AEW Dynamite 3/17/21 Results: St. Patrick's Day Slam Britt Baker vs. Thunder Rosa Lights Out Match

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Jim Ross begins the show by saying, "It's Wednesday Night, and you know what that means." Ross then welcomes the viewer to AEW Dynamite. They are coming to us live from Daily's Place in Jacksonville, Florida. Ross then introduces his fellow broadcasters Excalibur and Tony Schiavone.

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Pentagon Jr. vs. Cody Rhodes (w/ Arn Anderson)

The match begins with Pentagon attacking Cody Rhodes. The match technically has not started, and both men are on the outside fighting. Rhodes and Pentagon are in the ring; Pentagon gives Rhodes multiple chops. Rhodes sends Pentagon and Pentagon gets the advantage after countering the Rhodes move by hitting the Switchblade. Pentagon continues his attack and hits a nasty-looking backbreaker.

Both men are on the outside fighting again; Cody comes to Pentagon with a pump kick. They both get inside the ring and are on the top of the turnbuckle, and Rhodes hits the hurricanrana. Pentagon is targeting Cody's shoulder and hits multiple arm breakers. Pentagon is showboating a little too much; Rhodes comes back striking Pentagon multiple times with a flurry of kicks. Cody hits a disaster kick on Pentagon, who is knocked to the outside after standing outside the ropes. Both men are back in the ring, and Pentagon Jr.; Cody hits Pentagon with a Canadian Destroyer and then follows it up with a Cody Cutter.

Cody then hits the Cross Rhodes, he then goes for the pin attempt, but Pentagon kicks out at two. Pentagon gets up and gives Cody a nasty chop to the face. Cody comes back with a heavy right; Pentagon hits the mat, and Cody now has Pentagon in the figure four. Pentagon makes it to the ropes, and the ref breaks the hold. Pentagon takes down Rhodes and snaps Rhodes's arm back; however, Rhodes pins Pentagon with a roll-up pin. The match ends; however, Pentagon is mad and attacks Cody. The Nightmare Family makes the save once Arn Anderson gets in the ring.

Winner: Cody Rhodes (w/ Arn Anderson)

They go to the back with Alex Marvez, who is doing a promo with The Young Bucks. The Young Bucks bring up that PAC and Rey Fenix are the number one contenders. They are interrupted by Don Callis, who starts talking down to Matt and Nick Jackson. Callis says he wants to know where the two guys he remembers from Japan are at.

Jade Cargill vs. Dani Jordyn

The match begins with Dani Jordyn and Jade Cargill getting into each other's faces. Dani Jordyn hits a Cargill with a back elbow; Cargill comes back with a heavy kick to the face. Jordyn is down, but Cargill then hits the German suplex. Cargill walks over to Jordyn and picks her up, and hits The Jaded to get her first singles victory. After the match, Cargill walks over to the first row and gets into the face of Red Velvet, but the referee breaks it up.

Winner: Jade Cargill

The next segment, the new stable featuring MJF, Wardlow, FTR, Shawn Spears, and Tully Blanchard. Tully begins talking about how the Inner Circle was the best stable in AEW until last week. Tully says that thirty-four years ago, he was with the greatest group of wrestlers (referencing The Four Horsemen), but he says this group will now be the best.

MJF then takes the microphone and then tells Chris Jericho how he knew what he was doing from the beginning. His goal from day one was to end the Inner Circle, and he wanted to build a stable that would be better. MJF then says the groups' name is The Pinnacle, and he begins talking up each member of his stable. MJF says he is the most talked-about wrestler in the business today; MJF says he is like a "Fine Wine and will only get better with age"; he continues to say that he will be the G.O.A.T. and not Jericho.

Jurassic Express and Bear Country vs. Matt Hardy, Private Party, and The Butcher & The Blade (w/ The Bunny)

The match begins with Marko Stunt and Matt Hardy; Marko slaps Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy begins chasing Stunt; Stunt tags in Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy dives on top of Marko and knocks down Hardy. All ten men are in the ring; Boulder of Bear Country picks up Marko Stunt and throws him to the outside on top of The Butcher and The Blade and Private Party. Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy begin questioning Bear Country why they just threw Marko.

