Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for WWE Raw. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!
- A Christmas themed video package airs previewing tonight’s event.
- Elias is in the ring to start the show and he wants to know “who wants to walk with Elias?” Elias says he’ll beat and humiliate Bobby Lashley tonight during the Miracle On 34th Street Fight, Elias then performs an original Christmas song mocking Lio Rush and Lashley until the duo interrupt him.
Miracle On 34th Street Fight
Elias vs. Bobby Lashley w/Lio Rush
The match begins with Lashley scoring a takedown on Elias before landing a few strikes in the corner, Lashley then drops Elias with a neck breaker. Lashley corners Elias again while landing some shoulder thrusts, Lashley keeps Elias in the corner while landing more strikes. Elias tries fighting back and Lashley knocks him to the arena floor, Lashley follows Elias out of the ring and Elias hits him with a Christmas tree. Elias follows Lashley around the outside of the ring while landing chops, Elias grabs a kendo stick out of a Christmas present and Rush steals it from him. Elias still manages to send Lashley into the ring steps as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Elias hitting Lashley with strikes on the inside of the ring.
Lashley recovers and he drops Elias with a flat liner, Rush interferes and fails at a frog splash attempt as Elias got his knees up. Elias catches Lashley in a roll up for a near fall, Elias gets up and Lashley quickly drops him with a clothesline. Lashley throws Elias out of the ring and he follows him out there, Lashley picks up Elias and he backs him into the barricade. Lashley then slams Elias onto a pile of Christmas presents, Lashley gets Elias back in the ring before landing some elbow smashes. Elias recovers and kicks a charging Lashley in the face, Lashley recovers and nails Elias with an overhead release suplex. Lashley opens a Christmas present and its full of Legos that he spreads on the ring, Lashley places Elias on the top rope and he follows him up there. Elias knocks Lashley off the ropes and onto the pile of Legos, Elias then grabs a fire extinguisher and he shoots Lashley with it.
Lashley then accidentally sends Rush through a table, Elias then hits Lashley with a knee strike and some stomps in the corner. Elias then unwraps a present to find a bowling ball and he rolls it into the balls of Lashley, Elias then opens a present to find a guitar and he hits Lashley with it for a three count.
Winner: Elias
After the match, Elias dumps a bowl of egg nog onto Lio Rush.
- A video package airs showing the McMahon Family's big announcement from last weeks Raw.
- Heath Slater talks about Christmas and his kids.
Raw Tag Team Title Match
Bobby Roode & Chad Gable (c) vs. The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder)
The match begins with Dawson distracting Roode so Wilder can roll him up for a near fall, Wilder works on the arm of Roode before tagging Dawson in. Roode fights back and he tags Gable into the match, Gable and Roode nail Dawson with some double team moves for a near fall. Gable holds Dawson down while wrenching away on his arm, Dawson gets free and he corners Gable before landing a few strikes. Gable then hits Dawson with an arm drag followed by a head scissors, The Revival recover and drop Gable on the top rope as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Wilder holding gable in a chin lock, Gable gets free as Dawson tags into the match.
Dawson traps gable in the ropes before landing a few strikes, Dawson then hits gable with a northern lights suplex after a ref distraction. Wilder tags in and he double teams gable with Dawson for a near fall, Wilder places Gable on the top rope and Gable gets him in a rope assisted arm bar. Dawson tags in and Gable nails him with a back suplex, Wilder and Roode get tagged in by their respective partners. Roode quickly cleans house against the opposing teams, Roode then causes Wilder to land a standing moonsault on a downed Dawson. Roode then hits Wilder with a spine buster for a near fall, Gable tags in and Wilder throws Roode into the ring post to avoid their finisher. Gable nails Wilder with a German suplex for a near fall, Dawson tags in and Gable rolls him up for a near fall.
Dawson would then catch Gable in a roll up of his own for another near fall, Wilder tags in and The Revival hit Gable with an assisted German suplex for a near fall. Roode then hits Wilder with a spear from out of nowhere as Gable catches Dawson in a small package for a three count.
Winners: Bobby Roode & Chad Gable, still the Raw Tag Team Champions
- The B-Team perform their version of the 12 Days Of Christmas for Apollo Crews.
- The Lucha House Party reveal their wish list for Christmas.
- Curt Hawkins also reveals his Christmas wish, which is to win a match.
- No Way Jose says that he would like to give Santa Clause a gift, which is to bring the WWE Universe to the North Pole.
- A video package airs showing the new superstars making their way to Raw and Smackdown Live.
- Dolph Ziggler says he deserves a few things for Christmas, which is the Best In The World trophy, a stand up special on Netflix and to win tonight’s triple threat match to prove just how good he is.
- A video package airs about Kevin Owens. - Charly Caruso interviews Drew McIntyre before the next match, McIntyre says he isn’t worried about tonight’s match and says his opponents should gang up on him if they want to win. McIntyre says he is entering the 2019 Royal Rumble Match and then win the WWE Universal Title at ‘Mania.
