Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for WWE Raw. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!
- The show starts with a ten bell salute for the victims of the El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio mass shootings.
- Samoa Joe interrupts the opening video montage to talk about being accused of trying to take out Roman Reigns last week at Smackdown Live, Joe says he has been wrongly accused of trying to take out Reigns. Joe then airs the footage of Reigns almost getting taken out last week on Smackdown Live, Joe says that he will stay he tonight until Reigns arrives and gives an apology. Becky Lynch interrupts and makes her way to the ring for her match.
Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair vs. Trish Stratus & Natalya
The match begins with Natalya and Lynch locking up until Natalya takes Lynch down, Lynch gets free and Natalya trips her up to apply a front headlock. Lynch gets free and Natalya goes for an arm bar, Lynch gets free and she attempts a sharp shooter before Natalya gets free. Flair tags in and she kicks Natalya in the midsection, Flair nails Natalya with a plethora of chops. Natalya catches Flair in a roll up for a near fall, Natalya drops Flair and Flair trips her up afterwards before landing a boot to the face. Flair then smashes the face of Natalya into the mat a few times, Flair holds Natalya down while twisting away on her head. Flair transitions into a chin lock against Natalya, Natalya gets free and Flair nails her with a clothesline. Flair traps Natalya in the ropes while pulling back on her head, Flair stands over Natalya while landing a plethora of strikes. Flair goes for a roll up and Natalya propels her into the middle turnbuckle, Natalya looks for the sharp shooter and she instead nails Flair with a clothesline.
Flair recovers and she nails Natalya with an exploder suplex, Lynch tags in and Flair jumps her from behind before leaving the ringside area. Natalya puts a distracted Lynch in the harp shooter and Lynch gets to the ropes, Natalya refuses to break the hold and the ref calls for the bell.
Winners: Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair, by DQ
- Highlights are shown from the Gauntlet Match from last weeks Raw.
- Rey Mysterio is shown backstage.
Rey Mysterio vs. Andrade w/Zelina Vega
The match begins with Mysterio tripping up a charging Andrade before landing a few strikes, Andrade recovers and he nails Mysterio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Mysterio fights back again and Andrade quickly drops him, Mysterio uses a second rope rana to send Andrade into the corner. Andrade fights back and he drops Mysterio with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Andrade keeps Mysterio cornered while landing a few strikes. Mysterio recovers and he uses an arm drag to throw Andrade out of the ring, Mysterio then nails Andrade with a sunset bomb into the barricade as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Mysterio nails Andrade with a super rana for a near fall, Mysterio then nails Andrade with a rope assisted enzaguri. Mysterio follows that up with a top rope seated senton, Andrade fights back and Mysterio lands a head kick for a near fall. Mysterio then nails Andrade with a code red for a near fall, Andrade fights back and he nails Mysterio with a few strikes.
Andrade clobbers a charging Mysterio with a spinning elbow strike for a near fall, Andrade goes to the top rope and Mysterio lands a few strikes before meeting him up there. Andrade hangs Mysterio in the ropes before landing a top rope double stomp for a near fall, Mysterio recovers and he nails Andrade with a crucifix bomb for another near fall. Andrade blocks a Mysterio rana before landing a power bomb, Andrade then hits Mysterio with a running double knee strike for another near fall. Mysterio recovers and he nails Andrade with a destroyer for a near fall, Mysterio traps Andrade in the ropes before landing a 619. Mysterio goes to the top rope and Andrade gets his knees up during a splash attempt, Andrade fights back to hit Mysterio with another power bomb. Andrade tries ripping the mask off of Mysterio, Vega interferes and drops Mysterio neck first on the middle rope. Andrade nails Mysterio with a DDT for a three count.
Winner: Andrade w/Zelina Vega
- Highlights are shown of Maria Kanellis winning the WWE 24/7 Title are shown.
- Maria and Mike Kanellis are shown in the doctor’s office waiting room, Maria says Mike most protect her, the title and their unborn child.
- More highlights are shown of Mike and Maria Kanellis at the doctors office, Mike pins Maria as the doctor was the referee and he wins the WWE 24/7 Title. R-Truth and Carmella are in the waiting room and R-Truth rolls Mike up for a three count to win the title.
- Charly Caruso interviews Becky Lynch, who says that Natalya should bring all the Hart Family members to Summerslam to watch her tap out. Lynch says that she fought and won to have the company push her, while Natalya was playing the good girl.
