Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We'll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight coverage of every match on the card. Follow us on Facebook! Facebook.com/FightfulOnline.
- The show begins with a tribute graphic dedicated to former AEW TNT Champion Brodie Lee. AEW commentator Jim Ross begins the telecast, "It's Wednesday night, and you know what that means." Ross says that they are coming to welcomes us from Rochester, New York, which is the home of the late Brodie Lee. The show begins with the crowd chanting "Brodie Lee."
CM Punk's music hits, and he comes out and does a lap around ringside before joining the commentary for the evening. AEW commentators Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur begin going over tonight's card for this evening.
Adam Cole vs. Jungle Boy
Adam Cole enters the ring, AEW commentator Excalibur mentions that "All About Tha (Boom)" is number one on the iTunes chart. Adam Cole and Jungle Boy lock up, the crowd is still chanting. Cole has Jungle Boy in a side headlock; Cole holds it for fifteen or twenty seconds before letting go of Jungle Boy.
Next, Jungle Boy returns the favor and has Cole in a side headlock. Jungle Boy then takes Cole down with a shoulder tackle. Next, jungle Boy hits Cole with a big chop, an arm-drag, and a dropkick.
Cole has Jungle Boy on the outside; he delivers a few kicks to the ribs of Jungle Boy. Then, Cole sends Jungle Boy to the opposite corner with a hammer throw. He does it again to Jungle Boy; however, Jungle Boy takes Cole down with a strike to the midsection.
Jungle Boy and Adam Cole exchange multiple kicks to each other. Jungle Boy hits Cole with a belly-to-belly suplex and then follows it up with a German suplex. Jungle Boy goes for the pin; however, Cole kicks out. Cole hits Jungle Boy with a backstabber and then goes for the pin; Jungle Boy kicks out. Jungle Boy hits Cole with a reverse hurricanrana and then a running elbow. Jungle Boy slams Cole down hard and goes for the pin. Cole kicks out at two; Cole recovers and hits Jungle Boy with a superkick. The kick sends Jungle Boy to the outside, Cole goes for the Panama Sunrise, but Jungle Boy sees it coming and moves. Jungle Boy hits Adam Cole with a stand-up hurricanrana.
Cole and Jungle Boy get back in the ring; Cole hits Jungle Boy with a superkick and then the Panama Sunrise. Adam Cole goes for the pin, and Jungle Boy kicks out, which shocks Adam Cole. Jungle Boy puts the snare trap onto Adam Cole. Jungle Boy goes to the ropes behind Cole, and Cole hits Jungle Boy with a low blow. Cole then hits The Boom (Last Shot) to get the win. After the match, The Super Elite minus Don Callis make their way to the ring. The Good Brothers, The Young Bucks, Michael Nakazawa, and Brandon Cutler, and Kenny Omega meet Adam Cole in the ring.
Karl Anderson and Matt Jackson both do a few quick promos talking about how great they are; they hand the microphone to Nakazawa to let him say a few words. The crowd begins chanting for CM Punk; Kenny Omega takes over and says that he and Bryan Danielson went to the limit last week. Omega says Danielson will not get another shot. Danielson's music hits, and he comes out and says that he wants a rematch. Danielson says he knows what Omega says, and Omega has "no balls" the crowd begins chanting has "Kenny has no balls." Danielson then says, let's see if anyone in The Super Elite has balls to fight tonight. Danielson calls out some backup before he jumps into the ring with The Super Elite. Christian Cage, Frankie Kazarian, Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, and Marko Stunt come out to clear the ring, and we go to a commercial break,
Winner: Adam Cole
- We return from commercial break, and Tony Schiavone is standing with The Lucha Bros., but they get interrupted by Andrade Il Idolo, and he says he has some guys who will take those tag-team titles away from them. The Lucha Bros. accepts his challenge, and Andrade walks off.
