- Seth Rollins comes out and is interrupted by Becky Lynch.
- Rollins says Corbin knew he couldn't outwrestle or outfight him, so there they are.
- Becky Lynch calls Lacey Evans a PLANK.
- Lacey Evans and Baron Corbin have both lost two title matches and an impromptu fight. The attack doesn't work out for them.
- Baron Corbin says that Rollins needs to make Lynch a sandwich, and Lacey challenges the champs to a match at Extreme Rules.
- The titles are on the line at Extreme Rules. Jesus Christ.
- The mandatory title rematch clause is gone from WWE unless it's for people who never actually won the title they just competed for.
- Corbin sees Lacey backstage and says they might become the new power couple in WWE.
Elimination Tag Team Match
The Usos & New Day defeated The Revival & Daniel Bryan and Rowan
- I see one week is the limit on continuity. New Day lost last night, and now they're number one contenders. What?
- The crowd totally loves everyone in this match it would seem.
- Bryan accidentally hits Scott Dawson and kills Xavier Woods with a missile dropkick.
- Dawson accidentally cracks Bryan and leads to him getting pinned by Xavier. This was tone deaf from whoever booked this.
- A sloppy Shatter Machine pins New Day.
- Well, that's it. The wild card teams were literally brought over for the elimination gimmick so they could take a commercial break without wrestling, lol
- A Steiner Bulldog is a little off from Revival, but still manages to look good. However, there's a disconnect here.
- Dawson superlexes Jimmy, but Jey hits him with an Uso Splash to win.
- I thought this was a little too clever for its own good, but you never know until you try, so I applaud them for it.
Miz TV
- Miz welcomes his former partner (and Carmella) to Raw. He says the 24/7 rule is suspended during this segment.
- Miz recaps R-Truth winning the title at a wedding.
- Truth says wrestlers have been pretending to be cops telling him his music is too loud and his car is on fire.
- R-Truth is over big.
- Drake Maverick is there still in his wedding outfit. He's WWE's Laurel Van Ness.
- His wife won't talk to him, and they haven't consummated the marriage. R-Truth tells him that fiber is good for that.
- Drake just wants his title shot. Miz says all other competitors are banned from ringside. The crowd wants it bad.
24/7 Championship
R-Truth (c) (w/ Carmella) defeated Drake Maverick
- R-Truth immediately decks Maverick and wins.
- Truth disposes of Lucha House Party. No Way Jose and Cedric get involved.
- Cedric Alexander WALLOPS Truth, but Jose breaks up the pin and Truth runs away.
- Maverick is reduced to tears. The crowd sings the Goodbye Song. What a bunch of dicks.
24/7 Championship
Heath Slater defeated R-Truth (c) to win the title
R-Truth defeated Heath Slater (c) to regain the title
Cedric Alexander defeated R-Truth (c) to win the title
EC3 defeated Cedric Alexander (c) to win the title
R-Truth defeated EC3 (c) to regain the title.
- This all happened as Heath Slater was looking to face Mojo Rawley in singles action.
- R-Truth is now like a nine time champion.
Handicap Match
Roman Reigns vs. Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre
- Okay, we get it, Mike Rome does a custom intro for Shane McMahon.
- It's announced as a 2-on-1 match.
- Reigns is jumped. Steel stairs, Claymore, spear from Shane and another Claymore.
- Shane sets up for a Coast to Coast.
- DONG HITS. The Undertaker chokeslams Shane.
- The UNDERTAKER. Wow. Shane McMahon is a better opponent for the Undertaker than Goldberg.
- This was a great surprise.
- We see both Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley practicing ahead of this.
- This is the seventh match or competition between Lashley and Strowman in the last month.
- Lashley has the lead, and then gives up and attacks Strowman.
- Braun mows down Lashley, but Strowman is blinded and attacked.
