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Lucha Underground
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Here's what's on tap for tonight!
We start in the locker room as Dario Cueto taunts Sexy Star about her friend the Mack getting beat up by Matanza last week.
He tells her she's teaming with The Trios Champions vs The Worldwide Underground tonight in an Atomicos Match.
As Dario leaves, Johnny Mundo comes in, looking for Taya. He taunts Sexy Star, says he's going to take her Gift of the Gods championship.
They have a Predator-style arm wrestle handshake battle, until Sexy lets him go.
Prince Puma vs Siniestro De La Muerte
Cortez Castro comes in to Dario's office. Dario hugs him.
He says that he will find the real killer of Mr. Cisco.
We hear Melissa Santos announce Cortez Castro as the first participant in a match.
"Win this one for Francisco" says Dario.
Cortez Castro vs Pentagon Dark
That was quick.
Pentagon gets on the mic and says it doesn't matter who wins the match tonight between Chavo and Dragon Azteca, he'll beat them and break their arm.
Because he is Pentagon Dark, and Zero Fear.
Aerostar, Fenix, Drago & Sexy Star vs The Worldwide Underground
Taya appears to have injured her leg during the match.
Live by the creepy death-chick, Die by the creepy death-chick.
Mil Muertes, infused by the power of Sinny DeLa Muerts, is a dude I don't want to mess with.
Chavo Guererro Jr vs El Dragon Azteca Jr.
Black Lotus at a shrine for Dragon Azteca Sr.
She says she's sending the Black Lotus Triad to take out Pentagon Dark.
The Black Lotus Triad is NINJAS.