AEW Dynamite Results For 6/30/21 MJF vs. Sammy Guevara, TNT Championship Match Miro vs. Pillman Jr.

Welcome to's live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We'll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight coverage of every match on the card. Follow us on Facebook!

- We are welcome to AEW by AEW commentator Jim Ross and the show begins with Chris Jericho making his entrance, who will be doing commentary tonight. Then, Tony Schiavone begins going over tonight's card.

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Eliminator Tag-Team Match
Eddie Kingston & Pénta El Zero M (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. The Young Bucks (w/ Brandon Cutler)

Eddie Kingston and Pénta El Zero M are in the ring first; once The Young Bucks get in the ring, Kingston and Pénta begin attacking them. Next, Kingston and Matt Jackson begin the match; Kingston controls the match and tags in Pénta, and Pénta plays to the crowd. However, he takes too long, and Pénta sends him into the corner and hits him with an enzuigiri and a senton.

Matt tags in Nick Jackson; The Young Bucks both pose for the fans. Pénta hits Matt Jackson with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Pénta gets in the ring and tags in Eddie Kingston for the hot tag. Kingston clears the ring; Kingston hits Matt Jackson with an exploder outside of the ring. Nick and Matt both hit Kingston with a senton. The Young Bucks have Kingston in the corner and continue to double-team and beat Kingston down with multiple strikes.

Kingston has enough for a second and gets some shots in, however it does not last long as Nick hits Eddie with a big knee to the head of Kingston. Kingston hits Nick Jackson with multiple headbutts in the corner; Kingston then hits a big suplex on Nick. Eddie makes it to Pénta for the hot tag; Pénta hits the corkscrew code red.

Pénta goes for the pin and gets the three-count, but referee Rick Knox says it was a two-count, and the crowd begins chanting, "it was three." Kingston hits a bulldog on Nick Jackson, and then a Pénta hits a neckbreaker. Nick goes for a superkick, but Pénta blocks it; Matt hits Pénta with a low blow. Next, they hit the Lucha Bros. finisher and the pin, but Kingston makes the save.

The Good Brothers show up at the ring; they distract the referee, which allows Brandon Cutler on the apron, and he goes to spray Pénta; however, Pénta ducks and Cutler sprays the eyes of Matt Jackson. Frankie Kazarian comes out to distract The Good Brothers and Cutler. Pénta hits the Fear Factor, and Pénta gets the pin and the victory.

Winners: Eddie Kingston and Pénta El Zero M (w/ Alex Abrahantes)

- After the match, they go to a backstage segment with Christian Cage telling Jungle Boy that he did great and will be a champion one day. Luchasaurus comes up and says "thank you" to Cage for having Jungle Boy's back while he was gone.

- Tony Schiavone is in the ring asking "All Ego" Ethan Page why he challenged Darby Allin in a Coffin match. Page says everything he does to Allin, "he just keeps coming back." He is doing this so he can wreck him mentally. Page says from here on out that every time you do a Coffin Drop, you will always think about me. The lights go out, and Sting walks out with a Coffin that is on wheels. They then show a short video with Allin. Sting lifts a blanket off the coffin, and Darby Allin gets out of the Coffin, and both Sting and Allin attack Page and Sky. Security then has to pull off Allin, who is gauging the eyes of Ethan Page. Page gets out of the ring and says that their match is off for next week, and maybe they can fight at Fyter Fest.

- Chris Jericho promotes his book.

Jack Evans vs. Jungle Boy (w/ Luchasaurus and Marko Stunt)

Jungle Boy comes out and sends Luchasaurus and Marko Stunt back to the back. The announcers say if Jungle Boy wins, it would be his 50th win in AEW. Jack Evans and Jungle Boy tie-up with neither man getting the upper hand. Jungle Boy attempts to go for the snare trap; however, Evans grabs the ropes right away. Jack Evans hits Jungle Boy with a dropkick; Jungle Boy comes back and hits Evans with a nice springboard arm-drag takedown. We have our first picture-in-picture commercial break with Evans now in control.

Evans is just laying it in on Jungle Boy, but Jungle Boy begins making a comeback when they return. First, Jungle Boy hits Evans with a huge clothesline; Evans gets back up and hits Evans with a dropkick. Next, Evans goes for a German suplex; however, Jungle Boy lands on his feet, takes down Evans, puts the snare trap on, and Jack Evans taps out.

After the match, Private Party and Matt Hardy attempt to attack Jungle Boy, but Luchasaurus, Christian Cage, and Marko Stunt save. Then, Cage takes Hardy down; Evans saves Hardy, and Hardy retreats.

Winner: Jungle Boy

- We get an MJF vignette talking about how he is disappointed in Chris Jericho, and next week, he will announce the stipulation for a match against Jericho. He tells Sammy Guevara that "after tonight, the people will say Guevara is the future of the business because I am the now."

- We get a promo with Andrade challenging Matt Something to a match on next week's Dynamite. He is referring to Matt Sydal but pretends he does not know who he is.

