Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 5/13/2023 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT.
We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE
Here's what is set for the show.
AEW Rampage (5/13/2023).
- The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) & "Daddy Ass" Billy Gunn vs. The Butcher, The Blade, & Kip Sabian.
- Toni Storm (w/ Saraya & Ruby Soho) vs. Allysin Kay.
- Action Andretti vs. Kyle Fletcher.
- Mogul Embassy (Brian Cage & Swerve Strickland) (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Dark Order (John Silver & Alex Reynolds).
- We'll hear from The Gunns (Austin & Colten Gunn).
Refresh the site for the latest update as the show happens.
Live Coverage.
- Jim Ross, Ecalibur, Tony Schiavone & Chris Jericho welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening match.
The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) & "Daddy Ass" Billy Gunn vs. The Butcher, The Blade & Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford).
Bowens ran the ropes before hitting a shoulder tackle on Sabian to begin the match. Sabian leaped over Bowens and hit a hip toss into a double stomp on Bowens. Bowens got back up and hit a gut kick, a knee lift, and a Famouser on Sabian. The blade tagged in, but The Acclaimed double-teamed him in the corner. The Blade hit a knee lift on Caster, but Caster responded with a body slam before he & Bowens hit Blade with the Scissor Me Timbers. Butcher tagged in and caught Bowens with a lariat before attacking Caster & Gunn. Butcher tossed Bowes to the outside before Butcher, Blade & Sabian scissored in the ring. After that, Sabian hit a Peruvian Moonsault on Bowens to the outside before bringing Bowens back in the ring. Butcher slammed Bowens into the corner with an Irish Whip before Blade tagged in and hit a Knife-Edge Chop on Bowens in the corner.
Butcher & Blade hit a Sideslam/ Leg Drop combo on Bowens for a near fall. Sabian tagged back in and locked in the Grounded Octopus on Bowens before transitioning into a chin lock before The bLade tagged in and hit a forearm strike on Bowens. Butcher & Blade tagged back in before Sabian tagged in and hit the Cannonball Senton and tossing Bowens into Butcher's Choke Breaker for a near fall. The Blade tagged in and went for a dive, but Bowens caught him with a back elbow, a chop, and a thrust kick on Blade before Gunn & Sabian tagged in. Gunn laid in Haymakers on Sabian, Butcher & Blade before hitting a huge Powerslam on Butcher, but Blade & Sbaina attacked Gunn. Caster hit a springboard dropkick on Blade and a Flapjack on Sabian before Gunn hit the Famouser on Sabian for a near fall. Caster hit a Thrust Kick on Blade before Bowens & Caster the Arrival/ Mic Drop combo on Sabian for the pinfall win.
Winners: The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) & "Daddy Ass" Billy Gunn.
- QTV talked about All In selling 63,000 tickets for Wembley before they tried to get dirt on people from Great Britain. On a backstage interview, Powerhouse Hobbs said that it did not matter who is telling the story, all that mattered was who is holding the pen.
Toni Storm (w/ Saraya & Ruby Soho) vs. Allysin Kay.
Storm began the match stomping away at Kay in the corner, but Kay responded with a vicious boot kick before firing away with punches. Kay slammed Storm into the corner before stomping her down. Kay was distracted by Saraya before Storm slammed Kay into the mat and booted her in the bottom rope before Soho punched her in the head. Storm hit the Hip Attack on Kay to send her outside, allowing Saraya & Soho to stomp her down. Storm continued to beat down Kay on the outside, including tossing her into the barricade before getting a near fall on Kay. Storm tossed Kay to the outside, but Kay attacked Soho & Saraya before hitting a Stunner on the apron, a neck breaker, and a lariat on Storm for a near fall. Storm hit a Tornado DDT before going for Storm Zero, but Kay reversed it with the Strong Zero on Storm for a near fall, thanks to the distraction of Saraya and Soho. Storm got Kay in an Inside Cradle before hitting a German Suplex and a Hip Attack before hitting the Spike Piledriver for the pinfall win
Winner: Toni Storm.
- The Gunns (Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) cut a promo, saying that they wanted their rematch for the AEW Tag Team Championships, but said that they will work to get the belts. Ethan Page confronted them backstage and told them that they needed a little help.
Action Andretti (w/ Darius Martin) vs. Kyle Fletcher.
The two young wrestlers locked up before Fletcher leaned Andretti into the corner. The two locked up again before Andretti got a Guillotine Choke, but Fletcher reversed it with a wrist lock. Andretti flipped out of the hold, but Fletcher responded with a Waist Lock Takedown on Andretti. The two locked up yet again before Fletcher leaned Andretti into the corner and pie-faced him. Andretti hit a wrist lock chop on Fletcher before catching him with a Mexican Arm Drag, an Inside-Out Hurricanrana, a Dropkick, and a Springboard Tornillo Splash on Fletcher for a near fall. Andretti got on the apron, but Fletcher wiped him off with a Single-Leg Kick to the outside.
Outside, Fletcher hit a Scoop-Slam on Andretti on the floor before tossing him into the barricade. Fletcher confronted Martin on the outside before getting Andretti and sending him back in the ring to get a pin on him, but Andretti kicked out at one. Andretti hit two body shots and a chop on Fletcher, but Fletcher responded with a Body Slam, spiking Andretti right in the buttocks for a near fall. Fletcher threw Andretti with a Hammer-throw before catching him with a running Back Elbow for a near fall before the commercial break.
