Good evening Fightful faithful, and welcome to our coverage of tonight's edition of IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV! Be sure to check out our premium service Fightful Select for exclusive content, and while you're here you can leave a comment below!
Rich Swann vs Willie Mack
Swann puts Mack in a headlock that he quickly gets out of before they mirror each other until Swann kicks Mack in the midsection. Mack drops Swann with a shoulder block and chops him in the corner, Mack kneeing Swann repeatedly before hitting a neckbreaker. Rich tries to come back, but Mack hits a powerslam for a quick two count before they exchange chops and Swann gets a near fall off of a sunset flip. Willie hits a spinning heel kick and a coast to coast dropkick before hitting a diving crossbody to the outside, Willie getting Rich back in the ring quickly for a quick two count before Rich comes back with a series of kicks before hitting a 450 splash for a near fall of his own. Mack hits a cannonball in the corner into a Samoan drop and a standing moonsault for a near fall.
Rich then comes back with a cutter, but Mack hits a stunner and for another near fall, Mack missing a frog splash before Swann hits a cutter for yet another near fall. Swann then hits a phoenix splash for the pin and the win.
Winner: Rich Swann defeats Willie Mack via pinfall with a phoenix splash.
Desi Hit Squad vs Beach Bums
Raj tosses his opponent in the corner before Desi hit a series of double team moves in the corner. Raj tosses his long haired opponent across the ring and he tags in his partner DJ, Rohit hitting a snap suplex for a one count, Rohit breaking up the pin himself. Desi then tag in and out and stomp DJ repeatedly before Rohit hits a jumping knee as Raj hits a Samoan drop for the pin and the win.
Winner: Desi Hit Squad defeat the Beach Bums via pinfall.
-OvE beat down someone who is pretending to be Brian Cage in the Rockstar Pro Wrestling promotion in Ohio.
-Eli Drake meets with Joseph Park to sue IMPACT and involve everyone on the roster.
Knockouts Championship Match
Tessa Blanchard (c) vs Taya Valkyrie
They shove each other, Tessa shoving Taya in the face before Taya shoves her backwards into the corner and takes her down repeatedly before hitting a running knee strike in the ropes. Taya goes for knees in the corner, but Tessa rolls out of the ring before Tessa pulls Taya off of the apron and down to the floor. Tessa then hits a dive to the outside before rolling Taya back into the ring for a quick two count as we go to commercial.
Tessa is in control as we return to the action, putting Taya in a double straight armbar that she fights out of before Tessa quickly drops her with a boot. Tessa sends Taya throat first into the ropes before hitting a running single leg dropkick for a quick two count. Tessa hits a scoop slam before Taya comes back with a running back elbow in the corner and an enzuigiri into a dropkick. Taya spears Tessa for a quick two count before hitting a dead lift release German suplex and Tessa comes back with a cutter. Taya hits a moonsault for a near fall before Tessa rolls out of the ring and Taya hits a diving cross body onto the floor. Tessa then lays out the referee for the disqualification to retain her title.
Winner: Tessa Blanchard retains her title when Taya wins via disqualification.
-We get a GWN Knockouts match after a vignette for the soon to debut Jordynne Grace.
Matt Sydal & Ethan Page vs LAX
Ortiz starts the match off with Matt, the two playing mind games before Matt starts kicking Ortiz's leg. Ortiz hits a snapmare before Santana hits a standing moonsault and a series of arm drags to Ethan. Santana chops Ethan until Ethan hits an exploder suplex and tags Matt in who hits a running dropkick in the corner. Matt then goes under the apron before Konnan finds him and Santana hits a cannonball off of the apron as we go to commercial.
Matt is in control with a bow and arrow submission as we return to the ring before Matt hits a neckbreaker for a quick two count. Ethan gets the tag and tosses Santana into his corner before beating on Santana, Matt tagging himself back in to capitalize. Matt hits a leg sweep neckbreaker for a near fall before Ethan hits a move off of the top and Santana sends Ethan into Matt. Ortiz hits a huricanrrana into a splash for a near fall before hitting a northern lights suplex for another near fall that Matt breaks up. LAX then hit a reverse suplex into a cutter for the pin and the win.
Winner: LAX defeats Matt Sydal and Ethan Page when LAX pin Ethan with a reverse suplex cutter.
Homicide vs Pentagon Jr.
The match begins during the commercial break with Pentagon in control, hitting a backstabber that sends Homicide out of the ring before hitting a dive and chopping him at ringside. Homicide comes back with a flipping senton over the top rope and tosses Pentagon back into the ring before hitting a suplex for a quick two count. Homicide hits a tornado DDT for a near fall before Pentagon catches him up top and hits a diving foot stomp. They then exchange chops until Pentagon hits a series of kicks, Pentagon countering the Gringo Killer into a roll up for the pin and the win.
Winner: Pentagon Jr. defeats Homicide via pinfall with a roll up.
-The OGz then lay Pentagon and Fenix out as we go off the air with a video package for next week's IMPACT World Championship match between the champion Johnny Impact and the challenger Killer Kross.