Drew McIntyre vs. Finn Balor vs. Dolph Ziggler
The match begins with McIntyre dropping both opponents, McIntyre keeps both opponents at a distance while working them over. Balor fights back and he nails McIntyre with a flying forearm strike, Balor and Ziggler then knock McIntyre out of the ring. Ziggler attacks Balor before rolling him up for a near fall, Ziggler then gets a near fall on Balor after taking him down with a drop kick. Balor rolls through a sunset flip from Ziggler to land a basement drop kick, Balor knocks Ziggler out of the ring before McIntyre drags him out of it. McIntyre then throws Balor into the barricade before slamming Ziggler on the ringside edge as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see McIntyre wrenching away on the arm of a downed Balor on the inside of the ring. McIntyre then throws Balor into Ziggler and that causes Balor to fall out of the ring, McIntyre hits Ziggler with a suplex for a near fall.
McIntyre stands over a downed Ziggler to nail him with a few strikes, McIntyre also holds Ziggler down while wrenching away on his arm. Balor gets back in the ring and he rolls up McIntyre for a near fall, McIntyre quickly drops balor to regain control of the match. Balor fights back and Ziggler hits the ring to attack McIntyre as well, McIntyre then drops Ziggler with a Glasgow Kiss. McIntyre goes for a power bomb on Balor and Balor gets free before landing a double stomp, Balor then hits McIntyre with a shotgun drop kick before going to the top rope. Balor misses a Coupe De Grace and Ziggler hits him with a Zig Zag for a near fall, Ziggler goes for a super kick and misses it before hitting balor with a fame asser. McIntyre returns and he nails Ziggler with an inverted Alabama Slam that plants Ziggler on top of Balor. McIntyre charges at balor and Balor hits him with a sling blade followed by an enzaguri, Balor goes to the top rope and Ziggler crotches him.
McIntyre gets up and Ziggler nails him with a super kick, Balor greaks out Ziggler’s pin attempt by hitting him with a Coupe De Grace. Balor knocks McIntyre out of the ring before hitting Ziggler with a second Coupe De Grace for a three count.
Winner: Finn Balor
After the match, Drew McIntyre grabs Dolph Ziggler and he attacks him after blaming him for screwing everything up, Ziggler fights back and he hits McIntyre with a Zig Zag.
- Highlights are shown from the 2018 WWE Tribute To The Troops event.
- The B-Team are singing Christmas carols and Bo Dallas messes it up, which causes him to shove over a Christmas tree.
- Santa Claus (Vince McMahon) wakes up from a nap and he says he has presents for boys and girls, before announcing that John Cena will return soon and their are going to be women’s tag team titles. Claus also announces a steel cage match next week between Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler.
Dana Brooke, Mickie James & Alicia Fox vs. Sasha Banks, Bayley & Ember Moon
The match begins with Moon catching James in a roll up for a near fall, James gains control and works over the arm of Moon. Moon gets free and she nails James with a series of kicks, James recovers and drops Moon with a kick to the face for a near fall. Moon gets back up and she drops James with a head scissors takedown, Fox tags in and Moon drops her before taking James out with a suicide dive. Fox then drops Moon with a kick to the face as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Brooke holding Moon in a chin lock. James tags in and she attacks a cornered Moon with a few kicks before shoving her to the ground for a few near falls, James then kicks a seated Moon right in the back.
Brooke tags in and she nails Moon with a handspring splash for a near fall, Brooke reapplies a chin lock to a downed Moon. Moon gets free and Brooke corners her, Brooke goes for a handspring elbow strike and Moon gets out of the way. Bayley tags into the match and she cleans house against the opposing team, Brooke recovers and she drops Bayley with a clothesline. James tags in and Bayley drops her face first on the top turnbuckle, Banks tags in and she hits James with a series of knee strikes for a near fall. Moon then hits an interfering Fox with an Eclipse, Bayley tags in and she hits James with a Bayley To Belly for a three count.
Winners: Sasha Banks, Bayley & Ember Moon
After the match, The Riott Squad hits the ring to attack Bayley, Sasha Banks and Ember Moon.
- A video package airs showing Seth Rollins standing up to then Raw GM Elect Baron Corbin a few weeks ago on WWE Raw.
- Paul Heyman is in the ring and he starts singing Silent Night, which includes some comments directed at Braun Strowman. Heyman then does his usual introductions for himself, Heyman talks about how Braun Strowman is challenging Brock Lesnar for the WWE Universal Title at WWE Royal Rumble 2019. Heyman says there is no way that Santa Claus will deliver the WWE Universal Title to Strowman, Heyman says that Claus will give Strowman a lump of coal. Strowman interrupts and makes his way to the ring, Strowman puts a red nose on Heyman’s face followed by some antlers. Strowman grabs the microphone to mock Heyman, Strowman says he’ll be healed up by the Royal Rumble and Lesnar will “get these hands.”
- Highlights are shown of Natalya winning the gauntlet match on last weeks Raw to earn a shot at the Raw Women's Title.
- Charly Caruso interviews Natalya, who says she expects nothing but the best from Ronda Rousey and she knows Rousey better than anyone.
- Alexa Bliss says she doesn’t need anything from Santa because she’s perfect, Bliss does want to give some gifts to other women though.
