NXT Results 5/11/21 Two Championship Matches Gonzalez vs. Martinez, Kushida vs. Escobar, plus more

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Tyler Breeze: I Want To Be Back On TV Wrestling, Wherever That Happens To Be

- The show begins with clips from last week's NXT matches.

- Vic Joseph welcomes the viewer to the Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, Florida.

Austin Theory (w/ Johnny Gargano) vs. Karrion Kross (w/ Scarlett Bordeaux)

Austin Theory is hesitant to get in the ring, but Johnny Gargano gets him in. Theory gets a few punches in, along with a dropkick, but it does nothing to affect Karrion Kross. Kross is now just throwing Theory around easily. Kross hits Theory with a thunderous clothesline; Kross punches Theory to his chest, and it's followed up with a powerful boot across the face of Theory.

Kross hits a Saito suplex's, Gargano gets on the apron and distracts the ref. Theory rakes the eyes of Kross and sends him out of the ring. Theory throws Kross into the fence on the outside by the fans and then ring post. This gets Kross really irritated; he gets in the ring and hits two big snap suplexes on Theory and then puts Theory in a sleeper hold to get the win while staring down Gargano.

Winner: Karrion Kross (w/ Scarlett Bordeaux)

- We come back from a commercial with Leon Ruff getting upset at William Regal demanding a rematch against Isaiah "Swerve" Scott. Regal says, "no, because he saw what Scott did to him last week."

Breezango vs. MSK

The match begins with Tyler Breeze getting the upper hand as he counters Wes Lee's moves. Wes Lee is amused; he and Breeze go at it again, but this time Lee gets the upper hand. Lee tags in Carter Nash; Breeze lands two arm-drag takedowns. Breeze and Fandango begin running the ropes and run into each other as Carter counters Breeze's Irish whip. They go at it again, but this time the ref is in the middle, and he has to jump over Breeze twice. The wrestlers and the crowd look on and can't really believe what they just witnessed. They head out to a commercial break.

We come back from a commercial, and Fandango sents Lee into the corner hard, but Fandango does not control long. Lee hits Fandango with an enzuigiri, and Carter lands a standing moonsault. Carter goes for the pin, but Breeze breaks it up. Tyler Breeze hits both Lee and Carter with superkicks. Breeze gets on the top rope; Carter hits Breeze with a European uppercut. Carter comes back with a big knee to the face of Breeze. Fandango is knocked to the outside; Carter hits a moonsault. Then Lee and Carter hit a big combination move, and Lee covers Breeze to get the win.

Winners: MSK

- They come back from commercial break and announce that the next NXT Takeover will be called In Your House and hosted by Todd Pettengill.

- Pete Dunne comes out to cut a promo saying he should be wrestling for the NXT title. Leon Ruff immediately attacks him. We now have a match between the two.

Leon Ruff vs. Pete Dunne

Leon Ruff gets the upper hand once the bell rings by getting some strikes in, but Pete Dunne takes control rather quickly. Dunne grabs the fingers of Ruff, and then he puts Ruff in a submission hold, Ruff gets out of it and gets a few shots in, but Dunne takes over again. Leon Ruff rallies and gets some big shots in on Dunne. Ruff does a springboard dropkick. Ruff goes for another one, but Dunne counters it with an enzuigiri; Dunne then puts Ruff in a submission hold and then begins hitting Ruff with multiple elbows to the head, and the ref calls for the bell. After the match, Dunne goes after Ruff's fingers again attempts to break them again.

Winner: Pete Dunne

- We get a promo from Legado Del Fantasma. Santos Escobar says he will be winning his title back.

- They announce in two weeks on the May 25th NXT episode that Franky Monet will debut, and Finn Balor will face Karrion Kross for the NXT Championship.

Mercedes Martinez vs. Raquel Gonzalez (w/ Dakota Kai)

The match begins with Mercedes Martinez going right after Raquel Gonzalez and knocking her over the top rope. Gonzalez hits the ground hard; Martinez now hits Gonzalez with a cannonball. They head to a picture-in-picture commercial break with Martinez and Gonzalez exchanging strikes. Gonzalez definitely has the upper hand as she gets some heavy shots in on Martinez.

Gonzalez now has Martinez in a submission hold, but Martinez gets out of it. Gonzalez is getting a few strikes in; however, Martinez now comes back with some heavy strikes. The offense for Martinez does not last long as Raquel Gonzalez nails Mercedes Martinez with a big lariat and then a powerful slam. Gonzalez goes for the pin; however, Martinez kicks out at two. Martinez is back up, and now she gets a flurry of offense in on Gonzalez.

