Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 5/26/2023 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT.
We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE
Here's what is set for the show.
AEW Rampage (5/26/2023).
- The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) & Billy Gunn vs. LFI’s RUSH, Preston Vance & Dralistico (w/ Jose The Assistant).
- Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. & Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose & Marina Shafir.
- Ethan Page & The Gunns in action.
- Best Friends (Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor) vs. Big Bill & Lee Moriarty.
Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.
Live Coverage.
- Jim Ross, Excalibur, Chris Jericho & Tony Schiavone welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening match.
The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) & Billy Gunn vs. LFI’s RUSH, Preston Vance & Dralistico (w/ Jose The Assistant).
Bowens & Dralistico began the match, with the two evading each other's offense. Dralistico hit a Hurricanrana, but Bowens responded with a Famouser. Vance & Caster tagged in, with Vance hitting a lariat on Caster, btu Caster responded with an arm drag. Gunn tagged in and took off his t-shirt to the delight of the crowd. Gunn told Vance to suck it, but Vance responded with a forearm. Gunn caught Vance and hit a Fall-Away Slam and a Body Slam on Vance. RUSH came in and attacked Gunn before Vance & Dralistico tossed the Acclaimed outside too. LFI got back in the ring and stood over Caster before the picture-in-picture break.
During the break, LFI rained down offense on Caster, keeping him off the corner and on the outside of the ring before they attacked Gunn & Bowens on the outside, tossing Bowens over the guard rail. Dralistico hit a basement Thrust Kick on Caster in the corner before catching him with a chop. Dralistico went for a corner splash, but Caster evaded before the two took each other out with stereo lariats as Vance & Gunn tagged in. Gunn came in with the hot tag, hitting a lariat, a gut kick, and the Fam-Asser on Vance to get the pin, but Jose put Vance's foot on the rope to give Vance a near fall. Gunn & Bowes got Jose and hit the Scissor Me Timbers. Dralistico & RUSH pulled Caste r& Bowens out of the ring, allowing Vance to hit a Discus Lariat on Gunn for a near fall. RUSH attacked Gunn in the corner, but Bowens caught him with a thrust kick. Dralistico tagged in and hit a Springboard Code Breaker before going for a lariat, but Bowens caught him with the Arrival before Caster hit the Mic Drop for the win. After the match, Bowens declared their intentions on going for the AEW Trios Championships.
Winners: The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) & Billy Gunn.
Ethan Page, Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn vs. Unammed Opponents.
The Gunns dominated proceedings, stomping away at one of the members of the opposing team before they hit knee lifts/ lariat combo on him. Page tagged in. Another member of the opposing team tagged in, but Page hit a boot & an Iconoplasm on him before The Gunns hit the 3:10 To Yuma for the pinfall win.
Winners: Ethan Page, Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn.
- After the match, Page cut a promo inside the ring but was interrupted by The Hardys (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy). The Hardys said that the Ego's will be deleted and said that they were not afraid to face them 2 vs. 3. Isaiah Kassidy joined them and revealed that he was not cleared but did have a replacement, none other than the FTW Champion HOOK. The Hardys & HOOK came to the ring to attack the faction formerly known as The Firm, but Page & The Gunns left the ring.
- Dustin Rhodes & Keith Lee were interviewed backstage, with the two saying that they could not wait to be in the Blackjack Battle Royal and to confront The Mogul Embassy.
Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. & Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose & Marina Shafir.
Rose hit a gut kick on Shafir to begin the match. Shida pushed Shafir onto Rose before catching both with a running knee before Shida hit a suplex on Shafir onto Rose. Baker tagged in and laid in the elbow strikes on Shafir before hitting her with a suplex for a near fall. Shafir got back up and hit a ripcord boot kick on Baker. Rose & Shafir gained control of the match. During the pic-in-pic break, Rose hit a body slam on Baker before hitting a third and mocking Baker's taunt. Shafir tagged in and hit a series of body shots on Baker's abdomen before Rose hit a corner splash into a leg sweep on Baker. Shafir locked in a hold on Baker before Rose tagged back in, who booted Baker in the corner and locked in the Nerve Hold before the commercial break.
Back from the break, Shida tagged in and came in like a house of fire, hitting a Shote on Rose on the corner before firing away with elbow strikes, punches, and a Missile Dropkick on Shafir for a near fall. Baker tagged in and hit a Twisting Neck Breaker on Shafir, but Rose slammed Shida onto Baker to break the pin. Rose went for the Guillotine Knee on Baker, but Baker evaded before Baker & Shida tossed Rose to the outside, with Shida hitting the Meteora to the outside. Shafir hit two forearm strikes on Baker and a Judo Throw on Baker before going for a pin, but Baker trapped her. Shida hit the Katana Kick before Baker locked in the Lockjaw for the Submission win.
After the match, the titantron showed The Outcasts attacking AEW Women's Champin Jamie Hayter backstage.
Winners: Dr. Britt Baker, DMD & Hikaru Shida.
Best Friends (Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor) vs. Big Bill & Lee Moriarty.
Taylor & Moriarty began the match locking up before Taylor got a wrist lock on Moriarty, but Moriarty reversed it with an arm drag before dancing in the center of the ring. Trent tagged in and locked up with Moriarty before Moriarty hit a headlock takeover before playing the air guitar. Moriarty hit a chop on Trent before running the ropes, but Taylor caught him with a cheap shot before Morairty punched him off the apron. Trent & Taylor double-teamed Moriarty before hitting a double Delayed Vertical Suplex on Moriarty, but Big Bill hit a double lariat on Best Friends before the commercial break. After the break, Best Friends regained control of the match before hugging it out in the ring, but Big Bill came back and hit a huge Boss Man Slam on Trent before Moriarty & Bill hit a Double-team move for a near fall. Moriarty & Bill went for another move, but Trent & Taylor neutralized Moriarty before hitting a Superplex on Big Bill. Taylor hit a Piledriver on Moriarty, but Big Bill caught him flush before Big Bill hit a Chokeslam on Taylor for the pinfall win.
Winners: Big Bill & Lee Moriarty.
After the match, all hell broke loose as all members of the 21-Man Blackjack Battle Royal brawled on ringside. AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy came tot he ring to make the save for the Best Friends. Brian Cage tried to confront Cassidy, but was attacked by Keith Lee & Dustin Rhodes. Keith Lee stopped himself when Swerve Strickland. Strickland stared daggers at all the members of the match to end the broadcast.
- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.