Matt Sydal and Dante Martin vs. Cody Rhodes and Lee Johnson (w/ Arn Anderson and Brandi Rhodes)
Matt Sydal and Dante Martin come out first, and Cody Rhodes is out third and comes out to many boos. Rhodes goes to ringside and hands his weight belt to a child in the front row. Arn Anderson says a few words to Rhodes and Lee Johnson before the match begins. Cody Rhodes and Dante Martin shake hands before the match; both men go into the ropes and let go of the hold. Martin and Rhodes tag in their partners; Sydal kicks Johnson right away.
Sydal tags in Martin, Martin gets in a few heavy shots on Lee. Martin avoids a few of Lee Johnson's punches, and then both men start jarring, and now all four men are in the ring exchanging punches and kicks. We go to a picture-in-picture commercial break with Sydal and Martin in complete control of Lee Johnson. They hit Lee Johnson with a dropkick in unison, and that continues through the commercial break.
We return from the break, and Lee Johnson takes down Sydal with a big dropkick. Dante Martin and Cody Rhodes both exchange a few strikes. Rhodes hits Martin with a vertebreaker; Rhodes goes for the pin; however, Martin kicks out. Martin hits Rhodes with a big missile dropkick; Martin goes for the pin, and this time Rhodes kicks out at two. Martin hits a double stomp moonsault on Rhodes. Again, Martin goes for the pin, Rhodes kicks out. Lee Johnson tags himself in; Lee Johnson hits a pump handle neckbreaker and gets the win.
After the match, Cody Rhodes calls out Malakai Black, but Arn Anderson stops him right away, asking what happened? Arn says that Cody has been dropping the ball; Arn says, "you left your boots in the ring; we did not talk about that." Arn says that he does not coach losers, and he tells Lee Johnson to let's go, and they walk away, leaving Cody in the ring by himself as we go to a commercial break.
Winners: Cody Rhodes and Lee Johnson (w/ Arn Anderson)
Bear Country and Anthony Greene vs. Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston, and Darby Allin (w/ Sting)
Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston go right at Bear Country and leave Darby Allin in the ring alone with Anthony Green. Darby takes down Greene quickly; Darby tags in Kingston, and Kingston hits Greene with a few punches before Kingston tags in Moxley. Moxley gets a few punches in on Bear Boulder, Kingston and Moxley hit the Violent Crown. Moxley then covers Greene to get the win. Darby hits the Coffin Drop on Bear Country outside of the ring.
Sting then is called into the ring to hit Anthony Greene with Scorpion Death Drop, and he does.
Winners: Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston, and Darby Allin (w/ Sting)
16-Man Tag-Team Match
Orange Cassidy and The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Alex Reynolds, John Silver, Preston Vance, Colt Cabana, and Alan Angels) (w/ -1) vs. Hardy Family Office (Matt Hardy, The Butcher and The Blade, Private Party, The Hybrid 2.0, and Jora Johl)
The Dark Order members are arguing before the match begins. The Butcher and The Blade go after Preston Vance and take his mask off. Vance tags in Orange Cassidy and The Blade tags in Marq Quen. Cassidy takes down Marq Quen with a strike, and then Isaiah Kassidy goes after Orange Cassidy. Now, all sixteen men are in the ring fighting as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial break.
The Hardy Family Office is in complete control during the break as Jack Evans takes it to Stu Grayson. Alex Reynolds tags in, and he takes down Angelico. Jack Evans then begins to go for Reynolds; however, Reynolds runs into the Evil Uno. Uno, Stu Grayson, and Colt Cabana leave and are stopped by -1, Amanda Huber, Tay Conti, and Anna Jay. She orders them back, and they do; now The Dark Order is working great together they clear the ring quick. Uno, Grayson, Cabana, Reynolds, and The Dark Order clear the ring. Stu Grayson hits The Fatality and then pins.
Winners: Orange Cassidy and The Dark Order (w/ -1)
- We get a promo from Lio Rush, and he says he is now with AEW and will have an investment gimmick.
- FTR cuts a promo and says they are back with the best manager and have a renewed focus.
