On May 18, 2023, IMPACT hosted a new episode of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV & via their YouTube Channel. The show was headlined by Trinity making her in-ring debut against one-half of the Knockout's Tag Team Champions, The Coven's KiLynn King.
Elsewhere on the card, X-Division Champion Trey Miguel faced off against Laredo Kid in Singles Competition, Jason Hotch challenged Ace Austin, one-half the IMPACT Tag Team Champions, to a match, while Moose teamed up with Eddie Edwards and Frankie Kazarian against the team of Jonathan Gresham, Yuya Uemura & MCMG's Alex Shelley. Full results & highlights are listed below and will be updated as the show happens.
IMPACT Wrestling (5/18/2023).
- X-Division Champion Trey Miguel def. Laredo Kid
- After the match, Miguel talked trash about the Chicago crowd before saying that he would take IMPACT Wrestling hostage until he gets the respect he deserves as a talent & Champion. After the commercial break, Chris Sabin confronted Trey Miguel to tell him that the only way to get respect is by giving it back. Miguel said that he did not want to be lectured, to which Sabin responded by saying that he would humble Miguel on Under Siege after he beats him for the X-Division Title.
- Jai Vidal talked to Trinity backstage, with Vidal telling Trinity that the selfie taken last week got Vidal in trouble with Gisele Shaw. Trinity told Vidal to inform Shaw to face her next week, but Vidal informed Trinity that Shaw was cleared to compete next week. After this, Trinity told Vidal to inform Shaw about the Open Contract for Under Siege.
- Rich Swann & Sami Callihan cut a promo backstage detailing their trials & tribulations in their IMPACT Tenure. Swann & Callihan promised to take down The Design on Under Siege.
- Jason Hotch (w/ John Skylar & Brian Myers) def. Ace Austin (w/ Chris Bey).
- Jordynne Grace was interviewed by Gia Miller, with Grace saying that she wanted to beat Knockout's CHampion Deonna Purrazzo clean and make it without a doubt that she earned it, but she was interrupted by Alisha Edwards, who said that Grace attacking Purrazzo was not an accident before telling her to keep lying to herself.
- Trinity def. KiLynn King (w/ Taylor Wilde).
- IMPACT World Heavyweight Champion Steve Maclin, Champagne Singh & Shera attacked PCO backstage, with Maclin laying him out by breaking a stack of cement blocks on PCO's back with a hammer.
- Jessicka was backstage waiting for Rosemary to return from the Undead Realm before The Coven (Taylor Wilde & KiLynn King) confronted her backstage. Jessicka talked trash to them for not knowing how to actually access the Undead Realm before The Coven left.
- Jody Threat def. Sierra.
- Eddie Edwards & Alisha Edwards spoke with Frankie Kazarian backstage. Edwards said that there cannot be two in-ring generals in the match before saying that Kazarian should follow his lead, but Kazarian sarcastically agreed to that.
- - Dirty Dango talked with Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice to see if they attacked Santino Marella, and he said there was no way due to their incompetence. Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry appeared, which lead to Dango calling Hendry an "egomaniac" for trying to steal Dango's thunder last week. Hendry tore up a Dirty Dango t-shirt, revealing that Dango was the one that attacked Santino Marella. Dango was bamboozled before he tossed Hendry onto the board.
- Alex Shelley, Jonathan Gresham & Yuya Uemura def. Moose, Eddie Edwards & Frankie Kazarian.
.@TheTreyMiguel just got SPIKED! @Laredokidpro1 #IMPACTonAXSTV pic.twitter.com/iilCXYtkRx
Bullet Club's @The_Ace_Austin is taking to @TheJasonHotch RIGHT NOW on #IMPACTonAXSTV! pic.twitter.com/AinJy5SSNV
.@TheTrinity_Fatu locks in Starstruck to defeat @KiLynnKing!#IMPACTonAXSTV pic.twitter.com/0fuaESI2gG
.@JodyThreat has been a force to be reckoned with since arriving in IMPACT Wrestling! #IMPACTonAXSTV pic.twitter.com/r7JE7xyZRE
.@TheJonGresham is picking up the pace!#IMPACTonAXSTV pic.twitter.com/PPkmHGejMR
- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.