Rich Swann vs Ace Austin
They lock up and Rich puts Ace in a side headlock before the action skips ahead and Austin has Swann in a straight armbar. Ace hits a huracanrana, but Rich lands on his feet before they mirror each other with dropkicks several times. Ace hits an enzuigiri and a low dropkick before hitting a running splash in the corner and Rich pushes him off of the top and onto the floor. Rich chops Ace at ringside and tosses him back into the ring before they exchange strikes until they nearly knock each other out with a boot. Austin then hits a springboard roundhouse and a splash off of the top for the pin and the win.
Winner: Ace Austin defeats Rich Swann via pinfall with a diving splash.
Ariel Dominguez vs Alex Hammerstone
Alex drives Ariel into the corner and counters an arm drag before dropping Ariel with a boot and hitting a dead lift inside out German suplex. Alex then drops Ariel with a right hand before hitting a release gut wrench fall away slam and a delayed sit-out side slam he calls Nightmare Pendulum for the pin and the win.
Winner: Alex Hammerstone defeats Ariel Dominguez via pinfall with the Nightmare Pendulum.
MLW World Middleweight Championship Match
Teddy Hart (c) w/Mr.Velvet vs MJF
MJF shoves Teddy away when he goes to shake hands before they take turns playing to the crowd. MJF attacks Teddy from behind and beats on him before tossing him out of the ring and playing to the crowd some more until Teddy gets back into the ring at the count of six. MJF catches Teddy coming in by kicking the ropes and hitting an exploder suplex for a quick two count before putting Teddy in a side headlock on the mat. Teddy gets to his feet and they rake each other's eyes before Teddy hits a code red for a two count. Teddy hits a lumbar check and a moonsault for a two count before MJF hits a draping piledriver for a near fall.
MJF immediately locks in a Fujiwara armbar before Teddy rolls him up for a two count and MJF rolls back into the armbar. MJF sets Teddy up in the corner before Teddy hits a Canadian destroyer off of the top and MJF crashes into the referee. Teddy hits a hammer lock DDT before MJF rolls out of the ring before going under the ring and grabbing a chair. Teddy then low blows MJF before hitting him with the chair and hitting an electric chair lung blower into a corkscrew moonsault for the pin and the win.
Winner: Teddy Hart retains his MLW Middleweight Championship by defeating MJF via pinfall with a springboard corkscrew moonsault.
-After the match MJF and Richard Holiday attack Teddy backstage as we go off the air.