Boulder picks up Marq Quen for a body slam, and he inadvertently hits Jungle Boy. They go to a picture-in-picture commercial with Matt Hardy controlling the match. They come back with Jungle Boy tags Luchasaurus for the hot tag. Luchasaurus clears out the ring. The Butcher takes down Luchasaurus with a headbutt; Luchasaurus tags Boulder and Boulder hits a suplex. Marko tags himself in, and this irritates Bear Country. Jurassic Express and Bear Country start shoving each other, Marko Stunt is left alone. Private Party hits Gin & Juice on Stunt, but Hardy asks for the tag. They tag in Hardy, and he hits the Attitude Adjustment. Hardy then pins Stunt to get the victory.

Winners: Matt Hardy, Private Party, and The Butcher & The Blade (w/ The Bunny)

They go to a promo with Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston. Moxley says he should be at a beach with a few drinks. Moxley says he's mad at Gallows and Anderson "he's never liked them, but he really doesn't like them because he wasted his money on TalkNShop A Mania." Kingston asks Moxley, "can I say Bullet Club? Is it legal? I know they do the hand thing, but I remember seeing them years ago on TNT (referencing WCW Nitro). Kingston then quotes some lyrics from 2Pac.

They come back from a commercial; Dasha is interviewing Christian. Christian says, "he is not a workhorse; he is the workhorse." He says his attention is on Kenny Omega. Christian says, "he is in AEW to cement his legacy."

The Good Brothers vs. Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston

Eddie Kingston comes out for the next match, but The Good Brothers attack Eddie Kingston, Jon Moxley comes out to make the save. All four men are fighting outside the ring; the match has not started yet. The Good Brothers have the upper hand on Moxley and Kingston as they continue their beat down. The Good Brothers hit Moxley with the Magic Killer. Gallows gets Kingston in the ring; the ref calls for the bell, and the match begins. The Good Brothers continue their beatdown on Kingston; Gallows kicks Kingston on the side of the head. Gallows goes for the pin, but Kingston kicks out.

Jon Moxley finally makes it up to the ring; however, The Good Brothers control the match and are not letting Kingston tag in and continue the beat down. They go to another picture-in-picture commercial with The Good Brothers still controlling everything. Kingston finally gets some offense in and hits Gallows with a flying shoulder tackle. Kingston hits Karl Anderson with an exploder, and he finally gets to Moxley for the hot tag; Moxley hits Anderson with a release German suplex, he then hits a shotgun dropkick on Anderson. He then takes a shot at Gallows; Gallows then hits a massive clothesline. Moxley hits the piledriver, and he goes for the pin, but Gallows breaks it up.

Moxley then goes after Gallows and hits tope suicida. Moxley gets back into the ring, and Anderson hits Moxley with a massive spinebuster. Gallows and Anderson exchange tags and constantly double-teaming Moxley. The Good Brothers go for the Magic Killer, but Kingston stops it; Moxley rolls up Anderson into an inside cradle to get the pin and the win for Moxley and Kingston. The match ends, The Good Brothers attack Moxley, and Kenny Omega comes out, and then they begin attacking Kingston. The Good Brothers hit Kingston with The Magic Killer.

Gallows puts Kingston's leg between the chair, and Anderson jumps on the leg of Kingston. They then go to do it to Moxley, but they attempt to try and injure Moxley's neck, but The Young Bucks come out to make the save. The Good Brothers and Omega want The Young Bucks to do the "too sweet" hand sign, but they won't do it. Omega gets in the face and begins yelling at The Young Bucks. Moxley gets into the ring with a chair and runs off Omega, Anderson, Gallows, and Callis.

