hard kick. Jackson takes control when he reverses Fenix's top-rope maneuver into a powerbomb.

Jackson, now in control, throws Fenix back into the ring, Jackson keeping Fenix down with a strong strike to Rey Fenix's head. Jackson has Fenix controlled in a submission hold, but Fenix gets out. Jackson then reverses Fenix's pin attempt into a Sharpshooter. Fenix makes it to the ropes almost immediately; Fenix is still getting a bunch of strikes in. Jackson hits Fenix with a cutter out of nowhere; both men get back up on their feet, and exchange strikes. Fenix is selling that his back is hurting. Matt Jackson hits Fenix with two destroyers in a row, one in the ring and one outside the ring.

Fenix gets back into the ring when the count was at nine; Jackson then does a massive elbow drop that Schiavone compared to Randy Savage. Jackson then puts Fenix into the Sharpshooter, but Fenix makes it over to the ropes. Jackson going for it a third time, but Fenix then gets out of it. Fenix is against the ropes, and he avoids the charging Matt Jackson; Matt accidentally kicks his brother Nick by accident. PAC walks over by Nick and Matt, then hits PAC with a superkick. Jackson gets back into the ring and hits Fenix with two superkicks; he goes for a third, but Fenix blocks it and comes back with a huge kick to the head off Matt Jackson. Fenix hits the Fire Thunder Bomb to get the win.

Winner: Rey Fenix (w/ PAC)

After the match, they go to a promo with Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley. Kingston says it was embarrassing but pretty much says it is what it is. Kingston then tells Omega life is not a video game; Moxley says that he made better bombs in the fourth grade. He has his drinking buddy back, and he's happy again. Moxley says he is glad that Eddie didn't get blown up, but Moxley wanted to see something blow-up.

They come back and show highlights of AEW Revolution.

Cody Rhodes (w/ Arn Anderson) vs. Seth Gargis

Cody Rhodes is out, and before the match, he walks over, jumps the guardrails, and hands his weight belt to a fan. Rhodes then gets back into the ring and takes down Seth Gargis right away; Rhodes slams him down again and then puts him in figure four, and Gargis taps. Rhodes wins it in just about a minute.

Winner: Cody Rhodes (w/ Arn Anderson)

Tony Schiavone comes to the ring to interview Rhodes, but Pentagon Jr. cuts him off and tells Rhodes he is much better than Rhodes. Pentagon says if it was just he and Rhodes that he would have won. Pentagon has an interpreter, and the interpreter said, "Pentagon says your lucky he didn't just focus on you because if he did, he would not be able to hold his baby girl." Cody then goes after Pentagon, and multiple wrestlers have to break them up.

Tony Schiavone is now in the ring and introduces Sting for an interview. Tony tells Sting it was a great match, and Sting then says how great Darby Allin. The Murderhawk Lance Archer and Jake Roberts interrupt the interview and say that he didn't need a TNT Championship Ladder Match to prove he is the face of TNT and AEW. Sting pretty much ends it right away and says, "Tony, see you next time."

"All Ego" Ethan Page vs. Lee Johnson (w/ QT Marshall)

Ethan Page begins the match with a strong right to Lee Johnson's face and gives some massive strikes and heavy clotheslines. Johnson gets some offense in now as AEW goes to their picture-in-picture commercials. During the commercial break, Ethan Page takes back control and is just laying it in on Lee Johnson with multiple kicks to the midsection and heavy rights. Page is now just toying around with Johnson.

They come back from the commercial break, and Ethan Page still controls the match, but Kee Johnson hits Page with a neckbreaker and then hits Page with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Page recovers nicely and hits a stunner after basically tossing Johnson off the top rope about 12 feet. Referee Bryce Remsburg is checking on Johnson as he is showing a potential knee injury. This doesn't stop Page from hitting Johnson with a massive boot, followed by the Ego Bomb. Page then pins Johnson to get his first victory in AEW.

After the match, Page attacks Johnson some more, but Marshall watches on. Dustin Rhodes runs out to make the save and then looks over at QT and says to him, "what are you doing?" Marshall does not answer him and walks away.

Winner: "All Ego" Ethan Page

They come back with Tony Schiavone promoting his upcoming interview with Christian Cage, but Kenny Omega interrupts him. Omega walks out to the ring and is followed out by "The Good Brothers" Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows, and Don Callis. Omega gets in the rings, and multiple fireworks go off. Don Callis begins talking about how great Omega is, and he tells the crowd that I am sorry you will not hear from Christian Cage. Callis says everything went as planned, but Omega stops him and says that not everything went as planned. Callis says we are happy that people didn't get what they wanted to see, and they took away Eddie Kingston's moment.

Omega gets the microphone and says it would have been great to have Moxley evaporate, but it was great to beat you and make you look awful. While he is cutting the promo, Eddie Kingston walks out and gets in the ring. Callis says he knows Kingston, and he says, "I had this guy in Impact Wrestling" and keeps talking about why Kingston got fired. Callis tells Kingston he will let him leave without getting attacked. The clock goes counting down, and he lays down and says someone "69 me". Omega gets up and asks Kingston, "what does he hope to accomplish" then Omega gets into his face and that he won't do anything and tells Kingston he can get the first punch in, and Kingston obliges. Kingston throws a punch, and everyone attacks Kingston, and Jon Moxley runs out and makes the save.

