Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 12/15/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE
Here's what is set for the show:
IMPACT Wrestling (12/25/2022)
- IMPACT Tag Team Championship Match/ Major Players (Matt Cardona & Brian Myers) Banned: Heath & Rhino (c) vs. MCMG (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin).
- Eddie Edwards vs. Delirious.
- Bully Ray vs. John Skyler.
- Alan Angels (w/ Deaner & Kon) vs. Sami Callihan.
- Major Players (Matt Cardona & Brian Myers) vs. Decay (Black Taurus & Crazzy Steve).
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Live Coverage.
- Tom Hannifan & Matt Rehwoldt welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match.
Eddie Edwards vs. Delirious
Edwards & Delirious locked up before Edwards leaned Delirious into the corner before he hit a chop on Delirious in the corner. The two exchanged wristlocks before the two did a standoff. The two got a Greko-Roman Lock-Up before Delirious did a takedown into a lateral press on Edwards for a near fall. The two went for pin attempts before Delirious hit two arm drags, but Edwards responded with a chop to the chest. Edwards pulled Delirious back up, but Delirious hit a chop in response. Edwards hit a shoulder tackle on Delirious, but Delirious got up and caught him with a dropkick. Delirious slammed Edwards into the turnbuckle, but Edwards responded with an atomic drop into an overhead toss on Delirious. Edwards hit three short-hand chops before attempting a suplex, but Delirious reversed it with a snap suplex. Delirious ran the ropes across the ring before catching Edwards with a Diving Lariat. Delirious went for the Cobra Stretch, but Edwards tossed him over before hitting a corner lariat on Delirious, but Delirious responded with a corner lariat of his own. Delirious went for a second lariat, but Edwards caught him with a Thrust Kick. The two got up & exchanged strikes before Edwards hit a vicious lariat before hitting a Liger Bomb for a pin, but Delirious reversed it into a Yuji Gatame before transitioning into the Cobra Stretch. Edwards tried to break the hold but instead reversed it with a pin attempt for the pinfall win.
Winner: Eddie Edwards.
- After the match, Edwards & Delirious shook hands before Edwards attacked Delirious viciously, hitting the Die Hard Driver. Edwards laid in the punches on Delirious before Yuya Uemura came to the save, but Edwards laid him out with a hammer elbow strike. Edwards tried to take Delirious' mask off, but he was confronted by former ROH World Heavyweight Champion Jonathan Gresham, making his return to IMPACT Wrestling. As Gresham got back in the ring, Edwards retreated to evade the Octopus.
- IMPACT President Scott D'Amore talked with IMPACT World Heavyweight Champion Josh Alexander put over Mike Bailey after he challenged Alexander for the belt. Alexander said he would confront Bully Ray during his match, but D'Amore told him to refrain from doing so. Tommy Dreamer interrupted them and apologized to Alexander for telling him to trust Bully Ray, but Alexander rejected the apology & was suspicious of Dreamer being in with Bully Ray's devious antics.
Bully Ray vs. John Skyler.
After an extensive stare-down, the two locked up before Ray hit three body slams and a spike piledriver on Skyler for the quick & decisive pinfall win.
Winner: Bully Ray.
- After the match, Tommy Dreamer confronted Bully Ray in the ring to cut a promo. Dreamer told Bully that he vouched for him and was betrayed because he was gullible to believe Bully changed. Dreamer told Bully that his friendship with him and that he would get his ass whooped by Alexander on Hard To Kill 2023. Dreamer told Bully said he was one to put people on the spot, he came in to return the favor to Bully. Bully got a microphone and instructed Bully to walk away and not look back because called Dreamer a jealous coward. Bully said that Dreamer was a failure and told Dreamer that when he got in the best shape of his life, Dreamer became a fat bastard and worked at the back. Bully admitted to attacking Ace Austin backstage, which cause Dreamer to cry. Bully then told Dreamer that he did not give a shit about his mom, to which Dreamer went for an extensive rant before challenging Dreamer on the spot. Bully Ray instead walked to the back
Major Players (Matt Cardona & Brian Myers) vs. Decay (Black Taurus & Crazzy Steve).
