Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for AEW Rampage (5/6/22)!
We'll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.
— The show begins and our commentary team of Excalibur, Chris Jericho, Taz and Ricky Starks welcome us to tonight's show and it's time for our opening contest of the evening!
Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. & Jamie Hayter (with Rebel) vs. Ruby Soho & Toni Storm
— Storm and Hayter start this one off. A quick back-and-forth ensues, Storm tosses Hayter to the mat after struggling a few times and makes the tag to Ruby, who locks up Hayter with a head-lock, Hayter powers out and makes the tag to Baker, who nails Ruby with a sling-blade then flat-liner into the middle turnbuckle before going for the cover but Ruby kicks out. Ruby makes the tag to Storm, Hayter tries to play interference but walks into a super-kick from Storm and Storm slams Baker onto Hayter. Baker fights back and plants Storm with an Air Raid Crash then unloads some strikes. Rebel gets in the apron for a distraction, Storm tags in Ruby, Hayter knocks Storm back, Baker goes for the cover but Storm kicks out, Rebel still distracts the referee but Storm rolls Baker up for the 1-2-3!
Winners - Ruby Soho & Toni Storm
— We head to the commentary table and Excalibur says that Eddie Kingston called in and said his wife couldn't stop crying after Chris Jericho's attack on him and now he's hell bent on making Jericho feel that same fear. Eddie hangs up.
— We then head backstage where Tony Nese and Mark Sterling are shown. Nese says he wants to know why he seemingly has to force his way onto being on TV. Sterling says they want a rematch against Danhausen, next week.
HOOK vs. JD Drake
— Drake locks-in a waist lock to start, HOOK counters into a submission of his own but Drake drags himself to the ropes to force the break. Drake unloads chops to HOOK's chest, HOOK slides out and gets in Drake's face and HOOK ducks under another chop and headbutt's Drake's hand before planting the big man with a suplex. Drake slides out of another suplex and goes for one of his own but HOOK flips over Drake and locks-in Red Rum to get the tap!
Winner - HOOK
— After the match, Danhausen comes down to the ring. Danhausen says he heard Nese's challenge and he has an offer for HOOK. Danhausen says he wants HOOK to be with him against Nese, Danhausen keeps asking, HOOK shoved him down and Danhausen offers HOOK a bag of chips with a bow on it. HOOK picks it up but drops it and walks out.
— We then see Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler of FTR backstage with Lexy Nair. Cash says Dax will win the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. Dax says he'll be damned if he lets someone like Adam Cole beat him and potentially win the tournament.
Riho vs. Yuka Sakazaki — Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Qualifier
— A lock-up to start. Yuka rolls up Riho but Riho bridges and drop-kicks Yuka for her troubles. Riho sends Yuka to the corner but eats a boot and Yuka drop-kicks Riho to the outside and follows her out there and nails her with a senton as we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Riho stomps on Yuka whilst back in the ring. Yuka spring-boards herself off the top rope but runs into a leaping knee from Riho. The first-ever AEW Women’s Champion plants Yuka with a German suplex then a roll-up exchange commences but nothing comes of it. Riho rolls out of a slam and into a cover but Yuka kicks out. The two competitors trade elbows and Riho uses her leverage to roll Yuka into a cradle and gets the three-count!
Winner - Riho (Qualifies For The Owen Hart Foundation Tournament)
— We then see the updated bracket for the Women's Owen Hart Foundation Tournament before we see quick promo from Shawn Spears on Wardlow
— Back at the ringside area, TNT Champion Scorpio Sky's in the ring alongside Ethan Page and Dan Lambert. Page says that the mixed tag match between he and Paige VanZant against Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti is now off because he doesn’t want his [Page’s] daughter to be subject to seeing Sammy and Tay ‘sucking face’ on national television. Frankie Kazarian interrupts and makes his way down to the ring. Page gets in Kazarian’s face and says SCU’s dead. Sky steps-in and says he wants to be a fighting champion and the days of the TNT Championship being passed around backstage like ‘Tay Conti’ are done. Sky tells Lambert to put the other TNT Title back in the case where it belongs and he accepts Kazarian’s title challenge and we head to a commercial break.
— Back from the break and we see Jungle Boy who makes his way out to the commentary table from the back. Starks retreats, Jungle Boy takes Starks’ FTW Championship and celebrates with it.
— We then cut to a tri-box of Mark Henry speaking with Jay Lethal and Konosuke Takeshita ahead of our main event of the evening, which is up, after the break.
Jay Lethal (with Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh) vs. Konosuke Takeshita
— A grappling exchange to start. Lethal goes for an arm-bar, Takeshita rolls out and takes Lethal down to the mat but Lethal kips up and lands a few chops to Takeshita’s chest and wallops him with a drop-kick. Takeshita rolls to the outside, Singh stares him down and Lethal attacks from behind, goes back in the ring and dives through the ropes a few times onto Takeshita and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Lethal lines up Takeshita for Lethal Injection but the latter dives out of the way and drills Lethal with a flying knee. Dutt distracts the referee during Takeshita’s follow-up pin attempt, Lethal kicks out due to the recovery time, Takeshita looks for a clothesline but Lethal evades and lands Lethal Injection for the 1-2-3!
Winner - Jay Lethal
— After the match, Dutt rushes the ring and the attack is on. Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor of Best Friends rush the ring and make the save. Singh enters the fray and takes out both Trent and Taylor, Cassidy escapes and out comes Samoa Joe but security stops him from attacking Lethal and the show goes off-the-air.