Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 6/16/2023 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT.
We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on https://Twitter.com/Fightful and http://Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE
Here's what is set for the show.
AEW Rampage (6/16/2023).
- Aubrey Edwards, Mark Briscoe & Papa Briscoe vs. Karen Jarrett, Jeff Jarrett, and Jay Lethal.
- United Empire (Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher & Jeff Cobb) vs. CHAOS (Trent Beretta, Chuck Taylor & Rocky Romero).
- Taya Valkyrie vs. Trish Adora.
- Konosuke Takeshita (w/ Don Callis) vs. Bandido.
Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.
Live Coverage.
- Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Chris Jericho welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening contest.
United Empire (Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher & Jeff Cobb) vs. CHAOS (Trent Beretta, Chuck Taylor & Rocky Romero).
United Empire dominated proceedings at the beginning of the match, but CHAOS regained control after hitting dives on all members of the United Empire on the outside. Back in the ring, CHAOS cornered Will Ospreay with quick tags, but Osprey responded with a Corkscrew Kick on Taylor before tagging in Jeff Cobb. Cobb hit a Vertical Suplex Veal on Taylor before he & Fletcher hit a full Nelson/ Gut kick on Taylor. Fletcher & Osprey fired away with chops on Taylor in the corner before Ospreay hit a Spinning Backbreaker on Taylor for a near fall. Ospreay hit a headbutt on Taylor before tagging Cobb tagged back in. Taylor went for a Body Slam on Cobb, but Cobb dropped his weight. Taylor hit the Eat Defeat on Cobb before Fletcher & Trent tagged in. The two exchanged strikes before Fletcher went for a Suplex, but Trent Floated over Fletcher before hitting two German Suplex and a Saito Suplex on Fletcher. Trent hit a back elbow on Fletcher and went for a Tornado DDT on Fletcher, but Fletcher blocked it and hit a Brainbuster on Trent. Romero & Trent hit double knee strikes on Fletcher before hitting a double stomp & a dropkick on Fletcher as Trent went for a pin, but Cobb slammed Beretta with a German before Pouncing Romero into the corner. Trent & Romero hit a double knee strike on Cobb before Taylor hit a body slam on Cobb. Trent & Taylor hit the Eat Defeat/ German Suplex combo on Cobb. CHAOS hugged in the center in the ring but they were stopped by Cobb suplexing Trent & Taylor at the same time before hitting an overhead SUplex off a Powerbomb Hold. Ospreay tagged in a nd hit a Helluva Kick into a Diving Hidden Blade on Romero. Thins went down before Romero hit a lariat on Ospreay. Romero went for a Bulldog on Ospreay, but Ospreay tossed Romero into Fletcher hitting a Tombstone on Romero, which Osprey terminated by hitting a Hidden Blade for the pinfall win.
Winners: United Empire (Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher & Jeff Cobb).
Taya Valkyrie vs. Trish Adora.
Taya fired away with strikes on Adora to begin the match before catching her with two chops. Taya hit a series of corner lariats on Adora before hitting a Meteora on Adora for a near fall. Taya. pushed Adora's face to taunt her dominance, but Adora responded with a back elbow before attempting a pump kick off the corner, but Taya blocked it before hitting a Slingshot German Suplex on Adora. Back in the ring, Adora caught Taya with a dropkick before firing away with strikes on Taya, but Taya caught her with a Spear before locking in Adora in a Deathlock before hitting the Curb Stomp for the pinfall win.
Winner: Taya Valkyrie.
- The Hardy Party (Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Isiah Kassidy & Ethan Page) cut a promo backstage. The Hardy Bros accepted The Gunns's challenge promising to beat their asses before Hardy promised to make them famous.
Aubrey Edwards, Mark Briscoe & Papa Briscoe vs. Karen Jarrett, Jeff Jarrett, and Jay Lethal (w/ Sonjay Dutt & Stanam Singh).