X-Division Champion Trey Miguel attacked Crazzy Steve from behind before spray-painting Steve's back. Steve was checked on by Medical officials before they made the match continue. Taurus & Cardona began the match, with Taurus taunting Cardona in the corner. Cardona got a headlock on Taurus before cooling for a shoulder tackle, but Taurus shook it off and hit a headbutt, two corner lariats, a corner enziguri, and a more furious offense before tagging in Myers. Cardona hit a spinning gut kick, a forearm strike, and a rolling lariat on Myers for a near fall. Taurus hit a reverse sling blade on Myers before clotheslining him out of the ring and tossing Cardona out. Taurus ran the ropes and hit a Tope Con Giro on Major Players before the commercial break. Back from the break, Myers & Cardona double-teamed Taurus, with Myers hitting a series of knee strikes to his back for a near fall. Myers got a. snap-mare sleeper on Taurus. Taurus broke the hold and hit a Tornillo off the middle rope Steve tagged in and hit three slaps, a diving lariat, an atomic drop, a bite on Cardona's forehead, and a schoolboy roll-up into a flat-liner on Cardona for a near-fall. Myers & Taurus got in the ring, but Myers got Taurus in the middle rope and kicked it. Steve bit Myers in the forehead, but Cardona caught him with a forearm strike to the back of Steve's neck before hitting a top-rope Neck breaker/ Samoan Drop combination on Steve for the pinfall win.
Winners: Major Players (Matt Cardona & Brian Myers).
- Scott D'Amore moderated a contract signing backstage between IMPACT Knockout's Champion Jordynne Grace & Mickie James to make their match at Hard To Kill 2023 official. James told Grace that she would have another legendary moment. Tasha Steelz interrupted proceedings, calling James's "Last Rodeo" a sham for not facing her during her recent run. Steelz told James that her last rodeo would not be complete without James facing her. James accepted Steelz's challenge, but Grace was against the idea. Because of this, Scott D'Amore made a tag match between Grace & James facing Steelz & Savannah Evans next week.
- Mike Bailey was interviewed backstage by Gia Miller after Kenny King confronted him backstage the previous week. Bailey said that he is interested in a match against King after his antics, but not interested in stopping his quest to be the best to play King's games.
Alan Angels (w/ Deaner & Kon) vs. Sami Callihan.
Callihan hit a pop-up powerbomb on Angels to begin the match. Kon distracted Callihan as Angels attacked Callihan. Angels hit a corner lariat on Callihan, but Callihan responded with an exploder suplex onto the corner on Angels. Callihan went for the Cactus Driver, but ANgels evaded before Callihan hit a forearm strike on Angels. Angels went for a sliding dropkick on Callihan to the outside, but Callihan placed the mat on him and hit a series of chops and a back suplex onto the apron on Angels as Callihan stared daggers at Deaner. Angels & Callihan exchanged blows in the apron before Angels got back in the ring to hit an STO on Callihan into the apron as Deaner calmly smiled at Angels' offense. Callihan got back in the ring, but Angels rained down the punches on Callihan. Callihan told Angels "Hit me butch" to which he responded by hitting a PK Kick. Angels hit a face slam into a LaBelle Lock on Callihan, but Callihan bit Angels' hand to break the hold. Angels went for a Discus Lariat, but Callihan caught him with a rolling elbow strike & a Brainbuster on Angels for a near fall. The two exchanged strikes & chops before Callihan hit a lariat on Angels. Callihan went for a DVD, but Angels responded with a Discus Lariat & a Frog Splash in Callihan for a kick out at two. Angels climbed to the top rope and went for another Frog Splash, but Callihan evaded and hit the Cactus Driver on Angels for the pinfall win.
Winner: Sami Callihan.
- Kon attacked Callihan from behind after the match, laying punches on Callihan until Deaner instructed him to stop. Deaner instructed Kon to get him in the Full Nelson to allow Angels to get his retribution, to which Angels responded by hitting a Spinning Heel Kick on Callihan. Deaner sat on top of Callihan after the beatdown.
- Giselle Shaw & Jai Vidal walked backstage before they confronted Deonna Purrazzo backstage, with Purrazzo calling Shaw the Yoko Ono of VXT. Purrazzo demanded Shaw to her for ruining Chelsea Green's career & her current run in IMPACT, but Shaw tried to sweet talk Purrazzo to team up against Death Dollz for the IMPACT Knockout's Tag Team Championships.
- There was a vignette of a mysterious figure, saying that without the darkness there is no light, and without conflict, there is no victory. The figure was revealed to be Taylor Wilde, teasing a new side of her.
Bhupinder Gujjar & Joe Hendry vs. Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice.