- Kenny Omega comes out to talk to Tony Schiavone; Kenny talks about everyone he has defeated and says he beat the most promising future star last week named Jungle Boy. Omega says he is taking time off because he does not have anyone worth facing him. Dark Order comes out, and Evil Uno tells Omega that someone ("Hangman" Adam Page) they know is worthy of a title shot. Omega says, "if you are talking about the person I think you, I don't think they have the guts to fight me. If he thinks that the person they are talking about is worthy, he's not."

- Brian Pillman Jr. cuts a backstage vignette and tells Miro that he made things personal when he went after his tag-team partner Griff Garrison. He says that he "will show everyone that he (Miro) is nothing but a Bulgarian bitch".

TNT Championship Match
Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Miro (C)

The bell rings, and Brian Pillman Jr. begins throwing multiple punches at Miro; however, the punches do not affect Miro as he grabs Pillman and tosses him about five feet. Miro then starts laying in some heavy shots on Pillman. Finally, Miro hits Pillman Jr. with a big fallaway slam as they head out to another picture-in-picture commercial break.

Miro is in complete control during the break; Miro sends Pillman to the outside again. Miro then hits Pillman with multiple slams. Finally, Miro gets Pillman back in the ring and delivers a European uppercut and then another for good measure. They return from the commercial, and Miro is throwing multiple shots at the chest of Pillman. Pillman now makes a comeback and hits Miro with a springboard dropkick. Pillman then dives feet first and knocks Miro down with a dropkick.

Pillman gets Miro back in the ring and hits a springboard clothesline; Pillman goes for the pin but only gets the one count. Miro gets kicked twice in the head but does not phase him; Miro then hits a big roundhouse kick. Miro then puts Pillman Jr. in the Game Over, and the referee calls for the bell as Pillman Jr. is out.

Winner: Miro

- They go to a backstage segment with The Dark Order and Adam Page. Page asks them, "what the hell are they thinking"? They tell Page that he is ready and encourage him as they head out for a commercial break.

- They go Team Taz, and Taz tells them that they will solve the issues with Brian Cage vs. Ricky Starks in two weeks on AEW Dynamite for the FTW title.

Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero vs. Dr. Britt Baker and Rebel

Before the match starts, Rebel pushes Vickie Guerrero, and then Britt Baker does the same. The bell rings, and Vickie Guerrero tags in Nyla Rose. Rose then goes after Rebel, and Rose gets a few shots in; Rebel tries to tag Baker, but Baker jumps off the apron to avoid the tag as she does not want to go against Rose. Vickie Guerrero tags in and gets some shots in on Rebel. Vickie tags Rose and Rose begins beating down Rebel again and has her in a submission stretch hold. They head out for a commercial break with Rose in control.

They return to action, and Rose hits Rebel with a sidewalk slam; Baker tags herself in and hits Rose with a sling blade. Baker goes for her glove and goes to put it on, but Rose hits her with a chokeslam. Rose then hits Baker with a flying knee. Rose goes for another move from the top of the turnbuckle, but Vickie gets pushed into Rose. This allows Baker to put in the lockjaw, and Vickie taps out. After the match, Rose attacks Baker and powerbomb Baker through a table outside the ring.

Winners: Dr. Britt Baker and Rebel

- We get a promo for next week's Road Rager and a promo with Jake Hager and Proud & Powerful talking about their next match next week.

MJF vs. Sammy Guevara

The bell rings, and Sammy Guevara goes right after MJF; however, MJF rolls outside the ring. Guevara and MJF each counter each other's moves, and they both do a strut. Guevara goes for the GTH; however, MJF avoids it. Instead, MJF goes for a backslide pin but a two count; Guevara does the same but a two count. Then each man does a roll-up pin, and each man gets multiple pin attempts by rolling back and forth. MJF goes to shake the hand of Guevara after the crowd claps for both men. MJF goes to shake the hand of Guevara; Guevara does not fall for it and punches MJF.

The action goes outside of the ring, and Guevara is thrown into the barricade. MJF goes to the outside and attacks Guevara. MJF rolls Sammy back into the ring and continues to attack Guevara with multiple kicks and punches. Then, they head out for another picture-in-picture commercial with MJF in complete control.

They return from the break, and now Sammy is up, and now both men exchange strikes again. MJF goes to the outside, and Guevara goes after him. Guevara slides in between the ring and the apron; MJF then hits Guevara multiple times. The action goes back to the ring, and MJF counters Guevara with a Liger Bomb and a pin attempt combination move, and Guevara kicks out. They both go to the corner, and Guevara hits a big Spanish fly. Guevara hits multiple enzuigiri's and then hits MJF with a big knee.

Guevara hits MJF with a destroyer and then goes for the pin attempt, but MJF kicks out. MJF is in the first row, and Guevara does a huge 630 dive and hits it. The action goes back to the ring as they get close to the ten-count. MJF hits Sammy Guevara's second rope Tombstone piledriver. Both men are down, and eventually, both men get up, and Sammy hits the GTH. Sammy goes for the pin; however, MJF's leg is on the rope. Sammy Guevara hits the 630 splash and goes for the pin but only a two count. Shawn Spears and Wardlow come out and cause a distraction. Spears hits Guevara with a chair; MJF then pins Sammy Guevara to get the win.

Winner: MJF

- After the match, we get a video package of some of the things we have seen that have happened at Daily's Place since the early stages of the pandemic.

Winner: MJF

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