IMPACT Wrestling On POP! 5/25 Results IMPACT World Championship Number One Contender Match & More!

This is the live coverage for tonight's episode of IMPACT Wrestling on POP! Tonight in our main event we have a number one contenders match for the IMPACT World Championship when EC3, James Storm and Magnus battle to see who will face Lashley at Slammiversary! We also have Eddie Edwards and Alisha teaming up to take on Davey Richards and Angelina Love. We also have V.O.W. take on Bokara and Bahh and Braxton Sutter and Mahabali Shera take on Kongo Kong and KM so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of the action!

-Everyone involved in the main event comes out after Bruce does and they all talk before Bruce says that the main event will be a no disqualification match before saying that if anyone fights before the match they'll be suspended indefinitely.

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Braxton Sutter & Mahabali Shera vs KM & Kongo Kong

Kong and Sutter start it off, Kong knocking Sutter over with ease before Sutter comes back with a series of right hands before tagging in Shera. Kongo tags KM in before he attacks Sutter from behind when he's distracted by Laurel. Kongo beats down Shera before he tags in KM who suplexes Shera for a quick two count. Kongo hits a rolling senton for a quick two count, then tags in KM who hits Shera with a series of knees as we go to commercial.

Shera tags in Sutter as we come back from commercial, Sutter dropping KM repeatedly before hitting a diving neckbreaker for a quick two count. Sutter tags Shera back in, then Kongo drags Sutter out of the ring as they fight up the ramp. Laurel and Sienna go after Allie, but she takes them out before Shera hits KM with a spinebuster for the pin and the win.

Winner: Braxton Sutter and Mahabali Shera via pinfall

-Laurel and Sienna beat on Allie after the match until Rosemary comes out to save her. They then stare each other down as we go to commercial.

V.O.W. vs Fala Bahh & Mario Bokara

Wilcox throws Mario into the corner to star the match before VOW double team him, then Mayweather hits a suplex for a quick two count. VOW do some more double team moves before Mayweather hits a fall away suplex for a quick two count. Bahh gets tagged in, but Mayweather fights him off until he hits a splash in the corner and a powerslam into a splash before suplexing Mario onto Mayweather for a near fall. Bahh gets tagged back in and hits a leg drop before standing on Mayweather, then hits him with a series of palm strikes before he misses a spear in the corner. Wilcox gets tagged in and Bahh tags in Mario who gets caught coming off of the top rope before Wilcox tosses him across the ring with a belly to back suplex. VOW then hit their finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner: VOW via pinfall

-Josh Matthews comes out and talks about the match he has with Jeremy at Slammiversary before saying that he's vice president of the company now. Josh asks Jeremy for his forgiveness and says he's sorry before offering his hand. He goes to shake his hand, but Joseph Park comes out to the ring and advises Jeremy not to shake Josh's hand. Josh then changes his mind and goes on a tirade about everything he should be doing besides commentating alongside Jeremy. Josh says that his partner will be revealed at his most opportune time, then Joseph says they do it right there and right now. 

Joseph Park vs Josh Matthews

They start to have the match, but they're interrupted by Scott Steiner before Park quickly leaves the arena. 

Winner: No contest

-After the match Scott stomps on Park before putting him in the Steiner Recliner as we go to commercial.

Davey Richards & Angelina Love vs Eddie Edwards & Alisha

Davey Eddie brawl around outside before Eddie sends sends Davey out of the ring and hitting a series of tope, then Alisha jumps off of the top rope and takes out both Davey and Angelina at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back from commercial with Eddie in control until Davey tags in Angelina, Alisha coming in and hits a cross body before rolling Angelina up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Eddie Edwards & Alisha Edwards

-Davey and Angelina attack them after the match, then Davey handcuffs Eddie's wrist to the bottom rope. Davey then set a a table up in the ring before Angelina powerbombs her through a table as we go to commercial with Eddie looking on and yelling in horror.

Impact World Title #1 Contender Triple Threat Match

Storm sends EC3 out of the ring before he focuses on Magnus, then they brawl around ringside, Storm hitting EC3 with a water bottle before spitting water on his face. EC3 and Magnus suplex Storm onto the ramp as we go to commercial.

We come back to all three men in the ring with chairs in the ring. EC3 wedges a chair in the corner before Magnus hits Storm with a kendo stick. Storm comes back with a double clothesline, but they beat him down again with the stick before EC3 accidentally hits Magnus with it. Storm comes back and drops EC3 repeatedly before sending Magnus out of the ring, then Storm sends Magnus into EC3 and hits a neckbreaker, making EC3 DDT him for a near fall. Storm hits EC3 with a chair before he puts a trash can against Magnus and hits him with it. Storm DDTs EC3 onto the apron, then Magnus puts him in a Boston crab before EC3 breaks it up with a chair shot. S

torm hits a code breaker using a chair, then they hit a tower of doom spot before Magnus and Storm get a near fall on EC3. Storm then hits The Last Call before EC3 knocks him out of the ring and covers Magnus for the pin and the win.

Winner: EC3 via pinfall


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