- Dan Lambert is out cutting a promo on Chris Jericho and talks about how Jericho is old, and the crowd begins chanting "shut the fuck up" Lambert. Scorpio Sky says things changed about a year ago, and that one person who has believed in him since that was Dan Lambert. Dan Lambert says The Men of The Year and American Top Team are the best in the business.
Penelope Ford & The Bunny vs. Anna Jay and Tay Conti
The match begins with Anna Jay and Tay Conti running down the ramp and attacking Penelope Ford and The Bunny; the match starts with Tay Conti and Penelope Ford. Conti lays into Ford and takes control for a short time. Penelope Ford hits Anna Jay with a double foot stomp from the top rope; Ford and The Bunny begin double-teaming Anna Jay as Tay Conti is outside.
They head out for another picture-in-picture commercial break with Ford still in complete control. Tay Conti gets the hot tag, and she takes out Ford; Conti tags in Anna Jay, and Ford takes down Anna Jay with a knee breaker. Next, Tay Conti hits The Bunny with the Tay-KO on the outside; Anna Jay locks in the Queenslayer, and The Bunny taps out. -1 comes out and celebrates with Conti and Jay.
Winners: Anna Jay and Tay Conti
- We get a promo for the upcoming match of Jade Cargill, Nyla Rose, and Thunder Rosa
- MJF comes out and says he wants AEW to be successful, which will continue as long as he gets what he deserves. MJF says that there are young wrestlers who will continue to help build this company. MJF talks about the pillars of AEW, and they are Jungle Boy, Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin, and himself. MJF says, without me, this company is not shit. MJF says he deserves to be the AEW World Champion. MJF tells Tony Khan, "out of all the Khan's in pro wrestling, you're definitely in the top two."
MJF says he has Bruce Pritchard on speed dial if Tony does not start giving him what he deserves. The crowd begins chanting for CM Punk; Darby Allin comes out and tells him to go. Allin says nobody cares and he can go; Allin says he is AEW until death. Allin says to MJF, "how can you be the top pillar because he's the only one who has held gold in this company." MJF tells the crowd, "why Allin is straight edge, and that's because when Allin was a kid, he got in an accident when he was a kid." MJF says Allin's uncle died that night, but the wrong person died that night. MJF tells Allin to hit him, and Allin thinks he won't let MJF break him mentally. MJF and Wardlow leave the ring and walkway.
TNT Championship Match
Sammy Guevara vs. Miro (C)
The match begins with Sammy Guevara going for a flying knee; however, Sammy misses. Sammy goes for another; however, Miro catches him and slams him down. Miro kicks and then slams Sammy Guevara hard into the mat. Sammy Guevara gets some offense in after he takes Miro over the top rope.
Guevara sends Miro into the steel steps on the outside of the ring; it does not take Miro long to recover and get back into the ring. Guevara gets a few shots in on Miro and takes him down to a knee. Sammy will try and capitalize and go for a top rope maneuver; however, Miro catches him and slows Guevara down hard onto the mat as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial break. Guevara and Miro are fighting outside the ring during the break, and Miro still has the upper hand even though Sammy gets some shots in on Miro. We return from the commercial break, and Miro has Sammy Guevara in a headlock.
Guevara has a second wind, and Sammy goes for a big knee strike; however, Miro catches Sammy and hits him with a nasty German suplex. Miro hits Sammy with a massive clothesline, Miro is trying to get the crowd involved more, and the crowd is chanting for him. Guevara hits Miro with a Spanish fly; Sammy gets in a ton of offense on Miro. Miro goes to end it; however, Sammy avoids Miro and hits Miro with two jumping knees. Sammy and Miro go to the top rope; Miro is about to suplex, but Sammy Guevara goes from the top rope and hits Miro with a cutter.
Fuego Del Sol is on the ropes and distracts Miro. Sammy then hits Miro with the swinging DDT. Now, Guevara nails Miro with the GTH almost immediately. Sammy goes to end it and finishes it off when he hits the 636 Senton on Miro. Sammy Guevara covers Miro to win the TNT Championship.
Winner and New TNT Champion: Sammy Guevara