IMPACT Wrestling Results for 6/21 IMPACT Tag Team Title Match, OvE vs El Hijo de Fantasma & Pentagon Jr.

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IMPACT Tag Team Title Match

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Z&E (c) vs LAX

LAX meet Z&E on the ramp and they brawl before they get in the ring and Andrew hits a tope out of the ring. Z&E double team Santana for a quick two count before Andrew hits a missile dropkick into a standing shooting star press for a quick two count. Ortiz gets a blind tag before LAX hit a combination neckbreaker and backbreaker for a near fall before Ortiz hits a backbreaker into a reverse DDT for a quick two count. Z takes out both members of LAX before they come back with a back suplex and Andrew hits a springboard powerbomb for a near fall as we go to commercial.

We come back from commercial to LAX in control until DJ hits a tornado DDT and Andrew hits a standing moonsault before DJ hits one off of the top for a near fall. Santana then drags DJ out of the ring before Andrew misses a shooting star press and LAX hit the Street Sweeper for the pin and the win.

Winner: LAX defeat Z&E via pinfall to become IMPACT Tag Team champions when they hit Andrew Everett with the Street Sweeper.

-KM comes out to the ring and says that he tried to help Fallah Bahh and calls him out to the ring. Bahh gets in the ring and hands KM a note before leaving, then KM reads it, Bahh writing that KM is a bully and needs to grow up.

Scott Steiner vs KM

KM calls Richard Justice out before Scott Steiner comes out and KM attacks him as soon as he gets in the ring. Scott sends KM out of the ring and into the stairs before rolling him back into the ring. Scott hits a belly to belly suplex for a quick two count before catching him on the top and hitting a draping DDT. Scott then locks in the Steiner Recliner until KM taps for the win.

Winner: Scott Steiner defeats KM via submission with the Steiner Recliner.

-We get highlights of the press conference for Slammiversary where Austin Aries and Moose talk about their title match. We then have Eddie Edwards searching for his wife at their house, but she's nowhere to be found and the house is empty.

Taya Valkyrie vs Madison Rayne

They lock up before Taya slams Madison to the mat repeatedly and hits double running knees before choking her in the ropes. Taya whips Madison across the ring and hits a back elbow before Madison hits a cutter for a near fall. Taya counters a huricanrrana into a backbreaker before hitting a running hip attack and running knees in the corner for a near fall. Madison then gets a near fall off of a roll up before hitting an enzuigiri and a spinning neckbreaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Madison Rayne defeats Taya Valkyrie via pinfall with a spinning neckbreaker. 

​​​​​​-Konnan shows up in the LAX club house and talks to Eddie Kingston before telling him to leave and that he will hunt him down if he betrays them. We then get a vignette for Killer Kross before a GWN flashback moment of the week where Sonjay Dutt won the X-Division Championship in India this past year.

El Hijo de Fantasma & Pentagon Jr. vs OvE

OvE meet Hijo and Pentagon on the ramp and they brawl at ringside before they get in the ring and the luchadores double team Dave before he gets out of the ring to regroup with Jake and Sami. Sami attacks the leg of Hijo once he tries to get back in the ring after hitting a tope to the outside while the referee is busy with Pentagon beating on Jake at ringside. Dave then starts focusing on the injured leg of Hijo and puts him in a single leg Boston crab before tagging his brother in, OvE taking turns trying to destroy Hijo's leg as we go to commercial.

OvE are still in control as we come back from break, OvE trying to make it so Hijo can't get to his feet and tag Pentagon in. Dave sends Pentagon off of the apron before Hijo can even get close to tagging him in when he slowly gets to his feet. Dave puts Hijo in another single leg Boston crab, making sure to keep Pentagon off of the apron before Hijo finally tags Pentagon in. Pentagon hits a series of sling blades, then Dave accidentally superkicks Jake before OvE hit Hijo with a superplex/sit-out powerbomb. Pentagon then hits a cannonball to Dave before Pentagon hits Jake with a package piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Pentagon Jr and El Hijo de Fantasma defeat OvE via pinfall when Pentagon hits Jake with a package piledriver.

-After the match Sami attacks Pentagon and attacks him with a baseball bat before Hijo comes in and runs them off with a chair and to the back as we go off the air. 

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