IMPACT Wrestling Results for 8/12/21 IMPACT World Title #1 Contender Battle Royal

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight's edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV!

Tenille Dashwood (w/ Kaleb) vs Taylor Wilde

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Taylor and Tenille lock up before exchanging wrist locks and side headlocks before Tenille goes to hit Taylor with a fanny pack and the referee stops her before Taylor hits a jawbreaker and a scoop slam before Kaleb grabs her leg and she goes out after him before chasing him around ringside. Taylor tosses Tenille back into the ring before Kaleb distracts her again and Tenille hits a draping neckbreaker in the ropes for a near fall before stretching her in the ropes and Taylor comes back with forearms before Tenille hits a butterfly suplex into the corner. Tenille then hits a sliding cross body for a near fall before Taylor comes back with clotheslines and a dropkick into a backbreaker. before hitting a stomp in the corner and Kaleb accidentally sprays the referee with hair spray. Madison Rayne then shows up and sends Taylor into the post before Tenille hits the Spotlight Kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tenille Dashwood defeats Taylor Wilde via pinfall.

Daivari vs Josh Alexander

Daivari mocks Josh and takes him down with a straight armbar before Josh goes for an ankle lock and Daivari scrambles to the ropes for the break before Daivari takes his time getting back into the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Josh in control as he hits a backbreaker for two as Jake Something comes out onto the stage and watches the match as Daivari rocks Josh with a jawbreaker and Josh snaps his neck in the ropes before hitting a sliding cross body. Daivari drives Josh into the apron and railing before tossing him back inside and locking in a rear chin lock before Josh gets to his feet and Daivari drops him with a back elbow for two before grounding Josh with a side headlock take over. Josh gets to his feet and Daivari counters a Tiger driver before Josh hits a fall away slam and locks in an ankle lock before Daivari kicks him away and getting a near fall off of a roll up with the ropes before hitting a DDT for a near fall. Josh then hits butterfly piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Josh Alexander defeats Daivari via pinfall.

- After the match Jake comes into the ring and hands Josh his title before leaving.

- Backstage The Good Brothers have a confrontation with Violent By Design before Eric says that both Doc and Joe are open next week and should have a match before Joe is dragged away by Rhino and Deaner.

- Kiera Hogan comes out to the ring to address the attack last week by Tasha Steelz new partner before she calls out Tasha and instead is met by Su Yung and Kimber Lee. Kimber then gets into the ring and attacks Kiera before Kiera drops her with a superkick before Kimber takes out Kiera with a mandible claw. Su then has Kimber grab Kiera and they drag her to the back as we go to commercial.

Bullet Club vs FinJuice

David and Jay start the match off before Chris and Juice come in and Jay distracts Juice before Chris hits a diving ax kick off of the top with Juice trapped in the ropes before Chris sends Juice out of the ring and Jay drives him into the apron before tossing him back inside and hitting a neckbreaker for two. BC isolate Juice until he gets the hot tag to David who rocks Jay with forearms and hits a flying uppercut before Chris gets the blind tag and David hits a blue thunderbomb for two before tagging in Juice and FJ hit their finisher for a near fall. Juice then jabs Chris before David takes out Jay and FJ hit a Doomsday Device for a near fall before Jay hits Juice with a chair for the disqualification.

Winner: FinJuice defeat Bullet Club via disqualification.

- After the match Jay hits David with the Blade Runner onto a chair.

- Backstage Tasha is interviewed as she explains why she turned on Kiera as we go to commercial.

- We come back from the break to a backstage interview with Melina ahead of her match at Empowerrrr before she's interrupted by Knockouts champion Deonna Purrazzo before we go to a video of Deonna training MMA before Melina tells Deonna that she's going to have a match next week.

- We get a taped interview with Christian Cage ahead of him challenging Kenny for the IMPACT World title tomorrow night at AEW: Rampage.

Matt Cardona vs John Skyler

Matt drops John repeatedly before Matt hits a flap jack and clotheslines John over the top rope and down onto the floor before Matt boots John at ringside before tossing him back inside and back outside before hitting a wrecking ball dropkick. John rips Matt off of the apron and down onto the floor before sending him into the apron before tossing Matt back inside and hitting a slingshot spear for two before Matt comes back with a missile dropkick before he's distracted by Shera and Rohit Raju. John then rocks Matt with a high knee before rolling him up for the pin and the win.

Winner: John Skyler defeats Matt Cardona via pinfall.

IMPACT World Championship Number One Contender Battle Royal

Suicide is first to be eliminated before W takes out Hernandez and everyone attack W before he shoves them back and everyone go back to him before eliminating him as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Maclin eliminating Petey from the outside before Deaner, Rich, Rhino and Willie are eliminated before Fallah eliminates Fulton and Moose eliminates Bahh before Sam eliminates Trey and Moose eliminates Eddie before Brian eliminates Sam and Sami eliminates Ace before Moose eliminates Sami. Brian then eliminates both Chris and Moose to win the match and the title shot.

Winner: Brian Myers earns a shot at Kenny Omega's IMPACT World title.

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