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- The show starts off with a video package highlighting last weeks action.
- Matt Sydal interrupts before the first match of the night can begin and he heads over to the announce table.
Rich Swann vs. Petey Williams
The match begins with Williams rolling up Swann for a near fall after pretending to get into a dance off with him, Swann recovers and he nails Williams with a drop kick. Swann and Williams work over each others arms until Swann lands a right, Williams then traps Swann in the ropes before landing a running drop kick. Williams traps Swann in the corner and Swann still manages to propel him from the top rope to the mat, Swann drops Williams before kicking him in the back. Swann holds Williams down while wrenching away on his arm, Swann then hits Williams with a splash for a near fall. Williams recovers and shoves Swann to the arena floor, Williams then lands a rope assited hurricarana on Swann on the arena floor.
Williams gets Swann back in the ring before landing a Code Breaker for a near fall, Williams goes for the Canadian Destroyer and Swann escapes to land a kick. Swann escapes a German suplex to nail Williams with a spinning head kick, Swann then hits Williams with a Lethal Injection for a near fall. Swann looks for a standing 630 splash and Williams counters into a sharp shooter, Swann gets to the ropes to break the hold. Swann recovers and he nails Williams with a jaw breaker before a striking exchange breaks out, Swann then hits Williams with a hurricarana. Williams then catches Swann with a side Russian leg sweep followed by a roll up for a near fall, Swann then hits Williams with a falcon arrow for a near fall. Swann goes to the top rope and Williams rolls out of the ring, Swann gets to the arena floor before nailing Williams with a head kick.
Swann then hits Williams with a standing 630 splash on the arena floor, Swann gets Williams in the ring and he goes back to the top rope. Sydal leaves the announce booth to talk to Swann and the distraction causes Swann to miss the phoenix splash, Williams hits Swann with a Canadian Destroyer for the three count.
Winner: Petey Williams
- Austin Aries, Killer Kross & Moose are shown arriving to the arena.
- Matt Sydal approaches an angry Rich Swann backstage, Sydal implores Swann to follow him and Swann tells him to stay away.
Desi Hit Squad (Rohit Raju & Vikas Kumar) w/Gama Singh vs. Joe Hendry & Grado w/Katarina
The match begins with the Desi Hit Squad attacking they opponents before the bell sounds, Grado fights back to drop Kumar with a clothesline before nailing Raju with an elbow smash. Hendry tags in and he double teams Raju alongside Grado, Hendry catches Raju with a few roll ups for a few near falls. Raju looks for a tornado DDT and Hendry counters with a suplex for a near fall, Grado tags in and he nails Raju with a headbutt. Raju fights back again and he eventually nails Grado with a neck breaker, Raju nails Grado with a few strikes before tagging Kumar into the match. Grado fights nack and Kumar nails him with a lung blower for a near fall, Kumar then stomps on the hand of Grado.
Raju tags back in and he nails Grado with a few more strikes, Grado fights back and he eventually tags Hendry in. Hendry quickly cleans house against the opposing team, Raju attacks Hendry from behind and he helps Kumar gain control of the bout. Hendry recovers and hits both opponents with a double fall away slam, Grado tags in and he nails Kumar with an avalanche. Grado misses a cannonball and Kumar nails him with a Sky High for the three count.
Winners: Desi Hit Squad (Rohit Raju & Vikas Kumar) w/Gama Singh
After the match, Katarina grabs a microphone and she insults Grado, Katarina says she doesn’t love Grado and she instead loves Joe Hendry. Katarina kisses Hendry and Hendry shoves her away, Hendry says his relationship with Katarina is platonic and Grado is his best friend. Katarina gets angry and she slaps Hendry before storming off backstage.
- Joe Hendry & Grado are talking backstage about what just happened, Grado apologizes for everything that has taken place before the two hug.
- The GWN Flashback Moment Of The Week is Bully Ray defeating Jeff Hardy to win the TNA World Heavyweight Title at TNA Lockdown 2013, while Hulk & Brooke Hogan look on in shock.
- The undead bridesmaids are shown backstage as Su Yung emerges from a casket, highlights of Yung losing the Knockouts Title also air. “Tessa” is shown engraved on top of a casket.
- Scarlett Bordeaux is shown backstage as somebody is singing to her, KM and Falah Ballah approach her to say that her advice last week worked. KM thanks her for everything, Scarlett gets a little touchy-feely with them before leaving.
- Eli Drake heads to the ring and he has something to say, Drake says he has had a lot of fun in the last few weeks. Drake says he hasn’t been impressed by some of the dummies that have been coming out in the last few weeks, Drake says he wants to find somebody to impress him and he issues an open challenge, which is answered by Stone Rockwell. Rockwell grabs the microphone and says he’s a future world champion, Rockwell says he is Impact Wrestlings first and only action and adventure superstar. Rockwell says is last adventure started on a train and he details what happened, Drake tells a referee to come out and officiate the match.
Eli Drake vs. Stone Rockwell
The match begins with Drake attacking Rockwell before the bell sounds, Drake then hits Rockwell with a Gravy Train for the three count.
Winner: Eli Drake
- The Lucha Brothers and they have a message for Brian Cage, which is to join them in their battle against oVe.
