IMPACT Wrestling presented Victory Road 2023 on Friday, September 8. The event emanated from Westchester County Center in White Plains, NY.
Full quick-hit results can be seen below.
IMPACT Victory Road 2023 (9/8) Results
- Countdown to Victory Road: Alan Angels def. Little Guido (Nunzio). Angels issued an open challenge, won via Angels Wings.
- Bully Ray hit PCO with a car before reminding him that anything goes later tonight
- Countdown to Victory Road: ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) def. Most Professional Wrestling Gods (Moose & Brian Myers)
- IMPACT X-Division Championship: Lio Rush (c) def. KUSHIDA. Rush hit a low blow with the referee's back turned. Frog Splash for the victory.
-PCO woke up in the trainer's room and demanded to find Bully Ray.
- IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Championships: MK Ultra (Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly) (c) def. Savannah Evans & Gisele Shaw
- PCO continues chasing after Bully Ray. Ray attacks him from behind with a chair and attempts to light him on fire before PCO saves himself at the very end.
- Crazzy Steve def. Black Taurus
- Tommy Dreamer says that no matter what happens tonight, he will accept the outcome and shake Kenny King's hand, but he isn't going down without a fight
- IMPACT Digital Media Championship vs. Tommy Dreamer's Career: Tommy Dreamer def. Kenny King (c). Heath hit King with a Wake Up Call while the referee was distracted.
- Jordynne Grace def. Deonna Purrazzo
- Anything Goes Match: PCO def. Bully Ray. Santino Marella hit Ray with a Cobra after Ray hit him because Santino wouldn't allow Ray to leave the match.
- Gia Miller interviews Eric Young and Scott D'Amore. They reflect on being on the first episode of IMPACT and IMPACT 1000. Young says he will wrestle on Thursday.
- IMPACT World Tag Team Championship: The Rascalz (c) def. Motor City Machine Guns. The Good Hands got involved, causing a distraction for The Machine Guns.
- IMPACT Knockouts World Championship: Trinity (c) def. Alisha Edwards. Eddie Edwards tried to put Trinity through a table. Frankie Kazarian and Traci Brooks came out to stop him. Trinity eventually splashes Eddie through a table. Alisha tried to use Kenny on Trinity, but she kicked out and finally pinned Alisha to retain her championship.
- In October, Mike Tenay and Don West will be inducted into the IMPACT Hall of Fame at Bound For Glory.
- Josh Alexander def. Steve Maclin
At #BoundForGlory, we will honor the iconic, incomparable announce team of @RealMikeTenay and Don West as they will be inducted into the IMPACT Hall of Fame on October 21 in Chicago.
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) September 9, 2023
C4 SPIKE! @Walking_Weapon @SteveMaclin #VictoryRoad
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) September 9, 2023
.@TheEddieEdwards seizes the opportunity to TAKE OUT @TheTrinity_Fatu for the SECOND TIME! #VictoryRoad
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) September 9, 2023
EXCLUSIVE: @THETOMMYDREAMER is the NEW Digital Media Champion and his legendary career lives on! #VictoryRoad
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) September 9, 2023
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