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- The show begins with a recap of last week's show, and then NXT Commentator Vic Joseph welcomes us to the Capitol Wrestling Center.
Falls Count Anywhere Match
Leon Ruff vs. Isaiah "Swerve" Scott
The Referee calls to start the match, and Isaiah "Swerve" Scott was ready for Leon Ruff as Ruff runs directly into a big knee to the face. Scott is controlling the match right away. Ruff gets Scott out of the ring; Ruff goes for a dive spot; however, Scott catches him and throws against the ring, and Ruff lands on his neck. Scott is punishing Ruff with multiple slams. Scott hits Ruff with a super-plex from the top turnbuckle. Scott goes for the pin though Ruff kicks out at two.
Ruff is down; however, Scott is showboating, and it costs him as Ruff now gets some offense in. Scott is back in control as Ruff misses Scott with another dive spot. Ruff has now been slammed into a barricade by Ruff, and then almost out of nowhere, a toolbox zooms right past Leon's head. They now head to their first picture-in-picture commercial with Isaiah "Swerve" Scott in complete control. The action has moved to the locker room, and Scott is just tossing Ruff into multiple objects.
They come back with the action near the entrance; Ruff shines one of the stage lights into Scott's eyes. Ruff capitalizes and controls the action. Scott now goes for another super-plex from the top turnbuckle, but Ruff counters it into a crucifix bomb. Scott is now on the outside, and he hits a destroyer from outside; the ropes on hits top rope maneuvers into multiple cutters. Ruff goes to the outside of the barricade and looks as if he will climb on top of a small structure, but A.J. Francis is there to meet him, and he slams Ruff down hard. Scott gets Ruff back into the ring, and he ends it with the JML. Scott pins Ruff to get the win. Scott walks away with A.J. Francis, Brianna Brandy, and Ashante Hale.
Winner: Isaiah "Swerve" Scott
- The Way is looking for William Regal, but he is already meeting with Scarlett Bordeaux. Gargano says he wants to talk to Regal, Regal tells him to get out of his office, and they will talk later.
Asher Hale vs. Cameron Grimes
Cameron Grimes goes right after Asher Hale and gets control of the match right away; he lands a big shoulder tackle. Hale gets some offense in for a few seconds until Grimes surprises him with a heavy jab. Grimes back in control after multiple strikes. Hale goes for a swinging DDT, but Grimes catches him and tosses him out of the way. Grimes hits the Cave In, and that gets him the win.
Winner: Cameron Grimes
- They come back from a commercial, and Cameron Grimes is celebrating his win, Ever-Rise asks him he wants to hang out, and Grimes says he likes their show, but he's going to the VIP Room and walks away.
Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Grizzled Young Veterans
The match begins with Tommaso Ciampa, and James Drake begins the match, and Ciampa controls it right away with multiple holds. Ciampa tags in Timothy Thatcher, and he does the same until Drake tags in Zack Gibson. Thatcher controls the match by using multiple submission holds as Drake tries to get out of the holds. Gibson comes to make the save, but Ciampa is there and stops him. Thatcher and Ciampa begin attacking the Grizzled Young Veterans with multiple strikes to the chests of Gibson and Drake.
They come back from a commercial break with Grizzled Young Veterans in control; Drake throws Thatcher into the ropes face-first. Drake and Gibson double-team Thatcher and hit him with a suplex. Gibson delivers a headbutt to Thatcher, but it does not affect Thatcher as Thatcher gets to Ciampa for the hot tag. Ciampa gets in and clears the ring; Ciampa tags out after hitting Drake with multiple chops. Thatcher and Ciampa exchange tags, and now they are double-teaming James Drake. Drake is desperate for a tag, and he gets it after a rake to the eyes of Thatcher.
Gibson is now in, but Thatcher hits with a big belly-to-belly suplex; Gibson is giving Thatcher European uppercuts. Thatcher has Gibson in an armbar. Drake makes the save, and he punches Thatcher in the throat. Then Drake hits Ciampa with a dive, and Ciampa goes right into the table. Ciampa makes it back in and pretends he gets tagged, but he did not, and the referee caught it and did not allow the tag. This was planned as Thatcher hits Drake with the shoe. Thatcher then puts Drake in a submission hold, and Drake taps out.
Winners: Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher
- After the match, Austin Theory and Johnny Gargano are outside the William Regal office and want to talk to him. Gargano says it is not fair that he has to wrestle against Bronson Reed; Regal tells him that they will wrestle next week, and then Regal tells Austin Theory that he will be wrestling Karrion Kross, and he then shows concern because he does not want to wrestle him.
- Karrion Kross and Scarlett Bordeaux head to the ring, and Kross is doing a promo about how he "wanted people to step right up," and he asks, "what are we waiting for; why don't we fight, and don't get it wrong I am not just going to sit around and wait and then says to Austin Theory he will face him next week." Kyle O'Reilly interrupts him, and he walks to the ring. O'Reilly tells Kross that he is out there and is not afraid of him, and with all due respect, he wants to face him; O'Reilly and Kross are now being interrupted by Pete Dunne. Dunne says he doesn't care what either thinks he is the "baddest man in NXT."