Back from the break, Andretti laid in a series of body shots on Fletcher. Fletcher went for a Half-and-half, but Andretti landed on his feet and hit a body slam and a lariat to send him to the outside. Andretti hit a Tope Suicida on Fletcher to the outside before getting him back in the ring and going for a Split-Leg Moonsault, but Fletcher responded with a Thrust Kick. Fletcher aimed at Andretti and hit a Helluva Kick and a Sheer-Drop Brainbuster on Andretti for a near fall. Fletcher climbed to the top rope, but Andretti got him and hit a Superplex before hitting a Springboard 450 Splash for a near fall. Andretti went for a UFO, but hit a Gamonguri on Fletcher instead. Fletcher caught Andretti with a vicious Single-Leg Kick before connecting a second and hitting the Spinning Tombstone on Andretti for the pinfall win.
Winner: Kyle Fletcher.
- There was a video recap of the Steel Cage Match between Kenny Omega & Jon Moxley, where Don Callis spiked Omega with a Screw Driver.
- The Hardy Party (Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy & "Brother Zay" Isiah Kassidy) came to the ring to cut a promo. Matt said that he has had a wonderful week because the contracts of himself & Private Party with The Firm were deleted and that Jeff Hardy was back. Jeff Hardy said that he & Matt Hardy were aiming into winning the AEW Tag Titles, but The Gunns interrupted them because they were there to make a favor for Ethan Page. Matt Hardy said that he did not want to see Ethan Page's face ever again, but the Gunns responded by saying that he was scared. Matt Hardy challenged The Gunns & Page to a trios match, where if they won Etah page would buy Page's contract with The Firm, which The Gunns accepted.
- Mark Henry interviewed The Mogul Embassy (Swerve Strickland, Prince Nana, Brian Cage, Toa Linoa & Kaun) and Dark Order (John Silver, Alex Reynolds & Evil Uno) backstage. The Dark Order offered them a spot in the Dark Order, but Nana promised to put the Dark Order out of business.
Mogul Embassy (Brian Cage & Swerve Strickland) (w/ Prince Nana, Kaun & Toa Linoa) vs. Dark Order (John Silver & Alex Reynolds) (w/ Evil Uno).
Reynolds & Strickland locked up in the main event before Reynolds leaned Swerve in the ropes. Swerve leaped over Reynolds before hitting the Tijeras and climbing to the top rope for a Double Stomp, but Reynolds rolled out of the way. Cage tagged in, which prompted the "Meat Man" John Silver to ask to tag in. Silver & Cage had a flex-off before Cage hit a Gut Kick on Silver, but Silver responded with the Tijeras. Cage hit the Tijeras of his own on Silver before going for the Drill Claw, but Silver caught him and hit a World Strongest Slam on Cage. Silver went for a Brainbuster, but Cage evaded before Swerve lowered the rope to send him crashing to the outside and hit him with a pump kick off the apron. Swerve got control of the match and corners Silver before hitting an Uppercut on Silver's shoulder blades off the top rope. Cage tagged in and hit a chop on Silver before slamming him with an Irish Whip, but Silver hit a boot kick. Silver went for a cross-body, but Cage caught him and hit a Fall-Away Toss on Silver before flexing for the crowd. Swerve tagged in and hit a kick and a knee drop on Silver for a near fall. Swerve locked in a chin lock on Silver before sending him back in the corner to allow Cage to tag in and hit a pump kick on Silver.
Silver hit two kicks & a chop, but Cage caught him with a kick. Cage went for the Drill Claw, but Silver reverse it with the Brainbuster before Reynolds tagged in. Reynolds laid out everyone and hit an uppercut on Swerve, a sliding dropkick on Cage, a Roman Reigns apron dropkick on Swerve, a pop-up knee strike, a Tiger Driver & a Stuff Piledriver on Swerve for a near fall. Reynolds went for a Superplex on Swerve, but Prince Nana distracted the referee long enough to allow Swerve to drop him. Swerve went for he Swerve Stomp, but Reynolds evaded before Silver caught him with an Enziguri kick in the corner. Silver & Reynolds hit a Rllog Elbow, enziguri, Stunner/ German SUplex/ Jack-knife combination on Swerve to get the pin, but Cage slammed Reynolds right on the nards. Silver went for a dive on Cage, but Cage caught him and slammed him into the Apron before Swerve hit the Swerve Kick on Silver. Cage tagged back in, but Reynolds got an Inside Cradle on Cage before hitting a Discus Forearm and a Lariat. Reynolds ran to the ropes, but Cage caught him with a Liger Bomb before Cage & Swerve hit an Assisted Cutter to get the pin, but Reynolds kicked out. Silver hit an enziguri kick on Cage, but Swerve caught him with a kick. Reynolds kicked Swerve in the head, but Cage caught him with a Discus Lariat. Swerve hit the JML Driver on Silver to allow Cage to hit Reynolds with the Drill Claw for the pinfall win.
Kaun & Toa Linoa attacked Evil Uno after the match, but they were stopped when Keith Lee & Dustin Rhodes came to the ring to make the save. The Mogul Embassy stood tall on the ramp to end the broadcast.
Winners: Mogul Embassy (Brian Cage & Swerve Strickland).
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