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Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of tonight's edition of IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV! Enjoy the show and if you're interested in exclusive podcasts, breaking news and more check out our premium service Fightful Select!
Knockouts Championship Street Fight Match
Taya Valkyrie (c) vs Tessa Blanchard
Tessa rushes Taya and gets rocked with a right hand before rolling her into the ring and wedges a chair into the corner. Taya hits a release German suplex for a quick two count and tosses Tessa out of the ring before Tessa catches her with a baking sheet when she goes for a suicide dive. Tessa sends Taya into the railing and throws a chair at her before hitting a running dropkick. Taya hits Tessa with a baking sheet before Tessa sends her over the railing and into the crowd, Taya hitting Tessa with a cup of beer before she goes for a move off of the top of the railing, but Tessa kicks her in midair. Tessa puts a chair around the neck of Taya and sends her into the ring post before she grabs a cable and chokes Taya with it.
Tessa rips the shirt off of Taya and goes shoulder first into the corner with the chair wedged in it before Taya comes back and drops her with several clotheslines. Taya hits a running back elbow and a running knee in the corner before she drives the baking sheet in between the legs of Tessa for a quick two count. Tessa comes back and stomps on the head of Taya with a chair on top of her before Taya catches Tessa up top and throws a chair at her before hitting a Samoan drop onto a pile of chairs as we go to commercial.
They sit on chairs and chop each other until Taya hands Tessa a chair and kicks it into her face for a near fall. Tessa spears Taya into a table that won't break even after several attempts for a near fall before getting another table out from under the ring and setting it up in the ring. Tessa sets Taya on the table before Taya knocks her from the top rope and down to the floor, Taya hitting a diving cross body and rolls her back into the ring for a near fall. Taya rocks Tessa and sends her onto the table before Taya hits a diving stomp through the table for the pin and the win.
Winner: Taya Valkyrie defeats Tessa Blanchard via pinfall with a diving stomp through a table to retain her Knockouts Championship.
-We get a GWN flashback where Dez won the World X Cup.
Willie Mack vs Ethan Page
Ethan rocks Willie with right hands and sends him into the corner before Willie stands on his head and comes back with chops. Ethan hits a DDT and beats on Willie with right hands until Willie counters a suplex into one of his own. Ethan comes back with a diving enzuigiri for a two count before Willie hits a running elbow and a pump kick in the corner and a cannonball. Willie then hits a Samoan drop into a standing moonsault for a near fall before Ethan rocks Willie with kicks and goes for a uranage before Willie hits a stunner for the pin and the win.
Winner: Willie Mack defeats Ethan Page via pinfall with a stunner.
-Sami Callihan comes out to the ring and says that there are two sides to every story and what Rich Swann said is fake news. Sami says that he gave him a chance of a lifetime and that he will come out and join OvE and if he doesn't it's his last chance. Rich comes out to the ring and Sami says that they can do it the easy way or hard way, but it's in his best interest to put on the shirt. Rich slaps Sami and Sami attacks him before Rich rocks Sami with strikes until he sends him out of the ring and hits a corkscrew senton to the outside. Sami rakes the eyes of Rich and tosses him onto the ramp before Sami hits a piledriver onto the stage before tossing him off of it and through a table.
Team IMPACT vs Team AAA
Sami Callihan and Psycho Clown start the match off by exchanging strikes and running moves in the corner before Psycho hits a powerslam for a quick two count. Aerostar comes in and dropkicks Sami before hitting a corkscrew senton and a code breaker before Sami hits a snake eyes in the corner. Eli comes in and hits a pop-up side slam for a two count before Vikingo gets the tag and drops Eli for a quick two count. Eddie comes in next and Vikingo hits a huricanrrana that sends Eddie out of the ring only for Eddie to run in and cut him down before Vikingo hits an enzuigiri. Puma King hits a diving cross body off of the top rope before hitting Eddie with a roundhouse kick and a delayed suplex for a two count.
