IMPACT Wrestling (11/17/2022) Results: Eric Young vs Sami Callihan, Steve Maclin, MCMG Compete

Welcome to the live discussion & coverage for the 11/17/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV & YouTube (Membership Only). We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on and


Oba Femi Becomes Longest Reigning NXT North American Champion

- Death Machine's Double Jeopardy Match: Eric Young vs. Sami Callihan.

- Old School Rules Match: Tommy Dreamer vs. Steve Maclin.

- Shera & Raj Singh vs. Aussie Open (Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher) vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) vs. Bullet Club (Chris Bey & Ace Austin).

- Jessicka (w/ Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary) vs. Tasha Steelz (w/ Savannah Evans).

- X-Division Tournament Semifinal: PJ Black vs. Black Taurus.

- Laredo Kid vs. Rich Swann.

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IMPACT Wrestling (11/17/2022) Live Coverage.

- After a preview video package for the show, Tom Hannifan & Matt Rehwoldt welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match.

X-Division Tournament Semifinal.

PJ Black vs. Black Taurus (w/ Crazzy Steve).

The match began with Taurus and Black locking up before Taurus ran the ropes and hit a shoulder tackle on Black. Black and Taurus evaded each other's offense before the two began exchanging lateral presses. The two exchanged arm drags before Black hit a Monkey Flip on Taurus. Taurus got up and placed Black on the top turnbuckle before slapping him to the outside. Taurus slid to the outside, but Black got back in the ring and hit spring board move on Taurus to the outside. Black ran down the ramp and hit a front senton on Taurus. Steve ordered Taurus to destroy Black, but Black greeted Taurus by stomping him. Black went for an Asai Moonsault, but Taurus hit a back elbow, a spinning heel kick to the abdomen, and a power slam on Black for a near fall. Taurus hit a reverse sling blade and a normal sling blade for a near fall before getting Black back up and hitting a pop-up Samoan Drop on Black for a near fall. Taurus went for another pop-up move, but Black reversed it mid-air with a Meteora before hitting a top rope double-stomp on Taurus. Taurus got to the top rope, but Black met him on top and hit an Avalanche Spanish Fly for a near fall. Taurus and Black exchanged chops and kicks before Black hit a leaping spinning heel kick on Taurus, but Taurus responded with a headbutt on Black before getting him up and hitting the Destination Hellhole on Black for the pinfall win, advancing to the X-Division Tournament Finals. Taurus will face Trey Miguel to crown a new X-Division Champion.

Winner: Black Taurus (w/ Crazzy Steve).

- Scott D'Amore hosted a contract signing to make the match between Frankie Kazarian & IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander for the world title on Overdrive, with their wives Traci Brooks & Jadie Chung. Kazarian said that the way Alexander carried himself as a champion, a man, and a husband made him respect him but warned him that he was sorry that it was him and that he would dethrone Kazarian for the title. After Chung got involved, Alexander and Kazarian started arguing before Kazarian said that he would save it for Overdrive.

- Kazarian confronted Alexander to apologize for his words but was confronted by Bully Ray. Ray told Alexander that he would cash in his Call Your Shot Trophy for the title. Kazarian told Ray he did not trust him and reminded Alexander about it, but Alexander told him that he did not care and that he would still face him for the title if needed.

Shera & Raj Singh vs. Aussie Open (Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher) vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) vs. Bullet Club (Chris Bey & Ace Austin).