Hendry cut a promo before their match, saying that he did not know what weird things happen in Swinger's Dungeon & said that Hendry's Dungeon only heard only thing & it was "I Believe". Dice & Hendry began the match, with Hendry hitting a scoop-body slam on Dice almost immediately. Hendry tossed Dice in the ring post before Swinger tagged in. Hendry hit a body slam & a stalling sit-up suplex on Swinger. Gujjar tagged himself in as Dice tagged in too, but Moose tried to attack Hendry, but Hendry responded by hitting a drop toe-hold on Moose on the ring floor. Moose chased Hendry down the ramp with a chair, which allowed Dice & Swinger to double-team Gujjar. Gujjar laid in the punches on Dice & Swinger before he hit a ripcord knee on Swinger, followed by the Gargoil Spear on Swinger for the pinfall win, despite Hendry's absence.
Winners: Bhupinder Gujjar & Joe Hendry.
John Skyler & Jason Hotch were backstage after Skyler's loss. Hotch said that he would love to face him in the ring, to which Skyler responded by saying that he would like to step in the ring with him as a tag team. The two agreed to a truce, forming a tag team.
- Steve Maclin cut a promo backstage, complaining that he can do anything to beat every former World Champion and yet he cannot get a shot at the title. Maclin said that Rich Swann was at the wrong place, wrong place, declaring Mayhem for all on his quest for the IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship.
IMPACT Tag Team Championship Match/ Major Players (Matt Cardona & Brian Myers) Banned.
Heath & Rhino (c) vs. MCMG (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin).
Shelley & Heath began the match, but Heath immediately tagged in Rhino to begin the match, locking up with Shelley before dropping him to the mat. Rhino & Shelley locked up again, with Shelley & Rhino exchanging wrist locks before Rhino leaned Shelley into the corner. The two did a Grecko-Roman lock-up before exchanging wrist locks again, with Shelley hitting two chops to which Rhino responded with a shoulder tackle. Heath tagged in but was double-teamed immediately by Sabin & Shelley before Sabin officially tagged in and he locked in a headlock, but Heath pushed Sabin into the corner to corner to break the hold. The two locked horns before Heath leaned Sabin in the corner. The two shook hands before Sabin got a headlock on Heath, to which Heath responded by hitting a back elbow on Sabin. Heath locked in a headlock on Sabin before hitting a headbutt, but Shelley tagged in & hit a drop toe-hold into a bulldog followed by a Romero Special into a Bulldog on Heath. Shelley got a double arm breaker on Heath before landing a knee drop on Heath's neck. Shelley & Sabin hit double lariats followed by Double-hammer strikes on Heath for a near fall. Shelley got Heath's neck on the middle turnbuckle before the two hit stereo shotgun dropkicks on the head & bum of Heath. Shelley went for sliced bread, but Heath evaded and hit a Powerslam on Shelley before the commercial break. Rhino tagged in after the break, with Rhino hitting a chop on Shelley before hitting an Irish Whip into a corner spear on Shelley. Rhino slammed Shelley into the corner before Heath tagged in and hit a knee drop on Shelley's back. Heath hit a wicked chop on Shelley's chest, which cause Shelley to collapse. Heath took advantage and hit an Irish Whip on Shelley into the corner for a near fall. Rhino hit a body shot on Shelley before choking Shelley in the middle rope. Rhino hit a knee strike to Shelley's ribs before Heath tagged in and stomped Shelley. Heath went for a corner spear, but Shelley evaded before reaching to tag in Sabin, but Rhino tagged in and attacked Sabin before going for an overhead suplex on Shelley, but Shelley responded with a headbutt. Rhino kicked Shelley before going for a bear hug, but Shelley fight back and leaped over Rhino before Sabin & Heath tagged in. Sabin hit three jabs & an enziguri on Heath, a PK on Rhino off the apron, and a diving cross body on Heath for a near fall. Heath & Sabin exchanged punches & chops before Sabin slammed Heath's head into the corner. Sabin hit a DDT on Heath before Shelley hit a Tornado DDT on Heath off Sabin's back for a near fall, thanks to Rhino breaking the pin. Shelley & Sabin hit a double thrust kick on Rhino, the double-enziguri kicks on Heath & went for Skulls & Bones, but heath pushed Sabin to take down Shelley off the top rope before Rhino hit a GORE on Sabin, allowing Heath to get the pin on Sabin, but Sabin kicked out at two. Rhino went for a second GORE, but Sabin leaped over Rhino and got a sunset flip on Rhino to steal the pinfall win, crowning new IMPACT Tag Team Champions. MCMG stood tall to end the broadcast.
Winners & New IMPACT Tag Team Champions: MCMG (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin).
- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.