IMPACT Wrestling (1/26/2023) Results: Golden Six Shooter Match, KUSHIDA & Death Dollz In Action.

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IMPACT Wrestling (1/26/2023)

- Golden Six Shooter Six-Way Elimination Match: Rhino vs. Moose vs. Chris Sabin vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Rich Swann vs. Sami Callihan.

- X-Division Championship Match: Trey Miguel (c) vs. Mike Jackson.

- IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Championship Match: The Death Dollz (Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie) (c) vs. Gisele Shaw & TBD.

- The Major Players (Brian Myers & Matt Cardona) vs. Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey).

- KUSHIDA & Kevin Knight vs. The Good Hands (Jason Hotch & John Skyler).

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Live Coverage.

- Tom Hannifan & Matt Rhewoldt welcomed the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match.

X-Division Championship Match.

Trey Miguel (c) vs. Mike Jackson.

In the final embers of the match, The 73-year-old Jackson hit a series of back elbows, two lariats, a neck breaker & a series of jabs before Miguel hit an Atomic Drop on Jackson. The two brawled on the outside before Miguel slammed himself onto the ring post. Back in the ring, Jackson hit an arm breaker before going for the Old School Walk-Rope Ax-Handle, but Miguel caught him with a jab before hitting a series of kicks & a double-stomp. Miguel hit the Lighting Spiral for the pinfall win.

Winner & Still X-Division Champion: Trey Miguel.

- Crazzy Steve & Black Taurus came from under the ring and ran off Miguel after the match. Miguel escaped through the crowd.

- IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander was interviewed by Gia Miller backstage but was interrupted by Steve Maclin, who talked trash after the Golden Six Shooter had participants whom he had already defeated.

KUSHIDA & Kevin Knight vs. The Good Hands (Jason Hotch & John Skyler).

Hotch & Skylar worked on KUSHIDA beofre Hotch & Skylar hit a German Suplex into a Jackknife cover for a near fall. KUSHIDA hit a flipping back elbow before Knight tagged in. Knight hit a series of corner splashes before Knight hit a body slam on Skyler. Knight hit a leaping dropkick on Hotch before KUSHIDA hit a snap mare into a cartwheel shotgun dropkick. KUSHIDA & Knight hit an Electric Chair/ Leaping Shotgun dropkick on Hotch before Knight hit a crossbody on Skyer to the outside. Kushida locked in a Kimura Lock on Hotch for the submission win.

Winners: KUSHIDA & Kevin Knight.

- Jai Vidal got excited after Santino Marella revealed Gisele Shaw's tag title match.

- IMPACT Knockouts Champion Mickie James confronted Jordynne Grace backstage, but Grace said that she has an eye on regaining the title.

- Gisele Shaw's Tag Team partner against Death Dollz was revealed to be none other than IMPACT Legend & former WWE Women's Wrestler Tara (Victoria).

IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Championship Match.

The Death Dollz (Jessicka & Taya Valkyrie) (c) (w/ Rosemary) vs. Gisele Shaw & Tara.

Shaw refused to tag in Tara, but Jessicka & Valkyrie double-teamed Shaw before Shaw hit a thrust kick on Jessicka for a near fall. SHaw hit a corkscrew uppercut o Jessicka for a near fall. Shaw continued to ignored Tara, but Jessicka responded with a forearm strike before Valkyrie tagged in. Valkyrie HIT a series of kicks before Vidal tripped Valkyrie, but Rosemary hit a spear on Vidal for a near fall. Valkyrie hit the Spiral Tap on Valkyrie for a near fall. Tara continued to demand to tag in, but Shaw taunted Tara instead. Tara came to the ring and argued with ShawTarar hit a gut kick before hitting a Widow's Peak on her partner Shaw before walking out of the ring, allowing Valkyrie & Jessicka An Assisted Sick Driver for the pinfall win.

Winners & Still IMPACT Knockout's Tag Team Champions: The Death Dollz (Jessicka & Taya Valkyrie) (c) (w/ Rosemary).

- Taylor Wilde was in a vignette doing witchcraft before saying that she waned to see more Killer Kelly in her journey.

- Dave LaGreca & Santino Marella talked backstage before Bully Ray confronted LeGreca. Bully asked Marella if he had something against him for not getting an immediate rematch after Hard To Kill, but Marella told him that he lost the match. Bully told him that he did not need reminding of the fact that he lost before threating Marella to keep a head on a swivel.

- Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans were interviewed backstage before Steelz said that Micke James did not defeat her one-on-one. Steelz told Miller that all of it was not worth it before walking out of the shot.

The Major Players (Brian Myers & Matt Cardona) vs. Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey).

In the second half of the match, Myers & Cardona double-teamed Austin in their corner before Austin tossed Cardona into Myers's boot. Myers immediately attacked Austin after tagging in before locking in a Guillotine. Myers hit a rising knee strike on Austin's abdomen, but Austin responded with a leaping enziguri before Bey & Cardona tagged in. Bey hit a spiral kick on Myers, a leaping uppercut to the corner, a kick to Cardona's neck, and a diving lariat on Cardona for a near fall. Bey chased down Myers across ringside before Cardona hit a lariat into the Reboot on Bey, allowing Myers to hit a top rope elbow drop on Bey for a near fall. Bey tossed Cardona onto Myers's nards before hitting a reversed Rana on Myers. Austin hit a leaping enziguri kick on Cardona before Bey & Austin wrapped up Cardona in a pin for the win.

Winners: Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey).

- IMPACT Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry played a video called "Edge's bitch" for Cardona before Hendry accepted Cardona's challenge for the Digital Media Title.

- Moose, Matt Cardona & Brian Myers talked about a strategy to take down Joe Hendry backstage, but Moose disregarded Cardona & Myers.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Sheldon Jean.

Absolute technical dominance as Gresham won the match by aiming at Jean's left leg before hitting a Hidden Blade on Jean for the pinfall win.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham.

Golden Six Shooter Six-Way Elimination Match.

Rhino vs. Moose vs. Chris Sabin vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Rich Swann vs. Sami Callihan

This match was absolute chaos, with the six men brawling throughout the match. Moose hit a spear on Rhino, but Callihan hit a thrust kick on Moose to pin Rhino out of the match, eliminating him from the Golden Six Shooter. Moose placed Sabin & Swann on the top rope before hitting a leaping dropkick on the two. Sabin hit a Tornado DDT on Moose for a near fall before hitting a kick on Edwards while hitting a Tornado DDT on Edwards.Callihan for Swann & Edwards in a stunner variant before hitting a thrust kick on Swann. Swann hit a splash on Callihan for a near fall. Edwards greeted Swann on the top rope before Edwards hit a slam on Sabin. Edwards hit a powerbomb on Swann onto Sabin for a near fall. Edwards went for a Liger Bomb, but Sabin got a backslide on Edwards hit a face slam on Sabin into a Liger Bomb on Sabin for a near fall. PCO was on the ramp to aim at Edwards but was pulled away by Security Guards. Sabin hit a Helluva Kick on Edwards before hitting a Tornado Inside Cradle to eliminate Edwards. Moose beat down Sabin in the ring before hitting a Uranage on Sabin for a near fall. Moose went for an uppercut, but Sabin evaded and hit a leaping enziguri kick on Moose. Sabin went for a Tornado DDT on Moose, but Moose tossed Sabin before hitting a spear to eliminate Sabin. Callihan, Swann & Moose exchanged strikes before Swann hit a series of thrust kicks on them and a cutter on Callihan. Moose tripped Swann and slammed Swann's knee onto the mat. Moose hit a dragon screw on Swann before laying the punches on Swann's left leg. Moose locked in the Calf Crusher before Swann got the rope break. Swann shocked Moose and locked in a Victory Roll on Moose for the pinfall elimination, leaving Callihan & Swann as the final embers of the match. Deaner, Kon & Alan Angels came to the apron to tell Callihan to take him out. Callihan initially hesitated, but Callihan locked in the Brock Lock before Swann reversed it with a pin for a near fall. Swann laid in the strikes on Callihan's head before Callihan hit a powerbomb into an Ankle Hook on Swann. Swann hit a scorpion kick, a roundhouse kick, and a spinning heel kick on Callihan before hitting a 450 Splash on Callihan for the pinfall win.

Winner: Rich Swann.

- The Design attacked Swann after the match. Yuya Uemura was beaten down by The Design before Franke Kazarian & Josh Alexander came to make the save. Swann stood tall to end the broadcast.

- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.

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