The National Wrestling Alliance aired the latest episode of NWA Powerrr on The CW app and website on Tuesday, April 16, 2024.
Full results will be posted below:
NWA Powerrr (4/16/24)
- NWA United States Tag Team Title Tournament: The Fixers (Jay Bradley & Wrecking Ball Legursky) def. JAC & Tim Storm
Kyle Davis interviewed Natalia Markova about her NWA Women's World Championship match next week.
Taylor Rising def. Miss Starr
- Kenzie Paige vignette
- Vampiro talks to Kyle Davis about Alex Misery and Mecha Wolf entering the NWA United States Tag Team Title Tournament
- NWA World Tag Team Title Match: Blunt Force Trauma (Carnage & Damage w/ Aron Stevens) (c) def. The Immortals (Kratos & Odinson)
Fans can check out more NWA results in our results section.