Eddie hits a backpack stunner and Bahh comes in and hits a belly to belly suplex before he rolls over top of Puma. Sami tags himself in and all six men square off before Team AAA clear the ring only for Team IMPACT to attack them from behind when they're playing to the crowd. Psycho hits a flipping senton and takes out Sami and Bahh before Puma hits Eddie with a huricanrrana and hits a diving cross body onto everyone at ringside. Aerostar hits a springboard diving cross body to the outside before Bahh hits a diving cross body off of the apron. Vikingo hits a springboard 054 to the outside before Eli hits a powerslam off of the apron with Vikingo onto everyone else before he gets in the ring with Puma King.
Eddie slaps Eli before Puma rolls Eli up for the pin and first elimination as we go to commercial.
Sami has Puma in a crossface as we return to the action before Bahh comes in and slams Sami onto Puma. Puma comes back with a superkick and tags in Vikingo who hits a huricanrrana that sends Bahh into the post before hitting a springboard code breaker to Sami. Vikingo hits a running knee strike in the corner to Eddie before rocking Bahh with kicks and goes for a springboard cross body before Bahh catches him and hits a powerslam for the pin and the elimination. Aero tries to take Bahh down before Bahh hits a running cross body and misses a sit-down splash before Aero stacks him up for the pin and the elimination. Eddie and Sami hit each other before Aero hits a cutter and misses a springboard splash before Eddie hits the Boston Knee Party for the pin and the elimination.
Sami tags himself in and Puma hits a uranage for a near fall before Sami hits a powerbomb into a knee and a piledriver for the pin and the elimination. Psycho takes out both Sami and Eddie until he's overwhelmed and Sami hits a reverse DDT before Eddie hits the Boston Knee Party and Sami tosses Eddie out of the ring for a near fall. Psycho rolls up Sami for the pin and the elimination before Eddie and Psycho brawl until Psycho sends Eddie out of the ring and hits a suicide dive into Eddie into the railing. Back in the ring Eddie hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before Psycho hits a sliced bread for a near fall. Eddie drops Psycho with a clothesline and gets distracted by Eli before Eli hits him with Kenny and Psycho hits a back stabber into a roll up for the pin, elimination, and the win.
Winner: Team AAA defeat Team IMPACT via pinfall when Psycho Clown last eliminates Eddie Edwards.
IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Johnny Impact (c) vs Killer Kross vs Moose vs Brian Cage
Everyone hits each other before Johnny sends Moose out of the ring and hits a corkscrew senton to the outside before Brian clears the ring and hits a flipping senton over the top rope. Brian tosses Johnny back into the ring and Johnny drops him with a single leg dropkick before Moose and Kross attack Johnny from behind. Moose and Kross powerbomb Johnny, but argue over who will get the pin before they do the same to Brian and Moose rolls Kross up for a near fall. They hug before Kross hits a Doomsday Saito and Johnny rocks him with kicks before hitting a rolling neckbreaker and a side Russian leg sweep to Brian. Moose hits running dropkicks in three corners before hitting Johnny with Go to Hell for a near fall that Brian breaks up.
Brian hits a double release German suplex with Moose and Kross before hitting a dead lift superplex to Johnny for a near fall. Everyone hits a move until Brian turns Moose inside out with a lariat and Johnny hits a springboard spear. Johnny gets to his feet and motions to the crowd before Moose catches him on the top turnbuckle and they hit a tower of doom. Kross gets a near fall before locking in an armbar on Johnny as Moose locks in a figure four on Johnny at the same time, Brian locking in a dragon sleeper to Kross. Kross gets a near fall off of a northern lights suplex and tosses Johnny into Brian before Moose hits a running dropkick in the corner.
Kross hits Moose with a Doomsday Saito suplex before Johnny hits a springboard roundhouse kick for a near fall, Moose hitting him from behind before Moose hits a pop-up powerbomb into a senton for a near fall that Brian breaks up. Brian then rocks Moose with a bicycle knee before hitting the Drill Claw for a near fall that Kross breaks up, Kross hitting a Doomsday Saito, but Brian is right back up before dropping Kross with a lariat. Johnny then hits Moose with Starship Pain at the same time that Brian hits Kross with the Drill Claw, Johnny getting the pin and the win in the process.
Winner: Johnny Impact retains his IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship by defeating Moose, Brian Cage and Killer Kross when he pins Moose with Starship Pain.