- Sarah Schreiber interviews Natalya, who says she will make Becky Lynch tap out at Summerslam and end her career at the same time.
- Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are shown backstage.
- WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman make their way to the ring, Heyman does his usual intro for himself and Lesnar. Heyman questions whether or not Seth Rollins is supposed to be a beast slayer, a conquer of conquers and the one to burn down suplex city among other things. Heyman then shows the footage of Lesnar destroying Rollins from last weeks Raw, Heyman says that Rollins is here tonight. Heyman says the crowd shouldn’t cheer for Rollins and a seriously injured Rollins interrupts to make his way to the ring with a steel chair, Rollins gets in the ring and Lesnar drops him with a single kick. Lesnar grabs the steel chair and he attacks Rollins with it, Lesnar picks up Rollins and rams him into the turnbuckles. Rollins tries fighting back and Lesnar levels him with a knee strike, Lesnar then hits Rollins with an F-5 before leaving the ring.
- Medical personnel is attempting to help Seth Rollins, but Rollins grabs a microphone and he questions whether everything is worth it. Rollins says he would do anything to protect the things he loves, despite getting beat to a pulp for several weeks. Rollins says it is worth it and this is all he has ever wanted, Rollins says he’ll be at WWE Summerslam and he’ll beat Brock Lesnar.
- Charly Caruso interviews Kurt Angle, who says that it is great to be back in his hometown tonight, The Street Profits arrive to say hello to Angle. The Street Profits bring Angle some milk and Angle says he promised his wife that he wouldn’t do anything too crazy tonight, Drew McIntyre arrives to remind Angle of what happened last time they fought.
The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. Eric Abraham & Jay Alexander
The match begins with Ivar nailing one opponent with knee strikes while knocking the other off the ring apron, Erik tags in and he attacks one guy with more knee strikes while nailing the other with a German suplex. Ivar tags in and he nails one opponent with a top rope splash, The Viking Raiders then land the Viking Experience for a three count.
Winners: The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar)
- A video package airs highlighting the life and career of the late Harley Race.
- The match between Drew McIntyre and Cedric Alexander never gets started because McIntyre attacked Alexander during his entrance and he throws him into the barricade, McIntyre continues attacking Alexander and he throws him into the barricade again. Alexander fights back and he shoves McIntyre into the ring post, Alexander then hits McIntyre with a tornado DDT on the arena floor. The lights go out in the arena and The Fiend attacks Kurt Angle with the mandible claw when they come back on.
The New Day (Xavier Woods & Big E) vs. The OC (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) w/AJ Styles
The match begins with Anderson cracking Woods with a few strikes, Woods recovers and he nails Anderson with a clothesline. Styles interferes and he attacks both members of The New Day, Ricochet comes out and makes the save.
Winners: The New Day (Xavier Woods & Big E), by DQ
Ricochet & The New Day (Xavier Woods & Big E) vs. The OC (AJ Styles, Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)
The match is joined in progress and we see Styles holding Ricochet in a headlock, Ricochet gets free and he nails Styles with arm drags followed by a hurricarana. Ricochet then nails Styles with a few strikes, Ricochet then catches Styles in a few roll ups before eating a strike to the throat. Anderson tags in and Ricochet quickly drops him with a neck breaker, E tags in and he attacks Anderson with some strikes. Anderson hurts E by kicking him in the back of the knee, Gallows tags in and he corners E before landing a ton of strikes. Gallows nails E with a suplex for a near fall, Gallows then hits E with elbow strikes before applying a chin lock. Gallows goes for an avalanche and E gets out of the way, Styles tags in and he gets E in the corner. E fights back and Styles nails him with a few strikes, E recovers and he nails Styles with an overhead release suplex. Anderson and Woods get tagged in by their respective partners, Woods quickly cleans house against the opposing team.
Woods then hits Styles with an Indiana Roll, Woods follows up by nailing Anderson with a knee strike for a near fall. Everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out, Styles trips up Woods while the ref was distracted and Anderson nails him with a DDT. Gallows and Anderson nail Woods with a Magic Killer for a three count.
Winners: The OC (AJ Styles, Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)
- Samoa Joe tells a stage hand to notify everybody that Raw is officially shut down.