Team JJJ dominated the early proceedings, with Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal double-teaming Mark Briscoe. After Mark Briscoe hi two arm drags on Jeff Jarrett, Jeff tagged in Karen Jarett. Aubrey & Karen had a staredown before Karne immediately tagged out. Papa Briscoe & Mark Briscoe double-teamed Lethal before slamming Mark's head into the corner. Lethal tossed Mark Briscoe out of the ring before Jeff, Dutt & Singh attacked Mark Briscoe on the outside. Back in the ring, Jeff Jarett hit a Russian Leg Sweep on Mark before stomping away at him. Karen hit a back rake on Mark, but Aubrey Edwards ran inside & outside of the ring before Karen tagged Jeff Jarrett back in the match. Lethal & Jeff Jarrett exchanged quick tags on Mark Briscoe before the commercial break.
Back from the break, Mark hit a double lariat on Jeff Jarett & Lethal before tagging in his Papa. Pappa Briscoe hit two wicked lariats on Jeff Jarett, a Hammer Throw on Lethal before catching him with a lariat. Papa hit a lariat on Dutt before hitting a Spear on Jeff. Aubrey & Karen finally tagged in, with Aubrey firing away with punches before hitting two Snapmares on Karen. Karen got a Guitar into the ring, but Aubrey hit a gut kick before getting the Guitar, but Lethal got in the way. Lethal demanded Aubrey to hit him with the Guitar, which she obliged. Karen went for The Stroke on Karen, but Aubrey evaded and locked in the Figure Four on Karen Jarrett for the pinfall win.
Winners: Aubrey Edwards, Mark Briscoe & Papa Briscoe.
- Taya Valkyrie was interviewed backstage before talking trash about TBS Champion Kris Statlander. Statlander interrupted and told Taya that it was not her fault she answered Jade's Open Challenge. Statlander offered Taya a match for the title for next week.
Bandido vs. Konosuke Takeshita (w/ Don Callis).
Bandido & Takeshita exchanged strikes to begin the match before Takeshita went for the Power Knee, but Bandido evaded before going for the 21 Plex, but Takeshita tossed Bandido to the outside before hitting a crossbody to the outside. Bandido & Takeshita brawled on the ringside area before the two headed back into the ring. Bandido got Takeshita and a Stalling Suplex on Takeshita for a near fall. Bandido got Takeshita again and went for a Second Delayed Suplex on Takeshita. Bandido tossed Takeshita into the apron before hitting Takeshita with a Hurricanrana on Takeshita off the apron as Don Callis joined ringside. Back in the ring, Takeshita hit a knee strike on Bandido before firing away with punches on Bandido before hitting him with shoulder blocks in the corner. Takeshita hit a senton on Bandido before going for the pin, but Bandido kicked out. Takeshita locked in an Abdominal Stretch on Bandido before slamming him into the mat. Takeshita got a waist lock on Bandido before catching him with a forearm shiver into the abdomen.
Takeshita went for a Helluva Kick, but Bandido evaded and hit a Twisting Crossbody, a Tornado DDT, and a Moonsault off the top rope to the outside on Takeshita. Back in the ring, Bandido went for a dive, but Takeshita evaded and hit the Blue Thunder Bomb on Bandido for a near fall. The two exchanged strikes before Bandido hit a One-Hand Military Press followed by a Frog Splash on Takeshita for a near fall. Bandido got Takeshita on the top rope, but Takeshtia bit Bandido's ear followed by hitting an Avalanche Lariat on Bandido to send the two crashing before getting a near fall on Bandido. Takeshita went for the Knee Strike on Banddio, but Bandido caught him and hit the Torture Rack GTS on Takeshita. Takeshita went for the 21 Plex, but Takeshita landed on his feet before Takeshita went for the Chaos Theory on Bandido, but Bandido landed on his feet. Takeshita went for a Powerbomb on Bandido, but Bandido reverse it with a Sunset Bomb for a near fall. After that, Takeshita went for a powerbomb on Bandido, but Bandido responded with a Hurricanrana for a near fall. Bandido ran the ropes, but Takeshita caught him with a Jumping Knee followed by a forearm strike to Bandido's neck. Takeshita ended proceedings by hitting the Power Drive Knee Strike for the pinfall win. Takeshita stood tall to end the broadcast.
Winner: Konosuke Takeshita.
- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.