Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for IMPACT Wrestling (2/24/22)!
We'll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.
— The show begins and we see highlights of this past weekend's No Surrender event, most notably focusing on Eddie Edwards turning on Team IMPACT and joining Honor No More.
— We cut to the ring and IMPACT World Champion Moose makes his way to the ring as Tom Hannifan alongside Matt Rehwoldt on commentary welcomes us to tonight's show. Moose says month after month he's proven why he's the greatest world champion in all of professional wrestling and this past weekend at No Surrender, he proved it again when he stepped into the ring against a titan, W. Morrissey, he put him down 1, 2, 3. Moose says it's disrespectful that everybody is only talking about Eddie Edwards and there's only one person that needs to be acknowledged in professional wrestling and that's him [Moose]. Moose says he changes everyone's world when they step into the ring with him...and not for the better and if anybody doesn't believe him, he'll prove it to them. Moose asks what happened to Josh Alexander after he beat him at Bound For Glory...he 'lost his mind and left IMPACT Wrestling'. Moose asks what happens to 'Mid' Cardona after he defeated him, he also lost his mind, he hit Jordynne Grace in the face with a steel chair. Moose says only the Lord knows what downward spiral W. Morrissey will have to deal with after No Surrender. Heath's music hits and Heath makes his way out. Heath asks Moose if he thinks it's a joke, because it's not. Heath says Eddie Edwards was a huge piece to the IMPACT puzzle and now they're at war with Honor No More and Ring of Honor. Heath says while they're at war, their champion is out here telling jokes while he's busting his ass just to make his way in IMPACT and if he has to stay alone to defend IMPACT, he will because their 'leader' isn't doing a damn thing. Moose ponders that Heath's been in IMPACT for a cup of coffee and now all of a sudden he's an IMPACT guy? Moose asks Heath where he's been since Honor No More's been around, Heath says he was out due to Covid protocols and since he's now tested negative and it seems that W. Morrissey is in the rear-view mirror, why don't they fight for the IMPACT World Championship so the fans can have a champion worth a damn. Moose says he doesn't think Heath wants to deal with that downward spiral that comes after losing to Moose and he doesn't care about Ring of Honor, he doesn't care about Honor No More, he doesn't care about IMPACT Wrestling and he 'certainly' doesn't care about Heath's family, wife or 'ugly ass kids'. Heath attacks Moose and drops him with a big right hook before grabbing the IMPACT World Championship and hoisting it above his head while standing over Moose's motionless body before exiting the arena.
— Backstage, Heath sees Chris Sabin, Rich Swann, Willie Mack and Rhino, they decide to go after Honor No More but IMPACT Wrestling EVP Scott D'Amore says they can't touch Honor No More because they won at No Surrender, so they have every right to be there. D'Amore says he knows Eddie Edwards screwed them over this past weekend but tonight, he's off limits and they have to let him explain himself but at Sacrifice, he's all Rhino's and they'll have a one-on-one match at the event. Rhino says he's going to beat the hell out of Edwards and do it very, very violently...and when he does, the blood will be on Scott D'Amore's hands. We then head to a commercial break.
— Back from the break and Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Vincent, PCO and Maria Kanellis of Honor No More arrive to the arena and Scott D'Amore 'greets' they and assures them that they're safe until the six-man tag match, which he hopes the IMPACT guys 'rip them limb from limb'. Moose interrupts and says he has no problems with them but they better not get in their way or come for the IMPACT World Title. Honor No More walks out, D'Amore asks what the hell happened to Moose and asks if he's being serious about saying he has no issue with Honor No More. D'Amore says he heard everything he and Heath talked about in the ring and says maybe Heath was right, maybe Moose is the joke. D'Amore confirms it'll be Moose defending his title against Heath at Sacrifice.
