IMPACT Wrestling Live Results for 9/13/18 Lucha Bros vs Cult of Lee, Brian Cage vs Kongo Kong

Good evening Fightful faithful  and welcome to our coverage of tonight's edition of IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV!

-Austin Aries, Moose and Killer Kross come out to the ring to start the show, Aries saying that they run the show and they took out Johnny Impact and will take out anyone who steps up to them. Fallah Bahh and KM come out to the ring and Aries offers Bahh a banana, KM saying that Aries is a liar and that Moose is a terrible friend and a back stabber. Aries then offers Bahh a title match which Bahh agrees to before leaving as we go to commercial.

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Lucha Bros vs Cult of Lee

Pentagon and Fenix double team Caleb to start the match before they clear the ring as we go to commercial. Fenix and Lee counter each other as we come back from commercial until Caleb and Lee drop Fenix across the top rope throat first. Caleb gets a quick one count off of a lackadaisical pin attempt before putting him in a cobra clutch, Fenix getting to the bottom rope fairly quickly. Lee gets the tag and he Caleb double team Fenix more until Fenix hits a double hand spring cutter. Pentagon gets the tag and he and Fenix hit a series of rapid paced double team moves on Caleb for a near fall.

Pentagon drops Caleb with an open handed chop before Lee stops the Lucha Bros from hitting their finisher. Caleb and Lee then hit an electric chair into double foot stomp for a near fall, before Fenix hits a springboard cross body to the outside and a springboard foot stomp into Pentagon hitting a package piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lucha Bros defeat Cult of Lee via pinfall when Pentagon pins Caleb with a package piledriver.

-We get a GWN match of the Von Erichs debuting against The BroMans.

Alisha vs Katarina

Katarina is distracted by Grado and Joe Hendry who come out as soon as the match starts before Alisha rolls her up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Alisha defeats Katarina via pinfall with a roll up.

-We get an interview via face time with Johnny Impact where he talks about being attacked by Austin Aries  Moose and Killer Kross last week and what condition he will be in for his World Championship match at Bound for Glory.

LAX vs The Fraternity

Ortiz starts the match with Decker before the frat brothers double team him until Santana comes in and gets double teamed as well. Decker gets a quick two count off of a slingshot splash from the apron before he goes for a tope to the outside and takes out Ortiz. Ortiz then hits a uranage on the ramp before LAX hit the Street Sweeper for the pin and the win.

Winner: LAX defeat the Fraternity via pinfall with the Street Sweeper. 

Kongo Kong vs Brian Cage

Brian rushes Kong, but he doesn't seem to phase him before Kong hits an ushigaroshi and Brian catches him on the top turnbuckle. Kong pushes Brian away, but misses the splash before Brian hits a powerslam and a moonsault for a quick two count. They counter each other until Brian hits a drop toe hold into the ropes and Kong drops him with a lariat when he goes for a 619. Kong hits a cannonball in the corner for a quick two count before Brian hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Brian then rocks Kong with a bicycle knee before hitting an F5 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Brian Cage defeats Kongo Kong via pinfall with an F5.

IMPACT World Championship Match

Austin Aries (c) vs Fallah Bahh

They start the match off with a test of strength before Austin puts Bahh in a side headlock and toys with him. Bahh puts Austin in a side headlock before Austin repeatedly drops down and Bahh gets exhausted running the ropes as Austin reclines as we go to commercial.

We come back from commercial to Austin mocking Bahh and slapping him before Bahh chops him repeatedly in the corner. Austin rakes the eyes of Bahh when he goes for a Samoan drop before hitting a chop block and kicking Bahh on the mat repeatedly. They exchange chops before Bahh misses a sit down splash and Austin hits a PK, but Bahh counters a brainbuster into a suplex. Bahh hits a Samoan Drop for a near fall before Austin catches him on the second turnbuckle and Bahh hits a belly to belly suplex for another near fall. Bahh rolls over Austin before Austin immediately locks in the Last Chancery, Bahh getting his foot on the bottom rope right before tapping.

Bahh then catches Austin coming in before hitting a running cross body for a very close near fall before Austin catches him climbing the ropes and hits a sunset powerbomb into the Last Chancery for the tap and the win.

Winner: Austin Aries retains his IMPACT World Championship by defeating Fallah Bahh via submission with the Last Chancery.

-After the match Aries, Moose and Kross take out KM with a chair by putting it around his neck and sending him into the ring post as we go off the air. 

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