Then another countdown clock goes off, and Christian Cage comes out. He and Christian face off in the ring, and Omega goes to attack Christian, but Christian stops him and is attempting to hit The Killswitch, but Callis saves Omega. Christian then walks over to the AEW Championship Belt, picks it up, and looks at it, and then AEW heads to a commercial break.

Thunder Rosa, Hikaru Shida & Ryo Mizunami vs. Dr. Britt Baker, Maki Itoh & Nyla Rose

The match begins with all the opponents attacking each other except for Maki Itoh, who stays on the outside and is singing. Itoh and Hikaru Shida begin the match, and Itoh has the advantage in the beginning. Ryo Muzunami is now tagged in, and she gets quite a few shots in on Itoh before Itoh makes the tag. Nyla Rose and Thunder Rosa are now the legal competitors, and Nyla tosses Rose around and then hits her with a few slams.

AEW takes a picture-in-picture commercial break with Itoh and Rosa in the ring. Itoh throws a few heavy punches to the back of Rosa's head; with Rosa down, Itoh tags in Dr. Britt Baker. Baker then gets some shots in, but Rosa makes it over to Ryo for the hot tag, and Ryo clears house. Ryo, Hikaru, and Rosa each get hit Baker with a different attack on Baker in the corner. Baker and Rosa are the legal women in the match; Rosa takes everyone out by diving from the top rope. Itoh hits Rosa with swinging DDT after Vickie Guerrero grabs the leg Rosa. Rosa kicks out of the pin, but she slams down Itoh, and she pins Itoh to get the win. The match ends, but Baker gets in and hits Rosa in the back with Rebel's crutches. Baker then puts Rosa in the Lockjaw.

Winners: Thunder Rosa, Hikaru Shida & Ryo Mizunami

Matt Hardy and Private Party cut a promo; Hardy says he needs to bring in more money. He needs more people in the group, and he announces that he has signed The Butcher, The Blade, and The Bunny to join his stable.

TNT Championship Match
Scorpio Sky vs. Darby Allin (Champion)

Before the match begins, they show Scorpio Sky's and Darby Allin's match highlights from AEW Revolution. Darby Allin and Scorpio Sky stare each other down and fist bump each other before the match begins. Allin and Sky tie-up, but they break it up as neither guy ends up with an advantage. They tie-up again, and Allin gets control and has Sky in a wristlock. The crowd is really into the match and cheering on both opponents, and they lock-up again, with Allin getting a pin attempt in but only a two count.

Sky and Allin tie-up yet again, and Sky throws Allin up and slams him down. Darby was selling an ankle injury when he flipped over Sky. He falls into one of the corner turnbuckles, and Sky goes right at Allin and hits him with some heavy strikes. They head out to another picture-in-picture commercial with Scorpio Sky having the advantage and just beating down Allin. Sky then stretches out Darby Allin; Allin gets out of it for a split second, but then Sky has Darby in an abdominal stretch.

Sky goes for a sunset flip, but Darby stops it and goes for the pin attempt, but Sky kicks out at two. Sky then comes back at Darby with a heavy right, Sky then goes for another slam, but Allin reverses it into a stunner. Sky is back up, and Allin catches him with a Code Red after Sky hits the ropes. Darby goes for the pin, but Sky kicks out again. Sky then picks up Allin and goes for the Three Amigos, but Darby stops it until Sky hits Allin with a German suplex into the corner turnbuckle. Allin gets Sky to the outside, Allin goes for a suicide dive, but Sky counters it into a stunner.

Sky throws him back into the ring and goes for the pin, but Allin kicks out at two. Just a short time later, Allin goes for the Coffin Drop; however, Sky counters it into a pin and powerbombs Allin and goes for the pin, but Allin kicks out. Sky then goes for the brainbuster but Allin counters and gets him with a roll-up pin. After the match, Allin goes over to Sky and puts his hand out to a distraught Scorpio Sky. When Allin turns around, Sky then attacks Allin, and AEW officials have to come out and break it up. Scorpio Sky gets up and shows off a smug style look.

Winner: Darby Allin

The Inner Circle come out for their War Council Meeting. Chris Jericho says that they are having some problems, and Jericho hints that they should add another member. MJF quickly disagrees with Jericho and says maybe we should kick someone out. Sammy Guevara's music goes, and he comes out and tells him he has something for him.

Guevara then shows that he has a camera in the Inner Circle's Dressing Room. They show the video, and it shows that MJF goes to Jake Hager, Santana, and Ortiz and says it is time to cut-out Jericho from the group. MJF says that it is time to kick him out; MJF says to Jericho he did not want him to find out that same way. Jericho pushes down MJF, and he says he did not want things to go down this way. He tells Jericho he built his own Inner Circle, the lights go out, and they come back on, and FTR, Shawn Spears, Wardlow, and Tully Blanchard then brutally attack The Inner Circle.

Wardlow and MJF continue the beatdown on Jericho, and they go off the air with MJF hitting Jericho with the ring. MJF busts open Jericho. Jericho goes for his bat, but MJF gets it, hits Jericho in the ribs with it, and then hits him again. The show ends with FTR and Shawn Spears to the top of the stage and powerbombs him down to the ground. The show ends with FTR, Spears, Wardlow, MJF, and Tully celebrating.

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