Fletcher and Austin locked up before they started exchanging arm breakers. Austin hit a headlock takedown on Fletcher before hitting an arm drag takedown on Fletcher. Austin hit a leaping kick before Bey leaped over Austin's back into Fletcher in the corner before connecting a double stomp on Fletcher. Austin & Bey did a double drop-toe hold on Fletcher before hitting stereo-dermis destroyers on Fletcher. Singh tagged in for Fletcher before hitting flapjack on Austin onto the top turnbuckle. Shera & Singh hit a drop-toe hold/ elbow drop on Austin for a near fall. Singh hit a flat liner n Austin for a near fall before connecting a suplex on Austin for a near fall before the commercial break. Back from the break, Shera hit a spear on Austin in the corner. Austin tagged in Sabin, who hit a dropkick on Shera, series of punches on Singh, and a vicious lariat on Singh. Sabin then hit a cutter on Austin before he and Shelley hit an assisted Flat Liner on Bey before hitting the Bullet Point on Singh. Shera got back in the ring and hit a double lariat on MCMG, but Davis & Fletcher hit double superkicks on Shera. Austin tagged in and hit a crossbody on Davis before tossing Fletcher to the outside. Davis hit a one-hand powerbomb, a pimp slap on Austin. Davis & Fletcher hit a Fireman's carry into a roundhouse kick on Bey before he and Fletcher hit a Spinning body lift into a diving cutter on Bey for a near fall. Fletcher and Davis attacked Austin and went for Corealis, but Bey hit a Hurricanrana on Davis. Bey and Austin sent them to the outside before Bey hit a Tope Con Giro onto the pile. Back in the ring, Bey hit the Art of Finesse on Fletcher before Austin connected the Fold on Fletcher for the pinfall win.

Winners: Bullet Club (Chris Bey & Ace Austin).

- IMPACT Knockout's Champions Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie were backstage wondering where Jessicka was. Valkyrie said that she would take Jessicka's place in the match against Tasha Steelz after the break.

Tasha Steelz (w/ Savannah Evans) vs. Taya Valkyrie (w/ Rosemary).

Valkyrie stomped down Steelz to begin the match. Valkyrie tossed Steelz into the corner before a thrust kick to the abdomen, a big boot, and a clothesline on Steelz for a near fall. Valkyrie hit two back elbows, a corner lariat, and a running Meteora on Steelz for a near fall. Valkyrie went for a corner spear, but Steelz evaded and hit a code breaker on Valkyrie for a near fall. Steelz went for a Crucifix Bomb, but Valkyrie got her up. Valkyrie went for the Glam Slam, but instead turned it into a Victory Roll for the pinfall win.

Winner: Taya Valkyrie (w/ Rosemary).

- Evans and Steelz attacked Valkyrie & Rosemary from behind before a "drunk" Jessicka came in to make the save for the Deathdollz. Jessicka hugged Rosemary & Valkyrie after making the save.

- Josh Alexander confronted Tommy Dreamer backstage ahead of his match against Steve Maclin. Dreamer said that Bully Ray came in to change his legacy and that he was a changed man. Dreamer said that he trusted Ray and that Alexander can trust him too.

- There was a pre-recorded promo of an injured Trey Miguel, saying that he had his target on regaining the X-Division Championship.

Old School Rules Match.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Steve Maclin.

The match began with Maclin and Dreamer locking up before Maclin hit a body slam on Dreamer. Dreamer got up and hit elbows strikes on Maclin's arm before hitting a hip toss on Maclin. Dreamer clotheslined himself and Maclin to the outside before Dreamer got two frying pans and hit Macln in the head with them. Dreamer unskinned the ringside floor before slamming a fan's beer on Maclin's foreheadMaclin slammed Dreamer onto the ring post before hitting an elbow drop off the apron on Dreamer. Maclin and Dreamer got back in the ring before Maclin got a chinlock on Dreamer. Dreamer hit two elbow strikes on Maclin but Maclin hit a back elbow on Dreamer. Maclin threw four chairs, a tool, and a kendo stick to the ring. Maclin got back in the ring but Dreamer caught him with a knee strike, southpaw strikes, and sat Maclin on a chair before hitting a running crossbody on Maclin onto the chair for a near fall. Dreamer went for an elbow drop on Maclin onto a chair, but Maclin evade and hit Dreamer three times with a kendo stick. Dreamer hit a kendo stick-assisted leg sweep and three kendo stick strikes on Maclin. Maclin hit a wicked Angle Slam on Dreamer for a near fall before Dreamer locked in a kendo-assisted sleeper on Maclin. Dreamer tossed a trash can onto Maclin's head before Dreamer threw food and water on Maclin's head. Dreamer hit a cutter on Maclin for a near fall. Maclin placed a trash can on the corner before setting up a table on the ring corner. Maclin slammed Dreamer onto the trash can before hitting a DDT onto a stack of chairs on Dreamer for the pinfall win.

Winner: Steve Maclin.

