Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage 1/19/2023 edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV. We will bring results for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE
- IMPACT begins with an opening graphic of Jay Briscoe
IMPACT begins with an "In Memory" graphic for Jay Briscoe with Tom Hannifan narrating.#IMPACTonAXSTV #ImpactWrestling pic.twitter.com/4IqWCrjr7V
— Rob Wilkins - FIGHTFUL.com & FIGHTFULSELECT.com (@robwilkins) January 20, 2023
- Mickie James began the show by celebrating her IMPACT Knockouts Title victory. Bully Ray interrupted. Bully demanded Mickie leave, but she resisted. Bully said he was the "main event" Hard to Kill and made Josh Alexander a name that people know. Tasha Steelz, and Savannah Evans come out and cut a promo and begin attacking Mickie. Jordynne Grace and Frankie Kazarian made the save. Santino Marella and Ernest “The Cat” Miller came out to set up a tag match.
.@bullyray5150 thinks HE is the reason #HardToKill was SOLD OUT and @MickieJames isn't having it! #IMPACTonAXSTV pic.twitter.com/xxGYHDlIsC
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) January 20, 2023
Mickie James, Jordynne Grace, and Frankie Kazarian vs. Tasha Steelz, Savannah Evans, and Bully Ray
The match begins with Jordynne Grace and Tasha Steelz, Grace takes down Steelz quickly. Steelz tags in Savannah Evans, and Grace takes down Evans with ease. Grace now gets in the face of Bully Ray. A few minutes later. While the ref is not paying attention, Bully Ray gets a shot in on Mickie James. James pins Steelz to get the victory. After the match, Masha Slamovich comes out and shoves her contract in Mickie James face, and James shoves it back, and they have a stare down.
Winner: Mickie James, Jordynne Grace, and Frankie Kazarian
.@MickieJames picks up the win but the #1 contender for the Knockouts World Championship is here with a death warrant in hand! @mashaslamovich #IMPACTonAXSTV pic.twitter.com/C73cTHQ0wp
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) January 20, 2023
- Santino Marella sets up Dirty Dango vs. Steve Maclin after a backstage segment.
Deonna Purrazzo vs. Ashley D’Amboise
Deonna makes quick work of D'Amboise after hitting the Queen's Gambit.
Winner: Deonna Purrazzo
- They set up Trey Miguel vs. Mike Jackson for the X Division Championship Match for next week's IMPACT.
Killer Kelly vs. Taylor Wilde
The match begins with Killer Kelly taking Taylor Wilde down with a quick slam. Killer Kelly nails Wilde with multiple headbutts and a dropkick. Kelly locks in the Killer Klutch, and Wilde taps out.
Winner: Killer Kelly
- We get a vignette from The Design telling Sami Callahan he will be in next week's Six-Shooter match on IMPACT.
- Santino Marella is backstage telling Josh Alexander he will defend his title in a Golden Six-Shooter match.
Dirty Dango vs. Steve Maclin
Dirty Dango gets some offense to begin the match. However, Steve Maclin exits the ring when Dango goes to try and finish it off. When Maclin enters the ring again, he takes complete control. Maclin Tags and Bags and hits the DDT on Dango and pins him for the win.
Winner: Steve Maclin
.@SteveMaclin TAGS AND BAGS @DirtyDangoCurty on #IMPACTonAXSTV! pic.twitter.com/ESxuSUwMMW
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) January 20, 2023
- We get a promo with Dave LaGreca of Busted Open on XM Radio and interviews his co-host Tommy Dreamer. LaGreca asks Dreamer if he and Bully Ray can overcome their issues and be friends again, and Dreamer says no.
- IMPACT announces matches for next week's show.
X Division Title Match Trey Miguel vs. Mike Jackson
Major Players vs. Ace Austin & Chris Bey
Tag Titles: Death Dollz vs. Gisele Shaw & Mystery Partner
Golden Six Shooter: Moose vs. Sami Callihan vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Rich Swann vs. Chris Sabin vs. Rhino
Pit Fight
Kenny King vs. 'Speedball' Mike Bailey
There are no ropes for this match. It has the GCW Bloodsport/Raw Underground style look. Kenny King hits Mike Bailey with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Bailey comes back a short time later and nails King with a ton of quick and heavy kicks. Bailey hits King with a flying side kick.
King hits Bailey with a spinebuster, but Bailey is not knocked out. Mike Bailey goes for his finishing move off the top of the ring post to the floor, but King kicks him while Bailey is flying in the air. The crowd is chanting for Bailey. Bailey hits King with a cross arm breaker and adds double knees to the chest. King is not defending himself! Bailey lays a chair on the head of King and kicks the chair, and King is knocked out and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: 'Speedball' Mike Bailey
.@SpeedballBailey is victorious in the FIRST-EVER PIT FIGHT!#IMPACTonAXSTV pic.twitter.com/d0eUwRpemQ
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) January 20, 2023
Fightful has exclusive interviews with some of your favorite IMPACT Wrestling stars. Check out one of our recent interviews with IMPACT Knockout's Champion Mickie James by clicking here.