Matt Cardona (C) vs. Jordynne Grace — IMPACT Wrestling Digital Media Championship
— Grace goes right for Cardona at the bell. Grace tosses him out of the ring and launches him into the ring post but Cardona knees her in the mid-section and tosses her back into the ring. Grace nails Cardon with a pair of shoulder blocks then tosses Cardona back to the outside of the ring, Grace follows him out with a dive through the middle ropes and tosses him back into the ring before retrieving a garbage can and some keyboards from under the ring and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Cardona nails Grace with a keyboard then starts choking her with some wires before going for the cover but Grace lifts the shoulders after a two-count, Cardona hits her with another keyboard, goes for another cover but Grace is able to kick out once again. Cardona goes outside the ring and grabs a steel chair, then gets back into the ring and blasts Grace in the ribs with it. Cardona sets it up in the middle of the ring, looks for the suplex but Grace counters and sends him crashing ribs first into the chair with a front-suplex. Grace wallops Cardona with a keyboard across the back and starts blasting the champion with a selfie stick, then a suplex before going for the cover but Cardona's able to keep his title reign alive for the moment by kicking out. Grace delivers a pair of knees then a clubbing elbow to a cornered Cardona then drills him with a Vader Bomb, goes for the cover but Cardona's able to kick out at two-and-a-half. Grace retrieves a bag from under the ring and dumped it out in the middle of the ring and it's a bunch of old cell phones. Cardona knocks Grace back and wraps a wire and computer mouse around his fist and looks for a punch but Grace power-bombs him onto the phones, goes for the cover but Cardona knocks her back with the mouse. Cardona drills Grace with the chair to the ribs, Grace goes for the low-blow but she hurts herself and Cardona reveals a cup then tries to hit Grace with it but she low-blows him once again and locks-on the mandible claw with the cup, goes for the cover, Cardona kicks out and sends her face-first into the chair in the corner that was setup earlier, rolls Grace up and uses the ropes as leverage to get the 1-2-3 and retains his title!
Winner - Matt Cardona (C)
— Back from the break and Brian Myers has setup his own commentary table next to Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt and our next match is set to get underway.
John Skyler vs. Bhupinder Gujjar
— Skyler takes down Gujjar with a clothesline but the big man comes back with a corner splash and an overhead slam. Skyler trips Gujjar into the middle turnbuckle then launches Gujjar shoulder-first into the ring post, goes for the cover and Gujjar kicks out, immediately goes for another but Gujjar kicks right back out. Gujjar fights back with some strikes to the mid-section, Skyler knocks him back but Gujjar launches him into the corner, goes for the splash but Skyler knocks him but before eating a sling-blade from Gujjar, who plants Skyler with a spine-buster, goes for the cover but Skyler stays alive by lifting the shoulders after a count of two. Skyler lays Gujjar out with a leg sweep, then puts the big man on the top rope, follows him up but Gujjar tosses him off and drills him with a diving spear for the 1-2-3 and the win!
Winner - Bhupinder Gujjar
— After the match, W. Morrissey makes his way down and lays out Skyler before confronting Myers, who tries to run off but Morrissey snatches him by the head, Skyler knocks him away from Myers, sho scurries away but Morrissey fires Skyler through the announce table with a choke-slam as we head to a commercial break.
Deonna Purrazzo (C) vs. Lady Frost — AAA Reina de Reinas Championship
— Frost comes out swinging and lays into the champion with some high-flying offense, nails Purrazzo with a moonsault, goes for the cover but Purrazzo kicks out at two. The double champion slows down the pace a bit and works over Frost's knee, slides out of the ring and drills Frost's knee into the apron. Frost kicks Purrazzo back and lays her out with a back-flip off of the apron. Frost struggles back to her feet, really selling that left knee injury and gets back into the ring where she nails Purrazzo with a drop-kick to the back of the head, then a kick in the corner, goes for the cover but 'The Virtuosa' is able to kick out. Purrazzo lays Frost out with a clothesline then locks-in The Boston Crab but Frost crawls to the ropes to force the break, flips Purrazo back with a roll-up, Purrazzo rolls out and locks-up The Venus de Milo and Frost has no choice but to tap!
Winner - Deonna Purrazzo (C)
— After the match, Gisele Shaw's music hits and walks right past Deonna Purrazzo, who's exiting the arena and makes her way to the ring. Shaw poses in front of Frost and we cut backstage to where we see Jay White, Chris Bey and The Good Brothers. White says nothing is ever personal, it's always business and at No Surrender when he took out Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa, it was strictly business but sometimes in business, you gotta cut the dead weight and he had to make an executive decision for the betterment of The Bullet Club. White says Tama and Tanga won't be apart of The Bullet Club, but Chris Bey and the best tag team in the world, The Good Brothers will. Eric Young, Deaner and Joe Doering interrupt and say as part of their business arrangement, they owe them a tag title match and all of this could've been avoided if they told them what was going to happen at No Surrender. White says The Good Brothers are under new management and any business arrangements they may have had are now null and void. Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa come out of nowhere and attack White, Bey and The Good Brothers before staring down Young, Deaner and Doering before we head to a commercial break.
JONAH vs. Zicky Dice
— Dice comes out firing but JONAH wallops him with a shoulder block. JONAH lifts and slams Dice with a massive suplex then a senton before planting Dice with a vicious power-bomb for the three-count and the win.