- Tyler Breeze wishes Fandango a speedy recovery and tickets to a concert.
Raw Women’s Title Match
Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Natalya
The match begins with Natalya taking Rousey down with a headlock, Rousey gets free and she scores a judo throw takedown on Natalya. Natalya gets free and Rousey wrenches away on her arm, Natalya gets free and she gets Rousey down again with another headlock. Rousey gets free and she drops a charging Natalya with a shoulder block, Natalya and Rousey have a chain wrestling session for a short time afterwards. Rousey looks for the arm bar and she winds up getting Natalya in a triangle choke, Natalya gets free and Rousey gets her down with another judo throw for a near fall. Natalya scores a takedown of her own on Rousey before working over her legs, Rousey gets free and then gets a near fall on Natalya. Rousey drags Natalya to the mat while applying the body scissors, Natalya gets up and she nails Rousey with a modified suplex.
Natalya goes for a sharp shooter and Rousey sends her out of the ring as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Natalya shoving Rousey into the ring post before rolling her up for a near fall. Natalya holds Rousey down while applying the body scissors to her, Natalya then hits Rousey with a suplex for a near fall. Natalya keeps Rousey down while holding her in a chin lock, Rousey gets free and Natalya drops her with a clothesline for a near fall. Natalya would then apply the modified abdominal stretch to Rousey, Rousey gets free and Natalya drills her with a drop kick for a near fall. Natalya follows that up by nailing Rousey with a suplex for another near fall, Rousey avoids a charging Natalya before landing a striking combination. Rousey then drops Natalya with a judo throw followed by a step up knee strike for a near fall, Natalya fights back and she drills Rousey with a discus clothesline for a near fall.
Natalya sets up for a sharp shooter and Rousey gets free, Rousey then hits a charging Natalya with the Piper’s Pit. Rousey hesitates on an arm bar attempt and Natalya gets free to lock her in the sharp shooter, Rousey gets free and she gets Natalya in the arm bar to force a tap out.
Winner: Ronda Rousey, still the Raw Women’s Champion
- Dean Ambrose says he wants to wish Seth Rollins good luck in his match tonight, Ambrose says he got the Christmas gift he has deserved in the WWE Intercontinental Title.
- A video package airs about Sami Zayn.
Heath Slater vs. Jinder Mahal w/The Singh Brothers
The match begins with Mahal doing some work on the arm of Slater, Mahal then drops Slater with a series of strikes. Slater fights back and Mahal drops him with a back elbow strike, Mahal then hits Slater with a suplex for a near fall. Mahal holds Slater down afterwards while applying a modified chin lock to him, Santa Claus comes through the crowd and he makes his way towards the ring. Slater hits a distracted Mahal with a leg lariat for a near fall, the Singh Brothers attack Slater to cause a DQ.
Winner: Heath Slater, by DQ
After the match, Santa Claus hits the ring before attacking Jinder Mahal and the Singh Brothers, Claus then hits Mahal with a spear before revealing himself to be Rhyno.
- The B-Team are shown still singing the 12 Days Of Christmas and they both fall down from being too tired.
- A video package airs highlighting the stars who will soon be making their main roster debuts.
- Charly Caruso interviews Seth Rollins, who says he is moving forward and focusing on Baron Corbin, before saying that Dean Ambrose will never take his heart.
- Apollo Crews says he wants a tank for Christmas.
- The Ascension says that they want to punish their opponents for Christmas.
- Kurt Angle says Christmas came early when Baron Corbin didn’t become Raw GM.
Seth Rollins vs. Baron Corbin
The match begins with Rollins immediately dropping Corbin with a drop kick, Rollins traps Corbin in the corner before landing a few strikes. Rollins then uses a clothesline to knock Corbin out of the ring, Rollins follows that up by taking Corbin out with a suicide dive. Rollins follows Corbin around the outside of the ring while landing more strikes, Corbin backs Rollins into the ringside edge before getting him back in the ring. Rollins recovers and he knocks Corbin out of the ring before landing another suicide dive, Rollins then tosses Corbin into the barricade before getting him back in the ring. Rollins backs up Corbin while landing more strikes, Rollins goes to the top rope and Corbin knocks him to the arena floor with a right as we go to a commercial break.
We return from the break to see Corbin holding Rollins in a modified chin lock, Rollins fights back and Corbin drops him with a clothesline for a near fall. Corbin stands over a downed Rollins while landing a few more strikes, Corbin stands over Rollins while stomping away on him. Corbin reapplies the modified chin lock to a downed Rollins, Rollins gets free and he nails Corbin with a blockbuster. Rollins and Corbin exchange strikes until Rollins lands a sling blade, Rollins then hits Corbin with a falcon arrow for a near fall. Rollins goes for a curb stomp and Corbin counters with a Deep Six for a near fall, Corbin places Rollins on the top rope and he follows him up there. Corbin looks for a superplex and Rollins gets free before getting knocked to the ring apron, Rollins knocks Corbin off the ropes before eating a choke breaker for a near fall.
Corbin goes for the End Of days and Rollins rolls him up for a near fall, Rollins then sends Corbin into the ring post before landing a curb stomp for a three count.
Winner: Seth Rollins