-We open the show with a video from earlier this week of Tom Lawlor confronting Low-Ki before Sami Callihan comes up from behind him and chokes him out with a baseball bat.
Richard Holliday vs Joey Ryan
Joey oils himself up before Richard beats Joey down in the corner and slaps him, Joey coming back with right hands when Richard plays to the crowd. Richard hits a drop toe hold into a belly to back suplex and several European uppercuts. Richard starts focusing on the knee of Joey, repeatedly stomping on each side of his knee before Joey comes back with a running lariat and a back elbow. Joey hits a spine buster for a quick two count before they knock heads and Richard gets a near fall off of a bridging pin attempt. Richard then hits a spinning neckbreaker for a near fall before Joey hits a pump handle slam and Sweet Tooth Music for the pin and the win.
Winner: Joey Ryan defeats Richard Holliday via pinfall with Sweet Tooth Music
-Konnan meets with Sammy Guevara before he's confronted by Selena de la Renta and Low-Ki.
-We have Jimmy Havoc getting to spin the wheel for his match with Sami Callihan after having won the coin toss before Jimmy lands on spinners choice and ends up making the match with all of the stipulations in one.
No Disqualification Match
PCO vs LA Park
They run at each other to start the match and try to knock each other over before getting into a shoving match. LA and PCO exchange chops before PCO hits a chokeslam and a moonsault headbutt for a quick two count. LA rolls out of the ring before PCO hits a dive to the outside and chops LA along ringside, PCO sending LA head first into the railing, the ring post and the ramp. PCO rolls LA back into the ring and Park comes back with a running splash in the corner into a lariat for a quick two count. LA drops PCO with a headbutt before dropkicking the back of his head and sends him out of the ring with a knee.
LA hits a dive to the outside and rolls back into the ring before LA hits PCO with a chair once he's back in the ring. LA rolls PCO back out of the ring and whips him with a cable at ringside and his belt once they're back in the ring. LA gets a near fall before missing a running dropkick in the corner, PCO capitalizing by hitting a powerbomb into a running knee for a near fall. Back outside PCO beats on LA on the apron before missing a flipping senton when LA rolls out of the way. LA then hits a diving cross body and once they're back in the ring LA hits a spear for the pin and the win.
Winner: LA Park defeats PCO via pinfall with a spear.
Spin the Wheel Make the Deal Match
Sami Callihan vs Jimmy Havoc
They brawl as soon as Jimmy gets in the ring, Jimmy dropping Sami before going under the ring and getting a dog collar and an industrial stapler. Sami accidentally chops the ring post before Jimmy pokes him in the eye and staples his chest. Sami rolls into the ring before Jimmy hits a sunset flip and Sami takes the staple gun and staples him in the forehead and the arm pit. Sami staples the crotch of Jimmy and his shoe comes untied, the fans chanting for him to tie his shoe, Sami just taking it off and throwing it out of the ring. Sami drops Jimmy onto the dog collar for a quick two count before taking both shoes off and going barefoot.
Jimmy gives Sami a paper cut in the webbing of his fingers and toes before getting out a lemon and giving his mouth a papercut. Jimmy puts lemon juice on all of Sami's cuts and traps him in the corner before stapling his crotch again. Jimmy hits the Acid Rainmaker for a near fall before stapling the feet of Sami and rubbing salt in the wound. Jimmy gets out a body bag and an urn before Sami upsets it and the powder gets in his eyes, Sami hitting a piledriver for a near fall before hitting Jimmy with his shoe repeatedly. Sami then puts Jimmy in the body bag before Jimmy sits up and spits in Sami's face, Sami hitting another piledriver with Jimmy in the body bag for the pin and the win.
Winner: Sami Callihan defeats Jimmy Havoc via pinfall with a piledriver.