AEW Dynamite 6/26/21 Saturday Results AEW Championship Match Kenny Omega vs. Jungle Boy, and more

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- We are welcome to AEW Dynamite by AEW commentator Jim Ross.

Jordynne Grace Interferes In NXT Women's Title Match Between Jaida Parker And Stephanie Vaquer On NXT

- They immediately go to Alex Marvez interviewing Sammy Guevara; he gets hit with a chair almost immediately by Shawn Spears.

Adam "Hangman" Page vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Taz joins the commentary team and says that Powerhouse Hobbs wanted to go out by himself. Hobbs hits Adam Page with a big shoulder tackle. Hobbs then hits Page with multiple shoulders to the gut of Page; Page now getting some offense. Hobbs sends Page out of the ropes, and Page would act as if he would be going to for the Buckshot Lariat, but he did not.

Page goes after Hobbs and takes control of the match after getting multiple shots in on Page. Hobbs works on the ribs of Page; Hobbs hits Page with a suplex and then a headbutt. Hobbs goes for the Vader Bomb, but Page gets his legs up, slowing down Hobbs for a second. Hobbs would grab Page and throw Page into the ring post shoulder first, but Page actually hit the ring post head first and is busted open.

Page hits Hobbs with a few big kicks and hits Hobbs with a lariat. Page then continues to put pressure on Hobbs by diving over the top rope and landing on Hobbs. Page hits Hobbs with a moonsault; Hobbs recovers quickly and nails Page with a huge clothesline. Hobbs goes for the diving headbutt but misses; Page hits another lariat on Hobbs. He goes for the pin, Hobbs however, kicks out at two. Hobbs hits Page with a diving crossbody. Ricky Starks and Hook come out with the FTW title; Hobbs's attention is off of Page. Pages go for the Buckshot Lariat, and Hobbs counters it with a huge spinebuster. Page gets back up and hits Hobbs with The Dead Shot to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Adam "Hangman" Page

- They go to a short promo for tonight's main event between Kenny Omega and Jungle Boy.

- They go to a promo with The Young Bucks and Brandon Cutler; they talk about everyone they have beaten within the past few months and talk about their match coming up against Eddie Kingston and Pentagon Jr.

- We go to an interview segment with Tony Schiavone, Tully Blanchard, and Konnan. Konnan says nothing can stop Proud and Powerful and says, "I know that you guys are from North Carolina, where men are men and sheep are scared." Tully says he knows Konnan was a legend and says that his guys "FTR will end his game." Konnan says that when this is over, Walmart will still be hiring greeters". Konnan brings out his backup, and Tully shows footage of Proud and Powerful after they were attacked. Then "Konnan's guys" remove their masks, and it's FTR, and they attack Konnan and then celebrate with each other.

- Dante Martin makes his way out to the ring, but Vickie Guerrero walks out and introduces Andrade. Vickie says she knows everyone is waiting for their huge announcement; however, Matt Sydal comes out, and Vickie stops Andrade from getting involved.

Dante Martin vs. Matt Sydal (w/ Mike Sydal)

Dante Martin and Matt Sydal get into each otherss' faces and tie-up, with neither man gaining an advantage. Dante hits Sydal with a big right; Dante goes for an over-the-top-rope maneuver; however, Sydal meets him with a big dropkick. Finally, Dante hits Sydal with a bottom rope springboard and takes him down. During the match, Dynamite goes to their first picture-in-picture commercial break with Dante and Sydal exchanging multiple moves; Sydal eventually gains the advantage and punishes Dante with multiple submission holds and a flurry of offense.

We are back from the commercial break, and both men are on the outside trying to recover; Dante then goes after the leg of Sydal. Dante does a springboard moonsault and hits Sydal. Sydal and Dante are on the top rope, and Sydal knocks Martin off and then hits him with a Meteora. Dante hits Sydal with a flipping stunner and goes for the pin, but Sydal kicks out. Sydal hits Dante with the Lightning Spiral to get the win.

After the match, Sydal and Martin shake hands.

Winner: Matt Sydal (w/ Mike Sydal)

- We get a promo with Jungle Boy and says he's ready for his match against Omega; Christian Cage appears and tells him that people don't believe he deserves the shot but prove them wrong, and he walks away.

- They go to a promo with Jade Cargill and "Smart" Mark Sterling, and they say they reached a deal with and can get 10% off her shirts. She said the code word is ThatB

- We get a backstage promo with MJF and says that Dean Malenko should not be around this business, and they take shots at his health. Chris Jericho and Jake Hager begin attacking MJF, Wardlow, and Shawn Spears. MJF and The Pinnacle get the upper hand on Jericho and Hager. Spears is about to hit Jericho with the chair, but Sammy Guevara makes the save. Sammy gets the microphone and says that AEW chose the wrong guy to put on posters and action figures and says this week he will prove that he will beat MJF.

We get a promo with Miro talking about Brian Pillman Jr. and said he did not respect him and will find out next week's AEW Dynamite.

"All Ego" Ethan Page (w/ Scorpio Sky) vs. Bear Bronson (w/ Bear Boulder)

The match begins with Bear Bronson taking Ethan Page to the corner right away, and Bear has to be pushed off of him by the referee. Page then delivers a heavy right to Bear; Bear then comes back with a bunch of strikes to the gut of Ethan Page.

Bear hits Page with a nice powerslam, and now Bear grabs Page and slams his head into the turnbuckles three times. This sends Page out of the ring; Bear goes for a dive, and Sky pushes Page out of the way and takes the dive from Bear.