- Maclin was attacked by Bully Ray before Moose attacked Ray. Josh Alexander came into the aid of Bully Ray and hit a series of German Suplexes on Maclin and Moose. Ray and Alexander hit a double chokeslam on Maclin onto a table before the two exchanged each other's items.

- Masha Slamovich was in a sit-down interview with Masha Slamovich backstage. Slamovich spoke in Russian during the interview, saying that she almost beat everyone on the roster and ran her down for asking her about her one loss. Slamovich told Miller that she was not a fighter and said that she expects Death from her match against Jordynne Grace in Overdrive.

Laredo Kid vs. Rich Swann.

Swann hit a spinning kick on Laredo Kid to begin the match. Laredo Kid hit a Hurricanrana off the middle rope, a neck breaker, and a Triangle Cross body on Swann to the outside. Back in the ring, Laredo kid hit a forearm strike, a falcon arrow, and two Crokscrew splashed on Swann for a near fall. Laredo Kid went for a top rope moonsault, but Swann lifted his boot to block the move. Swann hit a neck breaker and a kick back on Laredo Kid for a near fall. Laredo Kid hit a German Suplex, a thrust kick, and a Frog Splash on Swann for a near fall. Laredo Kid hit a vicious slap on Swann before placing Swann on the top rope. Swann pushed Laredo Kid off the top rope and hit a spinning heel kick and a Lethal Injection on Laredo Kid for a near fall. Swann got to the top rope and hit a 450 Splash on Laredo Kid for the pinfall win.

Winner: Rich Swann.

- Taylor Wilde and Mickie James were backstage talking about their anticipation for their match on Overdrive. Wilde explained to James that she wanted to help out James before confessing that if there was anyone to end James' career it would be her. James was rightfully bamboozled by Wilde's wild statement.

- There was a video package hyping up the IMPACT Championship Match between Josh Alexander and Frankie Kazarian ahead of their match in Overdrive.

Death Machine's Double Jeopardy Match.

Eric Young (w/ Deaner, Alan Angels & Kon) vs. Sami Callihan.

Deaner, Angels & Kon attacked Callihan ahead as he was making his entrance, with Callihan busted open following Deaner's headbutts. The match officially began with Callihan getting back up and hitting a double-leg takedown on Young. Young hit a Death Valley Driver on Callihan before he rolled out of the ring. On the ringside area, Young gauged Callihan in the open wound. Callihan hit Young with a water bottle before hitting a chop on Young, but Young responded by decking Callihan with a punch. Young went for a suplex on Callihan on the outside, but Callihan reversed it into a suplex of his own on Young on the outside. Calllihan got a picture of the Deathdollz before ramming the picture on Young's mouth and biting piece off the picture. Young got up and hit a back suplex on Callihan onto the apron before laying in the elbow strikes on Callihan on the apron. Young got on the apron and laid in his boot on Callihan's head. Young booted Callihan in the head, but Callihan asked for more. Callihan and Young racked each other's eyes before Callihan bit Young in the forehead before hitting a Death Valley Driver on Young onto the apron, busting Young open before the commercial break. Back from the break, Callihan bit Young's head Callihan squeezed Young head onto the ring post before Young punched Callihan in the head to break the hold. Callihan rammed Young's shoulder onto the ring post. Young went for a piledriver on Callihan on the outside, but Callihan countered it with a back-drop on Young onto the ringside floor. Callihan tossed a trash can onto the ring before he and Young got in the ring. Young hit Callihan with a trash can lid on his head and leg before locking in a knee bar on Callihan but Callihan reversed it with a Figure Four leg lock on Young. Young broke the hold by booting Callihan in the head. Callihan and Young got back up before exchanging chops before starting to exchange headbutts before the two collapsed onto the mat. Young ran the ropes before hitting Piledriver on Callihan, but Callihan kicked out at two. Young went for another piledriver, but Callihan pinched Eric's Young's before hitting a piledriver on Young for a near fall. Callhan fired away with a trash can lid before hitting a second and definitive Piledriver on Young for the pinfall win.

Winner: Sami Callihan.

With blood pouring all over the mat and the faces of the competitors, Callihan walked out of the ring as Deaner, Angels and Kon confronted Young in the ring. The three stared down at the prone & bloody Young on the mat as the broadcast ended.

- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube channel. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.

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