Lucha Underground Results (6/20): Pentagon Dark Defends His Title Once Again

The episode begins in King Cuerno’s trophy room where the trophies of his past victories are there. Catrina appears and then tries to look for the Gauntlet of the Gods to get her life force back, but Cuerno reveals he left it for someone to hide it and keep it safe.

We go to the new temple and a mariachi band plays a song for the crowd as Matt Striker and Vampiro open the show from the commentary table.

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Lucha Underground Trios Championship Match: Da Mack, Killshot and Son Of Havoc (c) vs. Big Bad Steve, Sammy Guevara and Jake Strong

Originally El Texano Jr. and Dr. Wagner Jr. were supposed to wrestle but Famous B announces a new group who will wrestle for the titles under the Infamous Inc. umbrella. including the former Jack Swagger who now wrestles under the name Jake Strong in Lucha Underground.

Killshot and Guevara start off and both do some flips. Guevara goes for a hurricanrana but Killshot lands on his feet unharmed. Guevara flips the middle finger to Killshot and Killshot responds with a spinning back elbow. Havoc tags in and chops Guevara. Guevara lands a dropkick and tags in Steve. Steve lands several forearms followed by an Irish whip into a big clothesline that flips Havoc.

Havoc tags in Killshot and Killshot lands a cross body. Strong tags in and Killshot throws Strong out of the ring. Strong hits Killshot and Guevara lands a superkick. Havoc is in the ring and is hit with a vertical suplex followed by a Swagger Bomb from Strong. Guevara goes for the pin, but Havoc kicks out at two.

Killshot tags in and Guevara lands an enziguri with Killshot on top. Killshot blocks a Frankensteiner and Killshot throws Guevara to Da Mack and Da Mack lands a big strike to Guevara. Strong is in and gets Killshot in an ankle hook all the while Famous B distracts the referee trying to help Strong. While the referee is distracted, Mack lands several strikes to get Strong to let go of the ankle lock. Da Mack hits a stunner and Havoc lands a shooting star press to get the pin and retain the titles.

Official Result: Da Mack, Killshot and Son Of Havoc defeats Big Bad Steve, Sammy Guevara and Jake Strong to retain the Lucha Underground Trios Championship

Strong is furious at his team and Famous B and takes out both Guevara and Steve. Strong then turns over to Famous B and gets an ankle lock on the manager, possibly breaking his ankle.

Antonio Cueto makes his way to the temple. Cueto comes in and said if Dario Cueto, his deceased son, is considered a genius from the Lucha Underground faithful, then the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. He announces that the road to crowning a new Gift of the Gods champion begins now.

Gift of the Gods First Medallion Match: Drago with Kobra Moon vs. Dragon Azteca Jr.

Drago and Azteca shake hands only for Drago to kick Azteca. Azteca counters a wheelbarrow into a sunset pin. Both men exchange flips and counters. Azteca hits a spinning back kick. Both hit shoulder tackles with Azteca on top. Kobra Moon distracts Azteca. Drago almost hits Azteca. Drago hits a springboard hip toss. Both men run the ropes with Azteca going outside and Drago hitting a Tope con Hilo to Azteca.

Drago throws Azteca to the corner. Drago puts Azteca up to the top rope and tries to take Azteca’s mask off. Drago is successful but Azteca covers his face and eventually gets his mask back on. Azteca counters Drago’s offense and hits a suplex to Drago to the corner for a two-count. Azteca has the momentum. Drago hits a facebuster into a cradle pin only for Azteca to kick out. Drago starts chopping away at Azteca. Azteca runs to the corner and counters Drago with a kick. Drago is on offense and hits a flipping blockbuster DDT for a two-count. Drago hits a superkick from the corner and goes up but Azteca hits an enziguri followed by an O’Connor roll from the middle rope to get the win.

Official result: Dragon Azteca Jr. defeats Drago to win the first Gift of the Gods Medallion

Johnny Mundo comes in and taunts Kobra Moon. Taya runs into the ring and spears Kobra Moon and Mundo starts beating on Drago.

Before the main event begins, Antonio is in his office with a key to bring out Matanzas Cueto. Catrina appears in front of Antonio and wants Fenix in a coffin. Mil Muertes vs. Fenix in Grave Consequences next week hoping for Fenix’s life force to bring her back to life.

Lucha Underground Championship Match: Pentagon Dark (c) vs. Matanzas Cueto

The title match starts with both men outside the ring. Pentagon chops Matanzas and sends him to ring post. Pentagon starts kicking Matanzas. Pentagon sends Matanzas to a bunch of wooden chairs and then to the railing followed by more kicks. Pentagon strips Matanzas’ shirt and chops his bare chest. Matanzas dodges another chop and Pentagon hits his hand on the corner post as a result, allowing Matanzas to get the momentum. Pentagon gets thrown into the the steel guardrail. Matanzas now gets his turn to send Pentagon to the wooden tables. Matanzas drops Pentagon on his spine to the apron and then Matanzas sends the champion to the ring.

Matanzas picks up Pentagon and lands a Samoan Drop for a two count. Matanzas flips Pentagon for another two-count. Pentagon lands a slingblade and tries to pin Matanzas but Matanzas kicks out. Pentagon continues to land kicks but then Matanzas lands a headbutt to Pentagon’s chest. Pentagon counters into an assisted lumbar check followed by a codebreaker for a two-count. Matanzas is on his knees and gets kicked on his head.

Pentagon goes for a springboard into a Matanzas counter into a pin attempt only for Pentagon to kick out. Matanzas sends Pentagon to the corner and hits a lariat. Pentagon lands a dropkick followed by a shining wizard. Matanzas lands a forearm to Pentagon who is on the top rope. Pentagon goes down and hits Matanzas with a superkick. Pentagon hits two Canadian Destroyers and then a package piledriver. Pentagon pins Matanzas to retain his title as Matanzas loses his first singles match on Lucha Underground.

Pentagon Dark defeated Matanzas Cueto to retain the Lucha Underground Championship

Pentagon then tries to break Matanzas’ arm, but Antonio shows up with the big key and Matanzas gets out of the potential armbreaker. Antonio then hits Matanzas with his cane and tell him he is a loser and that Dario made him that way.

Antonio is in his office and Jeremiah Crane shows up to demand to be put in the Grave Consequences match between Fenix and Mil Muertes. Antonio accepts his request and it is now a Three Way to the Grave Match as this week’s episode comes to an end.

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