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Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of tonight's edition of IMPACT Wrestling on the Pursuit Network and Twitch TV!
-LAX kick off the show before Konnan says that he told them not to wrestle each other as it would only lead to chaos in the family before calling out Pentagon and Fenix. Pentagon and Fenix rush to the ring and all four men brawl until security come down and separate the two sides. They take out security and Pentagon and Fenix set up tables in the ring before Konnan distracts them and LAX put them through the tables before LAX grab the titles and hold them up over the champions before tossing them on them and leaving as we go to commercial.
Glenn Gilbertti vs Scarlett Bordeaux
Scarlett tries to roll Glenn up several times for a series of near falls before he pulls her hair and slams her down to the mat. Glenn misses an elbow drop and Scarlett hits a diving cross body for a near fall before he drops her with a double ax handle and tosses her across the ring. Glenn plays to the crowd and shoves Scarlett down before he whips her into the corner and she comes back with kicks and a running splash in the corner. Scarlett hits a running hip attack into a stunner for a near fall before Glenn hits a side Russian leg sweep and an elbow drop. Scarlett then powerbombs Glenn for the pin and the win.
Winner: Scarlett Bordeaux defeats Glenn Gilbertti via pinfall with a powerbomb.
-We get a GWN Flashback to AJ Styles and RVD for the world championship in 2010.
-We get a video package for RVD before we get a video package for the returning Madison Rayne, Pentagon and Fenix cutting a promo in Spanish immediately after.
-Tessa Blanchard comes out to the ring and demands an apology from Gail Kim before Gail reluctantly comes out to the ring and exchanges words with Tessa before she apologizes and Tessa mocks her. Tessa then insults Gail before telling her to leave, Gail saying that she's coming out of retirement to have a match with Tessa before she attacks her and Tessa escapes up the ramp as we go to commercial.
-We get a promo by OvE with its latest member Madman Fulton tied to a chair and watching a video like in A Clockwork Orange.
Knockouts Championship Match
Taya Valkyrie (c) vs Jordynne Grace
They lock up and Jordynne drops Tessa several times before turning her inside out with a lariat for a two count. Taya drops Jordynne with a knee and plays to the crowd for a two count before Jordynne comes back with a German suplex and Taya rolls out of the ring to catch her breath. Taya sends Jordynne into the railing and the apron before rolling her back into the ring for a two count before hitting a running hip attack and knees in the corner for a near fall. Taya beats Tessa down and chokes her in the corner before chopping her and hitting her with forearms in the corner. Taya then spears Jordynne for a near fall as we go to commercial.
Jordynne sends Taya into the ring post and hits a splash off of the top before Taya counters a muscle buster and a superplex before missing a moonsault. Taya then rolls out of the ring and Johnny helps her up the ramp for the count out.
Winner: Jordynne Grace defeats Taya Valkyrie via count out, therefore Taya retains her title.
-Brian Cage goes after Johnny, but Taya gets in the way before Killer Kross chokes Brian and sends him into the ring post as we go to commercial.
Killer Kross vs Brian Cage
Kross rushes and attacks Brian as soon as the match starts before Brian comes back with running clotheslines and clotheslines in the corner before Kross sends Brian into the ring post. Kross slams Brian for a quick two count and stomps the arm of Brian before hitting an arm breaker before locking in an armbar. Brian breaks free and hits an enzuigiri before Kross snaps his arm in the ropes, Kross focusing on joint manipulation momentarily before he goes for another armbar. Brian gets to the ropes for the break and Kross rocks him with right hands before whipping him into the corner. Brian then comes back with a tornado DDT as we go to commercial.
Brian comes back with a superkick before Kross goes for a choke and Brian drives him into the corner until he breaks the hold. Brian hits a powerslam into a moonsault for a near fall before Kross hits a Doomsday Saito for a surprising one count. Brian hits a pop-up powerbomb into a discus clothesline for a near fall before he hits an F5 for a near fall that Johnny Impact breaks up. Taya then low blows Brian before Kross hits two more Doomsday Saito suplexes for the pin and the win.
Winner: Killer Kross defeats Brian Cage via pinfall with a Doomsday Saito.
-After the match Johnny assaults Brian before Taya gives him a chair and Johnny tries to break the arm of Cage.
-We end the show with a video where package Rosemary goes to the Undead Realm with Allie in tow where they are followed by Kiera Hogan and Rosemary fights and kills Luchasaurus among others. Kiera saves Rosemary after she kills several undead bridesmaids before Su Yung shows up and frees Allie before they battle Rosemary and Kiera. Kevin Sullivan coming out to the ring while Kiera is held at knife point by James. Su then kills Allie who is now lost forever as we go off the air.