Martinez has Gonzalez in a chokehold of sorts, but Gonzalez throws Martinez into the corner three times. Martinez hits Gonzalez with a big neck breaker; Gonzalez goes outside the ropes but is still on the canvas, and Martinez takes out Gonzalez hard. Martinez and Gonzalez are down. Gonzalez has Martinez in her grasp and slingshots her into the top rope hard. Gonzalez takes Martinez to the outside and throws her into the barricade. Gonzalez lifts Martinez and throws her into the ring post.

They are both in the ring, with Martinez and Gonzalez exchanging strikes. Gonzalez goes for a chokeslam gut. Martinez gets out of it and delivers a big knee to the face of Gonzalez. Martinez goes for the pin, but Gonzalez kicks out. Martinez hits three big knee strikes; she goes for the fourth, but Gonzalez escapes it and takes her out with a big boot. Gonzalez finishes it with a big one-arm powerbomb and the pin.

Winner: Raquel Gonzalez (w/ Dakota Kai)

- Isaiah "Swerve" Scott says it is about to get scary, and he introduces "Hit Row." Swerve cuts a promo saying he's made some mistakes and he wanted to recruit some help and says he has an entourage. He introduces Top Dollar; Top Dollar then raps about his past. Swerve introduces his new stable Hit Row Top Dollar, B-Fab, and Ashante Adonis.

- We get a segment with Cameron Grimes at an auction and Grimes in at auction, and he gets upset at a person who is competing against him. Grimes was at 8 million dollars and led the bids for the auction, but the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase throws out 20 million dollars. Grimes gets upset when he sees that Dibiase outbid him, and he says that Dibiase is ruining his life. Dibiase tells Grimes, "I've it many times, but everyone's got a price."

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Oney Lorcan (w/ Pete Dunne)

The match begins with a lock-up. Neither men get the upper hand. They lock up again but neither get control again. They go at it again, and O'Reilly nails Lorcan with a big kick to the right leg of Oney Lorcan. O'Reilly has Lorcan in a headlock. Lorcan goes for a big strike but misses, and O'Reilly puts him in another headlock. Lorcan nails O'Reilly with an elbow to the throat of O'Reilly.

O'Reilly hits Lorcan with a smashing forearm in the corner. O'Reilly hits Lorcan with a big kick, and Lorcan comes back with a chop. O'Reilly hits Lorcan with a big spinebuster; O'Reilly goes to the top rope and hits a big knee drop. O'Reilly then pins Lorcan for the win. Dunne gets in the ring and attacks O'Reilly. Now, Lorcan is back up, and he is helping Dunne. They are putting on a beatdown on O'Reilly; Bobby Fish appears and clears the ring. Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly talk a little bit, and Fish says that he has his (O'Reilly) back. Fish says that he has some business he needs to take care of.

Winner: Kyle O'Reilly

- We get a promo of The Way celebrating the big tag-team championship win with Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell. Then Bronson Reed says he will battle it out next week with Gargano for the NXT North American Championship.

Two out of Three Falls
NXT Cruiserweight Championship

Santos Escobar (w/ Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza) and vs. Kushida

The match begins with Santos Escobar attacking Kushida, Joaquin Wilde, and Raul Mendoza to go after Kushida after he goes outside the ring, and Escobar distracts the ref. MSK comes out and takes out Mendoza and Wilde. The referee now gets out of the ring and sends MSK, Mendoza, and Wilde to leave ringside. Kushida hits Escobar with a moonsault outside of the ring while Escobar is not looking. Escobar is in complete control of the match now. He hits multiple knee strikes in on Kushida; Escobar sends Kushida into the ring post. Kushida reveres a hurricanrana into a pin but Escobar kicks out at two. Escobar is back up and gets the first fall after hitting the Phantom Driver.

Kushida gets back up, and they start again for the second of three falls match. Kushida immediately locks in an armbar submission, and he gets Escobar to tap out right away.

Now, it is time for the third fall. The match goes back and forth. Escobar sends Kushida to the outside, but Kushida gets back in and takes out Escobar. Kushida goes for the Hoverboard Lock, and Escobar escapes the ring. Kushida takes Escobar down with a drop toe hold. They are both are back inside the ring; Kushida goes for the finisher, but Escobar goes for the inside cradle, but Kushida kicks out. They then reverse multiple pin attempts, at least six different pin attempts in total. Kushida and Escobar run the ropes, and they take each other out with a clothesline. Kushida and Escobar are back up, and the top rope; Escobar has Kushida for a suplex, but Kushida escapes and takes Escobar down. Kushida has Escobar in the Hoverboard Lock now, but Escobar makes it to the rope. Kushida sends Escobar to the corner by tossing him into the corner. Kushida hits a combination suplex into a pin to get the third fall and retain the NXT Cruiserweight Championship title.

Winner: Kushida

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