Winner - JONAH
— After the match, JONAH goes up top and absolutely crushes Dice with The Tsunami before exiting the arena. Backstage, Gail Kim meets JONAH and tells him that he can't keep beating their opponents up after their matches. JONAH says IMPACT needs to stop feeding him 'appetizers' and give him something that he can sink his teeth into. Gail says it'll be JONAH and PCO at Sacrifice. Johnny Swinger comes in after JONAH leaves and says he's been training and wants JONAH next week because he's sick of him [JONAH] destroying careers. Gail confirms the match for next week and we head to a commercial break.
— Back from the break, Mickie James and Chelsea Green are in Gail Kim's office and James proposes herself defending her title against Green at Sacrifice. Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans interrupt and Tasha asks what Chelsea's done to deserve a title shot, Gail says Tasha caused a DQ in Chelsea's match against Mickie, Tasha says she could whoop Mickie's ass anytime, Gail says Tasha will face Chelsea next week and the winner faces Mickie James for the IMPACT Women's Championship at Sacrifice. Tasha and Savannah exit, Chelsea says she doesn't want Mickie at the ring with her next week and says she needs to do it herself and we cut back to the ring.
Honor No More (Kenny King, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) (with PCO, Vincent and Maria Kanellis) vs. Rich Swann, Willie Mack & Chris Sabin (with Rhino and Heath)
— All six competitors brawl right as the bell sounds and Team IMPACT clear the ring of Honor No More. Sabin and King are the legal men to start, Sabin goes right for the cover but King kicks out, tags-in Bennett, who lays Sabin out and immediately makes the tag to Taven. Savin knocks Taven out of the ring and trades verbal shots with PCO at ringside, Taven uses the distraction to lay out Sabin and toss him back into the ring before going for the cover but Sabin lifts the shoulders and Taven makes the tag to King, who's delivering a bevy of strikes to Sabin as we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Bennett is working over Sabin, goes for the cover but Sabin kicks out. Bennett makes the tag to Taven and Sabin escapes both men and makes the tag to Swann, who takes out all three members of Honor No More. Swann makes the tag to Mack and they deliver a double front-suplex to Taven, Mack goes for the cover but Taven kicks out at two. Taven kicks Mack away but eats a Samoan Drop from the big man and Mack flattens Taven with a standing moonsault but King attacks from behind and knocks both members of Team IMPACT off the apron and Bennett attacks Mack from behind and he and Taven hit Mack with The Proton Pack for the 1-2-3 and the win!
Winners - Honor No More (Kenny King, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett)
— After the match, Honor No More get in the ring and Maria Kanellis introduces Eddie Edwards. Swann gets face-to-face with Edwards on the entrance ramp and we head to a commercial break before we hear from the former IMPACT triple crown champion, Eddie Edwards.
— Back from the break and Eddie says he did what he did because she needs to expose the corruption and dishonor inside of the company. Eddie says he's always done what's best for IMPACT Wrestling and he always kept the fair...even when Scott D'Amore allowed Kenny Omega challenge for the IMPACT World Championship and Rich Swann failed to honor IMPACT Wrestling and he allowed an outsider to hold their world title. Eddie says it was up to the locker room to fix what management broke and he waited patiently for his shot. He waited when Sami Callahan and Moose both failed to beat Omega and do the job for the company. Eddie said he picked up a win over Kenny in a tag match and he knew that meant he had the next shot but when the company chose Josh Alexander to represent the company...and at that moment he realized that IMPACT Wrestling truly had honor no more. Eddie says all the faith that he had in the company, they turned around and showed him that they had zero faith in him and he had no choice but to listen to Honor No More. Eddie says he was called the heart of IMPACT Wrestling and by no means did he turn his back on the company, IMPACT Wrestling and Scott D'Amore ripped that heart out. Eddie says when people ask him 'how could you do this?' or 'why Eddie why?' it's because he gave everything to this company and never got anything in return for it. Eddie he didn't think he would be there if someone asked him that a year or two ago but anything is possible. Eddie's wife and IMPACT Wrestling star Alisha makes her way down and says she can't believe what Eddie's doing and he should be apologizing to all of their IMPACT Wrestling brothers and sisters for betraying them. Eddie says Alisha saw it first-hand that he never got his shot, Alisha says he always taught her to always believe and Moose, Sami and Josh all deserved their shots too and Josh brought the title back home and Eddie needs to stop bitching and celebrate with their real family. Eddie says Alisha is wrong and this [points to Honor No More] is his real family. Alisha asks if she's even his real family anymore, Eddie said he doesn't know and that's up to her and he's not doing anything wrong, he's just turning his back on anybody that's turned their back on him. Eddie drops the mic and he and Honor No More exit the arena. Eddie and Alisha stare each other down from afar as the show goes-off-the-air.