The newest episode of NWA Powerrr dropped on February 8, 2022. The show aired on FITE TV.
Full results and highlights are below.
NWA Powerrr (2/8)
- NWA Women’s Championship: Kamille (c) defeated Kiera Hogan
- Team War: Chris Adonis, Thom Latimer & El Rudo defeated Victor Benjamin & The OGK (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett), Homicide & La Rebelión (Bestia 666 & Mecha Wolf), and Colby Corino & The Fixers (Jay Bradley & Wrecking Ball Legursky)
- Team War: Rodney Mack and The End (Parrow & Odinson) defeated Aron Stevens, Kratos & Judias, Idolmanis Sports Management (Tyrus, Marshe Rockett & Jordan Clearwater), and Ill Begotten (Alex Taylor, Captain YUMA & Rush Freeman)
It’s MAIN EVENT time & our second #TeamWar of the night: @AronsThoughts, @Jr_Kratos & @4BFitnessNinja vs #IdolmaniaSportsManagement vs #TheEnd & @RDoggRodneyMack vs the #IllBegotten!
— NWA (@nwa) February 8, 2022
Watch #NWAPowerrr NOW on @FiteTV
"Daybreak is coming!" A big night just got bigger!!! @DaBlackPope has returned, and the things he's saying will be talked about in the @nwa for year's to come!!! Watch out @TheMattCardona and @bookmikeknox!!!
— NWA (@nwa) February 8, 2022
Watch #NWAPowerrr NOW on @FiteTV
You can find results from past NWA Powerrr events in Fightful's results section.