Air Wolf vs Rey Fenix
Fenix takes Air down before Air locks in a variation of a death lock that Fenix breaks very easily. They exchange chops and springboard arm drags Back in the ring Air hits a snap German suplex and a flat lined for a near fall. Air hits a huricanrrana that sends Fenix out of the ring and hits another tope before Fenix traps him in the ropes and hits a roundhouse for a near fall and Air counters a muscle buster into a double underhook suplex for a near fall. Fenix then goes for another muscle buster before Air counters and wins with an inside cradle.
Winner: Air Wolf defeats Rey Fenix via pinfall.
Barrington Huges vs Jacob Fatu
They brawl as soon as the bell rings and Hughes backs Jacob into in the corner before hitting a running splash. Jacob then superkicks Hughes and hits a whisper in the wind for the pin and the win in a matter of seconds.
Winner: Jacob Fatu defeats Barrington Hughes via pinfall with a whisper in the wind.
Ariel Dominguez vs Bryan Idol
Ariel goes for a takedown but Idol stops him and Ariel rolls him up for a quick two count before Idol drops him with a running knee. Idol dropkicks Ariel and and hits a butterfly suplex into the corner. Idol hits a shoulder breaker for a two count before missing a moonsault, then Ariel hits a dropkick into a snap suplex and a superkick for a near fall. Ariel then hits a tornado DDT and pins Idol with an inside cradle for the pin and the win.
Winner: Ariel Dominguez defeats Bryan Idol via pinfall.
National Openweight Semifinal Match
Alexander Hammerstone vs Gringo Loco
Alex immediately shows off his power by tossing Gringo across the ring, Gringo showing off his superior speed in turn by avoiding Alex's offense until superkicks Alex in the knee to drop him and hits a standing moonsault and a huricanrrana that sends Alex out of the ring. Alex counters a suicide dive and drops Gringo onto the apron before they're back in the ring and Gringo gets a near fall off of a diving cross body before Alex hits a superplex and the Nightmare Pendulum for the pin and the win.
Winner: Alex Hammerstone defeats Gringo Loco via pinfall to advance to the finals of the National Openweight tournament.