Page and Sky double-team Bear Bronson after the referee puts his attention on Bear Boulder. They come back with Bronson now is getting some offense and delivering a few punches to the face of Page, now Bronson begins hitting Page with multiple lariats. Bronson goes for a senton; however, Page moves, and Bronson misses. Then, they head out to another picture-in-picture commercial break with Page in complete control.

Bronson goes to the top rope; however, Sky distracts Bronson, which catches the referee's attention. Page has Bronson on the top rope and hits him with a suplex; Bronson is back up, and he hits Page with a sidewalk slam. Page then hits Bronson with a low blow, and Page finishes it by hitting Bronson with the Ego's Edge. Page then pins Bronson to get the win.

Ethan Page takes the microphone says that he is not done with Darby Allin; Page challenges Darby to a Coffin Match at Road Rager, July 7th in Miami.

Winner: "All Ego" Ethan Page (w/ Scorpio Sky)

- Britt Baker and Rebel cut a promo talking about her upcoming tag match against Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero.

The Bunny (w/ The Butcher) vs. Kris Statlander (w/ Orange Cassidy)

Kris Statlander and The Bunny tie-up, and Statlander gets the control and slams her down rather quickly. The Bunny hits Statlander with a slap; Statlander comes back with a kick to The Bunny and then a suplex. Statlander was using the turnbuckle to show off, and The Bunny hits Statlander with a superkick. The Bunny has complete control of the match and punishes Statlander as we go to another picture-in-picture commercial break.

We are back from the break, and The Bunny hits Statlander with a clothesline that knocks her over-the-top rope. The Bunny goes running at Statlander, and Kris hits her with a quick powerslam. The action returns to the ring, and Statlander is now in control after hitting her with a few punches. Statlander hits The Bunny with a Blue Thunder Bomb; Statlander goes for the pin but only a two count. Statlander goes to the ropes, however, and hits her with a German suplex. The Blade gets on the apron and distracts the ref as he passes brass knuckles over to The Bunny. Orange Cassidy gets in the ring to take the brass knuckles away; Statlander hits The Bunny with The Big Bang Theory. She then pins The Bunny for the win.

After the match, The Blade attacks Orange Cassidy. Angelico and Jack Evans now come out and start attacking Orange Cassidy with The Blade.

Winner: Kris Statlander (w/ Orange Cassidy)

- We get a promo with QT Marshall saying he is tired of Cody, and at Road Rager, he will be moving on from Cody.

- Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Jim Ross begin going over the card for the next Dynamite on Wednesday.

- We get a promo with Eddie Kingston and Pentagon Jr.; Kingston says that he knows that all The Young Bucks care about is their tag-team championships, and they have ego's, and Kingston says they will take care of that at Wednesday's Dynamite.

AEW World Championship Match
Jungle Boy (w/ Marko Stunt and Luchasaurus) vs. Kenny Omega (w/ The Good Brothers and Don Callis)

Before the match starts, referee Paul Turner orders The Good Brothers, Marko Stunt, and Luchasaurus to leave ringside. The match begins with a tie-up, and Kenny Omega grabs the hair of Jungle Boy and slams him down. Jungle Boy was attempting to do a springboard; however, Omega pulls him down. Jungle Boy comes back and hits Omega with a nice hip toss. Omega recovers and quickly sends Jungle Boy out of the ring and gets a few strikes on Jungle Boy. Omega gets Jungle Boy back in the ring but then takes him out of the ring again.

We go to the last picture-in-picture commercial, Omega is slammed onto the steel steps, but he recovers before Jungle Boy does as Jungle Boy also hit it. Omega would send Jungle Boy over the barricade and into the front row. Jungle Boy gets back into the ring, both men are exchanging moves, and each man misses their moves until Omega hits Jungle Boy with a backbreaker. Omega now delivers multiple chops to Jungle Boy; Jungle Boy goes for a suplex; however, he counters it into a rollup pin attempt. Omega kicks out; Jungle Boy hits Omega with a brainbuster. Omega goes for a snapdragon, but Jungle Boy moves out of the way; Omega escapes.

Jungle Boy hits Omega with multiple dives, who is on the outside. Jungle Boy hits another over-the-top-rope dive on Omega. Omega and Jungle Boy are on the top rope, and Omega hits Jungle Boy with a huge suplex. Omega goes for a V-Trigger but misses. Omega hits the snap dragon suplex and then hits the V-Trigger. Omega goes for One-Winged Angel; however, Jungle Boy counters and takes Omega goes for another V-Trigger but misses.

Jungle Boy has Omega in the snare trap; Omega makes it to the ropes. Anderson and Gallows come out, but Frankie Kazarian and Marko Stunt stop them, and they head back to the back. Omega goes for the one-winged angel, and he counters again into a pin attempt; Omega kicks out. Jungle Boy immediately puts Omega in the snare trap again. Omega gets out of it by gouging the eyes of Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy has Omega on top turnbuckle and escapes; Omega hits the Tiger Driver '98. Omega goes for the pin, but Jungle Boy kicks out. Omega then ends it with the One-Winged Angel.

Christian Cage comes out to make the save; Private Party and Matt Hardy follow him out. Matt Hardy goes for Twist of Fate, Christian counters to go for the Killswitch, and as he does, The Young Bucks are there and hit him with the Superkick. Hardy then hits Cage with the Twist of Fate, and the show goes off the air.

Winner: Kenny Omega

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