- Samoa Joe comes out and makes his way to the ring, Joe grabs a microphone and he demands that Roman Reigns come to the ring. Reigns doesn’t initially come out and Joe takes a seat in the ring while declaring that Raw is shutdown, a stagehand gets Joe’s attention to say that Reigns has just arrived and Joe heads backstage to find him. Joe goes out to the parking lot and he arrives just as Reigns pulls in, another car slams into Reigns vehicle before Joe can even attack him.
- During the commercial break, the car that hit Roman Reigns drives away and Samoa Joe goes to check on him while demanding medics help him as well. Triple H also arrives to check on Reigns.
WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships
Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match
The Iiconics (Billie Kaye & Peyton Royce) (c) vs. The Kabuki Warriors (Kairi Sane & Asuka) w/Paige vs. Fire & Desire (Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville) vs. Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross
The match begins with Kaye backing Rose into the corner before tagging Royce in, Royce and Kaye stomp away on Rose before Kaye tags back in. Kaye and Royce knock their opponents off the ring apron before clearing the ring again a short time later, Royce and Jaye then hit Bliss with a wheelbarrow slam. Sane interferes and she gets nailed with a double front suplex, Auska interferes and The Iiconics take her out with their finisher. Rose returns and she rolls up Kaye before landing a bunch of strikes, Kaye recovers and she drops Rose with a forearm strike. Deville interferes and she takes out an interfering Royce, Rose then nails Kaye with a knee strike for the elimination.
Eliminated: The Iiconics (Billie Kaye & Peyton Royce)
The match continues with Cross immediately tagging Asuka into the match, Rose then tags Bliss in after avoiding an Asuka head kick. Bliss immediately tags Deville into the match, Deville gets Asuka in a headlock before Asuka drops her with a shoulder tackle. Asuka then attacks Deville with a plethora of strikes, Deville recovers and she attacks Asuka with kicks of her own. Sane tags in and she double teams Deville with Asuka, Bliss is tagged in and she attacks Sane with a foot stomp. Sane recovers to drop Bliss and land a double stomp for a near fall, Asuka tags in and she nails Bliss in the arm with a top rope axe handle smash. Rose makes the blind tag and she drops Asuka with a forearm strike, Deville tags in and she double teams Asuka with Rose. Rose tags back in and she nails Asuka with a knee strike for a near fall, Rose for an implant buster and Asuka escapes to land her own knee strike. Asuka gets Rose in the Asuka Lock and Rose taps out.
Eliminated: Fire & Desire (Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville)
The match continues with Asuka holding Cross in a knee bar, Asuka transitions into a modified STF on Cross. Cross gets free and Bliss tags into the match, Bliss and Cross would then double team a cornered Asuka. Cross tags in and she nails Asuka with some more strikes, Cross then nails Asuka with a modified neck breaker for a near fall. Cross then nails Asuka with a back suplex for a near fall, Asuka fights back and she nails Cross with a release German suplex. Sane and Bliss get tagged in by their respective partners, Sane quickly cleans house against the opposing team. Sane then hits a cornered Bliss with a sliding forearm strike, Asuka tags in and she takes out Cross with Sane. Asuka goes for the Asuka Lock and Bliss gets free for a near fall, Asuka then drops Bliss with a head kick. Sane tags in and Cross shoves Sane off the top rope, Cross then traps Asuka in the ring skirt. Bliss nails Sane with a right followed by Twisted Bliss for a three count.
Eliminated: The Kabuki Warriors (Kairi Sane & Asuka) w/Paige
Winners: Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross, your new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions
- The Miz makes his way to the ring for Miz TV, with tonight’s guests being Dolph Ziggler and Shawn MIchaels. The Miz brings out Michaels first and Michaels makes his way to the ring, Ziggler makes his way out next to sign a contract for a match with Miz at WWE Summerslam. Ziggler says he would rather be a pariah instead of ass kissers like Miz and Michaels, Ziggler says he is the best thing in pro wrestling and he is the only legend in the ring right now. Ziggler then signs the contract before anybody can say anything else, Miz says its Ziggler’s fault as to why he isn’t respected and he cannot wait to face him next week on Raw. Miz says Ziggler should’ve read the contract before signing it, Michaels then reveals that it isn’t him either. Goldberg comes out and the ring is instantly cleared, Goldberg then signs the contract before telling Ziggler he is next. Michael then nails Ziggler with Sweet Chin Music from out of nowhere.