Winners: Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston

Tony Schiavone is outside the ring; he introduces both Sting and Darby Allin. Allin begins by saying he won the TNT Championship on November 7th and only has defended it three times. He says, "it is a joke"; Lance Archer interrupts the interview and says he is tired of Darby Allin. Jake, "The Snake" Roberts, tells Darby Allin, "he is a weenie boy" Taz comes out, but Brian Cage takes the microphone says, "Sting, you came here and were a hotshot. I want to say that I respect you and Ricky Starks is wrong, and you are still The Icon." Team Taz is surprised and starts surrounding Cage, asking him what he is doing. This surprises Sting, and everyone walks away.

Rey Fenix (W/ PAC) vs. Angelico

The match begins with a tie-up; it takes a good thirty seconds before someone gets the upper hand. Fenix hits Angelico with an arm drag. They tie-up again, and Fenix goes for the crucifix pin attempt, but Angelico kicks out. They go to another picture-in-picture commercial with Angelico controlling the match. They are now back from the commercial; Fenix hits the spike DDT. Fenix goes for the pin, but Angelico kicks out at two. Angelico gets up and snaps the leg of Fenix. Fenix nails the thrust kick to Angelico; Fenix hits the crucifix bomb to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Rey Fenix (w/ PAC)

After the match, Miro cuts a promo stating that he was ready to move on from Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor. Kip Sabian shows up and says he's not ready to end the feud. Miro says not to get in the way, and he has a destiny.

They go to Alex Marvez, who is with The Dark Order, and he asks which member of The Dark Order will face Darby Allin for the TNT Championship on next week's AEW Dynamite. Negative One says he will, but Evil Uno says maybe in ten years, but you are only nine years old. They decide it will be John Silver who will face Allin on next week's show.

They come back from commercials and go back for a quick promo with MJF. He says The Pinnacle will be taking over his office and places a sign on the door.

Unsanctioned Lights-Out Match
Dr. Britt Baker (w/ Rebel) vs. Thunder Rosa

The match begins when Rebel walks up behind Thunder Rosa and hits her with her crutch. Britt Baker then goes right after Thunder Rosa. Baker slams Rosa onto the platform outside of the ring. Baker starts showboating in-front of the camera. Rosa then begins attacking Baker with a chair; Rosa hits Baker with multiple chair shots. Rosa tosses Baker over the rail, and they go into the crowd. Rosa goes for a flipping senton to Baker, who is sitting on a chair; however, Baker moves, and Rosa misses. Rosa and Baker are beating each other down mercifully.

Baker stomps on the arm of Rosa on the diamond plate. Baker throws four chairs into the ring and goes back after Rosa. Rosa is busted open now and is bleeding. They go to a picture-in-picture commercial with Baker controlling the match. Baker is just laying it in on Rosa; however, Rosa hits Baker with a quick snap suplex. Rosa is now in control and attacks Baker with a chair; Rosa hits Baker multiple times. Baker is back up and gets Rosa to the top of the turnbuckle, and Baker suplex's Rosa onto four or five chairs. Baker goes for the pin, but Rosa kicks out at two. Rebel puts a ladder in the ring; Rosa then drives Bakers face to the ladder.

Thunder Rosa then places a ladder in-front of Baker. Rosa then does a shotgun dropkick, and now Baker is busted open. The Blood is pouring from Britt Baker's head. Britt Baker gets hit again, but Baker comes back and hits Rosa with a superkick. Thunder Rosa and Britt Baker are on top of the turnbuckle, and Rosa hits Baker with the Death Valley Driver on the ladder. Rosa goes for the pin, but Baker kicks out. Baker hits Rosa with the foot stomp onto a chair. Rebel then hands Baker a bag, and Baker then dumps the contents and its thumbtacks.

Rebel gets in the ring, and Rosa stops the attack by hitting Rebel with the crutch and knocks Rebel through a table. Rosa slams Baker onto thumbtacks. Rosa goes to cover Baker, and she kicks out at two. Baker puts the Lockjaw on Rosa, but Rosa gets out of it, which causes Baker to roll onto more thumbtacks. Rosa picks up Baker a short time later and hits the Fire Thunder Driver onto a table outside the ring. Rosa then pins Baker for the win.

Winner: Thunder Rosa

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