- Austin Aries, Moose & Killer Kross are talking backstage when Alicia Atout walks in wanting to know why Moose turned on Eddie Edwards. Aries sends her away before Alisha Edwards storms into confront Moose, Aries tells her to worry about her husband.
Knockouts Championship Match
Tessa Blanchard (c) vs. Su Yung
The match begins with Blanchard rolling up Yung for a near fall, Yung looks for her finisher and Blanchard escapes before dropping her. Yung puts the bloody glove on and Blanchard escapes to the arena floor, Blanchard gets back in the ring and Yung stomps away on her. Yung gets Blanchard into the corner before tossing her across the ring a few times, Yung applies a modified octopus stretch to a downed Blanchard. Blanchard gets free and she applies the modified Indian death lock to Yung, Blanchard stands over Yung while landing a few strikes. Yung gets free and Blanchard nails her with a few strikes, Blanchard follows that up by nailing Yung with multiple short arm clotheslines. Blanchard then hits Yung with a Saito Suplex for a near fall, Yung fights back and Blanchard traps her in the ropes before landing a flat liner for a near fall.
Blanchard goes out of the ring and she grabs a steel chair, the referee prevents the chair from getting used as Yung lands a baseball slide drop kick. Yung places Blanchard on the chair before nailing her with a cannonball from the ring apron, Yung gets Blanchard in the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt. Yung keeps Blanchard trapped in the corner while choking her with her boot, Yung also chokes Blanchard on the middle rope. Yung drags Blanchard ti the top rope and Blanchard fights back before landing a a super cutter for a near fall as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Blanchard missing a charge in the corner before having a striking exchange with Yung. Yung nails Blanchard with a kick to the midsection before sending her into the top turnbuckle, Blanchard recovers and hits Yung with a Buzzsaw DDT for the three count.
Winner: Tessa Blanchard, still the Knockouts Champion
After the match, the undead bridesmaids make their way to the ring with a casket. Su Yung attacks a distracted Tessa Blanchard from behind before nailing her with the Panic Switch, Yung goes to put Blanchard in the casket until Allie and Kiera Hogan make the save.
- A video package airs highlighting the feud between Brian Cage and oVe.
- King is shown walking into a meeting with Konnan and the heads of the various gangs, one of the men says the get together was created to deal with the violence caused by Konnan’s and King’s factions. Konnan says King broke the G Code bring inflicting pain on kids and family, King says everybody is trying to keep him down. King says he had to do what had to be done, the heads of the family converse and they announce that the cease fire will continue until Bound For Glory. Its going to be Konnan, Santana & Ortiz versus Homcide, Hernandez & King in the final war at Bound For Glory.
Zachary Wentz, Trey Miguel & Ace Austin vs. oVe (Sami Callihan, Jake Crist & Dave Crist)
The match begins with Callihan clearing the ring of the opposing team as the bellt sounds, the Crist Brothers then hit Austin and Miguel with suicide dive. Wentz fights back and he takes out the Crist Brothers with his own suicide dive, Dave gets to the ring apron and Austin knocks him back to the arena floor with a super kick. Austin follows that up by taking everybody out with a suicide dive, Callihan gets back in the ring and he nails Wentz with a pump kick followed by a lariat. Jake tags in and he works with Callihan to toss Wentz across the ring, Miguel tags in and Jake assaults him with super kicks. Dave tags in and he nails Miguel with a DDT, Austin tags in and Dave nails him with a reverse GTS. Austin fights back and he nails Callihan with a springboard head kick, the Crist Brothers hit Austin with a double super kick. oVe hit Austin with the All Seeing Eye for the three count.
Winners: oVe (Sami Callihan, Jake Crist & Dave Crist)
After the match, Sami Callihan nails Ace Austin with a pile driver. Callihan grabs the microphone and he says that oVe in the best trio in all of wrestling, Callihan says the war with the Lucha Brothers will never end. Callihan warns Brian Cage that is he sticks his nose in oVe’s business, it will be something they never forget.
- Austin Aries, Moose & Killer Kross make their way to the ring so Moose can explain why he turned on Eddie Edwards. Aries grabs the microphone and he says everybody wants to know why Moose turned on Edwards, Moose gets the microphone and he claims that Edwards has everybody fooled. Moose calls Edwards selfish and he promises to expose him, Moose says it was him who supported him through his issues with Alisha Edwards and others. Moose says Edwards never visited him in the hospital when he was injured, Moose says Kross was the only person to visit him in the hospital. Moose then says that Aries also called him and helped him see things clearly, Moose thanks Aries for being the “Greatest Man That Ever Lived.”
Aries gets the microphone back to say that everything has changed in Impact Wrestling and nobody is safe, Johnny Impact comes out and he says that Kross should’ve set his ambitions higher than to be Aries bodyguard. Impact says that Aries is going to be defending the Impact Heavyweight Title against him at Bound For Glory, Aries invites Impact into the ring and Impact declines. Impact goads Aries and they start brawling on the entrance ramp, Impact destroys Aries and his friends with super kicks. Aries and his gang get the upper hand. Moose takes care of the security while Aries and Kross injure Impact, Aries wraps a chair around the head of Impact while nailing it with a second chair.