- Braun Strowman has literally pinned Lashley three times, and beaten him in arm wrestling and tug-o-war this month. What's next? Dice? Flip cup?
The Viking Raiders defeated The Good Brothers
- AJ Styles is trying to explain why he challenged Ricochet. No Way Jose's music hits, but the Good Brothers are dancing along. He's not happy about it. This is so condescending.
- AJ is watching on backstage as Anderson flattens Erik, and Gallows goes to work.
- Ivar tags in and goes crazy with an agile explosion of offense.
- The Viking Experience finish wins it.
- This accomplished a couple of things, but one of those is digging Anderson and Gallows a deeper hole.
Kofi Kingston defeated Sami Zayn (w/ Kevin Owens)
- Kofi Kingston comes out to be interviewed by Charly Caruso.
- He's interrupted by KO & Sami Zayn, who ask really angry questions.
- Kofi argues back and challenges Sami Zayn UP NEXT, LIVE. He then throws pancakes.
- Kofi Kingston is completely dominating Zayn. It's one sided.
- Zayn finally sneaks in the ring and drops Kofi across the top rope.
- Owens cheats and attacks.
- Zayn does a great exploder suplex into the corner, he follows with a Michinoku Driver.
- Kofi picks up the win regardless.
- Kevin Owens challenges Kingston next, and Kofi accepts.
Kofi Kingston defeated Kevin Owens (w/ Sami Zayn) via countout
- We get a commercial, and KO decks Kofi.
- Kofi gets his knees up on a Swanton, and eats a superkick.
- Kofi does a damn SOS on the ramp. He wins via countout.
- Kofi dives out onto KO and Zayn.
- Samoa Joe attacks Kofi on the stage.
- Oh. Hm. Another person who just lost a match challenging for a title. That makes lots of sense. And this one on a different brand than Kofi. Cool.
- If just attacking the world champion gets you a title shot, why aren't more people doing it?
- Do I want to see Samoa Joe at the top of the card in a program with Kofi Kingston? Yes, I do. Do I want some recent merit within the story of the program to accompany it? Yes, I do.
Alexa Bliss (w/ Nikki Cross) defeated Naomi
Nikki Cross & Alexa Bliss defeated Natalya & Naomi
- Alexa Bliss kind of guilts Nikki Cross and implies she needs to come up with an idea to get her a title shot.
- Natalya and Naomi try to help Nikki, but Alexa walks back in. They argue and have a match.
- Naomi does a splits splash, and hits Nikki hard with a baseball slide.
- Alexa Bliss hits a DDT for the win.
- Alexa wants Nikki to help her. Nikki pushes Naomi down and Natalya makes the save.
- This show seems like a test run to see how they can configure a show to not wrestle during commercials.
- There's some back and forth action, then Alexa Bliss gets the win after Nikki hit her finisher on Natalya.
- They celebrate. This was remarkably average, but Nikki and Natalya are great.
AJ Styles defeated Ricochet
- Ricochet has a fake humble promo not meant to be a fake humble promo
- Gallows and Anderson join AJ Styles at ringside. AJ isn't happy about it. SO HE GRABS A MIC.
- My god. This is awkward, wedging in commercials between action.
- Styles and Ricochet are stiffing the shit out of each other with chops and forearms.
- Styles is busted up.
- These two already have good chemistry, and that's after knocking the shit out of each other.
- Ricochet's strength is often underrated especially against someone like Styles.
- Styles switches up his reverse DDT to a scoop variety out of the back flip. Very nice.
- Ricochet does an insane elevated spinning neckbreaker and a Lionsault.
- Ricochet vs. AJ Styles main eventing Raw with an awesome, competitive match.
- Styles wins with a Phenomenal Forearm. I feel a little weird about a champ losing the first night after winning the title, but it was a good match.
- Styles raises Ricochet's hand to end Raw.
Rating guide
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor
Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a "star rating," which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive "TV match" lands at a 5.The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones. Don't take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!