Now, Finn Balor interrupts, and he gets in and punches Kross right away, and now all four men are fighting. Security comes out to break the fights up, Kross is now being stopped by security, but Kross hits one of the security guards with a Saito suplex. Now, everyone is out, and Austin Theory and Johnny Gargano come out and attack Kross. Gargano nails Kross with the United States Championship belt, and we go to a commercial.
- We are back from the commercial; Austin Theory and Johnny Gargano are shown leaving the Capitol Wrestling Center Campus and say they need to go. They are asked about staying for Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell's match tonight, and Gargano says they can handle it.
Sarray vs. Zayda Ramier
The match begins with a tie-up; Sarray controls the action out of the gate. Ramier then, out of nowhere, begins controlling the match with a drop toe hold and then puts her in a submission hold. Sarray gets out of it by grabbing the ropes, Sarray then takes Ramier down, and she nails Ramier with a huge dropkick and causes a whiplash. Sarray then goes for a suplex into a pin attempt, but Ramier kicks out at two. The action now goes back and forth, with both getting offenses in. Sarray hits a nice spinning heel kick and then a German suplex. Sarray now ends it when she hits Ramier with a high-angle suplex and then gets the pin for the win.
Winner: Sarray
- Imperium is in the back watching a video from WALTER, and he was not happy with the incompetence that he saw last week.
- We get another Diamond Mine vignette
- They come back from the commercial break, and Sarray shakes the hand of Zayda Ramier and thanks to her for the match. Toni Storm comes in like she is going to attack Ramier but is stopped by Zoey Stark.
Jake Atlas vs. LA Knight
LA Knight comes out cutting a promo about how he was going to take care of Jake Atlas. Atlas goes right at Knight but does not get much offense right away; LA Knight controls it. Atlas now makes a comeback, gets some good offense in, and hits Knight with a German suplex. Knight grabs Atlas and throws him face to the middle turnbuckle. Knight then finishes it with a little more offense, then ends it with his stunner combination move to get the quick win.
Winner: LA Knight
- We get a backstage segment with Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae and how they need to focus, and they will be okay and tells Indi "that she does not need to worry about boys."
- Toni Storm is cutting a promo about Zoey Stark, and she says that she doesn't deserve to be on the same scale as Toni Storm. Storm says she brought Zoey Stark into this business, and she will take her right out.
- Legado del Fantasma members are in the ring cutting a promo about their history and accomplishments. Santos Escobar says he will be going after his Cruiserweight title. Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza tell MSK, and they are coming for the tag-team titles. Kushida is on the screen, and he challenges Santos Escobar next week.
- We get a side-by-side screen promo with Mercedes Martinez and Raquel Gonzalez, and they talk about their upcoming match. Mercedes says that she's been down the hard road and that Raquel is a blueprint of herself. Raquel talks about all the accomplishments that she has done in her first year.
- They show a backstage segment with Ember Moon and Shotzi Blackheart talking, they come up with Shotzi's tank, and one of Franky Monet's dog is in it, and the dog leaves some poop behind, and Shotzi says she is not going to drive it and they head out to the ring.
- They are doing a segment with Cameron Grimes going to a theater, but the door guy won't let him in. The Million Dollar Man shows up and says, "why rent the building when you can buy it" Dibiase does his classic maniacal laugh and walks away. Cameron Grimes yells Dibiase's name in disgust.
Street Fight
NXT Women's Tag-Team Championship
The Way (Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell) vs. Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon
The match begins right away as both Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae attack Ember Moon and Shotzi Blackheart. Both teams start grabbing different objects, but Moon and Blackheart control the match, and they both double-team Indi Hartwell while Candice LeRae is lying outside the ring.
Moon puts a metal trash can over Hartwell; both Hartwell and Moon dropkick the trash can. Shotzi goes for the pin, but LeRae is back, and she breaks up the pin. Shotzi and Moon are controlling the match, they go to grab a table, but Hartwell is ready for them. Hartwell throws Blackheart into the barricade, and then she takes Moon out with a heavy strike.
Moon and Hartwell are controlling the match until Shotzi goes for a dive onto Hartwell. LeRae shows up with a fire extinguisher and sprays it, and hits both Moon and Blackheart. The Way is now in complete control during the last picture-in-picture commercial break. Moon now throws a chair at Indi Hartwell, and Moon then hits Hartwell's back with a chair. Hartwell goes for a top rope maneuver, and she hit LeRae going on top of the ladder. The action is back in the ring, and Hartwell makes a small comeback, and LeRae shows up and hits Moon with a springboard knee drop, who was lying on a ladder.
Candice LeRae now bodyslams Moon on top of a ladder; Blackheart and Moon are on the outside battling it out. Hart is put on the announcer's table; Shotzi now climbs up the small tower and lands on Hartwell, and they go through the table. Hartwell is down, LeRae and Moon are in the ring battling it out. Candice takes care of both Moon and Shotzi; she puts Moon onto a table outside the ring. LeRae then goes back to battling it out with Shotzi. Hartwell gets back into the ring, and she walks directly to the corner, jumps off the top turnbuckle, and drops a huge elbow onto Moon and both with women going through the table.
Shotzi and LeRae are in the ring; LeRae hits a stumbling Shotzi Blackheart with a pair of brass knuckles and then nails Blackheart with the Wicked Stepsister into a steel chair. LeRae then pins Blackheart, and we have new NXT Women's Tag-Team Champions.
Winners: The Way (Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell)