AEW Rampage Results (5/13/22): Scorpio Sky Defends TNT Title Against Frankie Kazarian + More!

Welcome to's live coverage & discussion for AEW Rampage (5/13/22)!

We'll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.

Kamille Defends Damaris Lewis' Comments At AEW Revolution, 'She Was Trying To Put Over Wrestlers As Determined'


  • Scorpio Sky (C) vs. Frankie Kazarian — TNT Championship
  • Ruby Soho vs. Riho — Owen Hart Foundation Women's Tournament Quarterfinals
  • Death Triangle (PAC, Penta & Rey Fenix) vs. The Butcher, The Blade & Marq Quen
  • Shawn Spears vs. Bear Boulder

Live Coverage

The show begins and our commentary team of Excalibur, Chris Jericho, Taz and Ricky Starks welcome us to tonight's show and it's time for our opening contest of the evening!

Death Triangle (PAC, Penta & Rey Fenix) vs. The Butcher, The Blade & Marq Quen

Penta and Blade start this one off. Penta lands a super-kick and makes the tag to PAC, who unloads a punk kick into the mid-section of Blade. PAC wallops Blade with another kick, then a slam and Butcher trips PAC to the mat from the outside and drags him out there with him. PAC gets back in the ring, goes up top and cracks Butcher with a diving kick, Butcher makes the tag to Quen and PAC makes the tag to Fenix. Quen slams Fenix and goes for a standing moonsault, Fenix slides out but Quen plants him with a hurricanrana. Quen goes for a power-bomb but Fenix leaps out and plants him with a flat-liner. Fenix springboards himself off the ropes and lays Quen out with an arm-drag. Queen comes back and nails Fenix with a drop-kick that sends Fenix to the outside and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Blade is the legal man for his team against Fenix, who plants Blade with a hurricanrana. Fenix makes the tag to Penta cracks Quen with a slam then a lariat and makes the tag to PAC. Quen trips PAC but PAC leaps up and plants Quen with a German suplex and goes for the cover but Quen kicks out at two. Butcher and Blade trip PAC, Fenix and Penta hit tandem outside dives to dispatch of them then gets back in the ring and hit the Fear Factor on Quen, PAC follows up with the Black Arrow and gets the 1-2-3!

Winners - Death Triangle

— After the match, the lights go out and House of Black appear in the ring. Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews and Brody King stare down Death Triangle and the lights go back out...and House of Black are gone.

Shawn Spears vs. Bear Boulder

Spears taunts Bear with a '10' chant. Bear snags Spears in the air and tosses him over his head with a slam. Spears runs across the ring but Bear lands a cross-body then another slam. Spears trips Bear and sends him to the corner where he lands a few strikes, Bear powers out and shoves Spears to the corner but Spears rakes Bear's eyes, lifts him on his shoulders and plants the big man with the C4 Spike for the three-count!

Winner - Shawn Spears

After the match, Spears attacks Boulder with a chair until he's stopped by AEW officials.

Backstage, we see Lexy Nair, who's with Mark Sterling and Tony Nese. Sterling says the match against HOOK and Danhausen can't happen because he [Sterling] doesn't have proper wrestling gear. Nese tells Sterling it's fine and says he'll face HOOK and Danhause in a handicap match at Double Or Nothing.

Ruby Soho vs. Riho — Owen Hart Foundation Women's Tournament Quarterfinals

Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti are seated at ring-side for this one. A lock-up to start. Soho applies an arm-bar, Riho rolls out but Soho slides out and leaps herself off the ropes to reapply the hold. Soho lands a pump kick to the mid-section, Riho evades a running knee and goes for a suplex, Soho bridges, Riho gets in a head scissors and then lands a double stomp to Soho's mid-section. Soho shoves Riho aside and goes up top. Soho goes for a diving stomp but Riho slides out and unloads a bevy of forearms but eats a headbutt from Soho, who goes for the No Future but Riho slaps Soho's arms away and locks-in the Boston Crab. Soho struggles but gets to the bottom rope and grabs it to force the break and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Soho wallops Riho with an elbow then goes for the Blade Runner but Riho slides out and plants Soho with a power-bomb before going for the cover but Soho lifts the shoulders after a count of two. Riho rushes Soho but eats a kick to the face, Soho lands a back-body drop and then a cover but Riho kicks out and Soho immediately follows up with the Blade Runner for the 1-2-3!

Winner - Ruby Soho (Advances To The Owen Hart Foundation Women's Tournament Semifinals)

We then see Anthony Bowens and Max Caster of The Acclaimed alongside Billy Gunn, Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn or Gunn Club, backstage. Everyone starts arguing but Billy calms down the situation and everyone agrees to be on the same wavelength.

Tony Schiavone's in the ring and introduces TBS Champion, Jade Cargill along with The Baddies, Kiera Hogan and Red Velvet alongside Mark Sterling. Cargill tells Schiavone to 'cut the shit' and Schiavone announces that Hikaru Shida is not medically cleared to compete and Kris Statlander will replace her against Red Velvet in the Owen Hart Foundation Women's Tournament Quarterfinals. Cargill says that's good news and asks Sterling why he's wearing a neck brace. Sterling begins to explain but Cargill stops him and says that nobody cares.

We then see Mark Henry in a tri-box with TNT Champion Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian, who talk about our main event of the evening, which is up next, after the break.

Scorpio Sky (C) vs. Frankie Kazarian — TNT Championship

Kazarian takes down Sky to start. A brief back-and-forth ensues and Kazarian hits Sky with a fisherman suplex and goes for the cover but Sky kicks out. Another grappling exchange occurs and Kazarian applies a cross-face but Sky rolls out and cracks him with a back-breaker. Kazarian sends Sky to the outside then gets him back in where he scoops and slams the champion. Sky fights back and springboards off the ropes and plants Kazarian with a cutter before going for the cover but Kazarian kicks out. Kazarian goes for another cross-face, Sky pushes himself off the middle rope but Kazarian tightens the hold. Dan Lambert rushes down to the ring and distracts the referee. Ethan Page comes out of nowhere and lays out Kazarian with the TNT Title. Page drags Sky to Kazarian for the cover but Kazarian kicks out at two-and-a-half! Both competitors struggle to their feet but Sky plants Kazarian with the TKO for the three-count!

Winner - Scorpio Sky (C) (STILL TNT Champion)

After the match, Sky argues with both Lambert and Page, who grabs a microphone and says Sky's damn right that they interfered and asks Sky who's side he's on. Sky smirks and cracks Kazarian with the TNT Title and Guevara and Conti rush the ring, Sky, Page and Lambert retreat and the show goes-off-the-air!

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