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- The show begins with a recap from last week's show, and then they show a short preview for tonight's show.
- NXT commentator Vic Joseph welcomes the viewer to NXT, and they are coming to us live from the Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, Florida.
Adam Cole vs. Carmelo Hayes
Adam Cole cuts a short promo and wants to remind Samoa Joe that he the King of NXT. Cole says he's not going to wrestle this evening. Carmelo Hayes music goes off, and he gets in the ring and tells Adam Cole that he "will be the one who makes Cole change his mind Adam Cole replies, "why is that" Hayes then says the same line that John Cena said at his debut and it was "Ruthless Aggression" and then slaps Adam Cole.
The match begins with Hayes getting a few strikes in; however, Adam Cole takes over quickly. Cole hits Hayes with a nice neckbreaker and comes back with a few strikes. Hayes comes back with a nice clothesline that knocks Cole straight to the mat. Hayes has Cole in the corner and delivering punches; Cole knocks Hayes out of the ring. Cole gets out and throws Hayes into the barricade multiple times. Cole would roll into the ring to stop the count and then went directly to Hayes and gets him back into the ring.
They go to their first picture-in-picture commercial break with Cole easily in control. He is throwing Hayes around like a ragdoll. Finally, Cole throws Hayes into the corner turnbuckle, and Hayes hits it so hard he basically falls back two or three feet. Hayes is starting to get a few strikes in, and Cole stops that with a nice neckbreaker. Cole then puts Hayes in a headlock as both men lay on the mat."
They are back from the break, and Cole delivers a nice shoulder tackle and elbow combination move. Adam Cole throws Hayes into the corner again, and this time Hayes rolls outside of the ring. Adam Cole gets in the face of Carmelo Hayes and says, "I'm Adam Cole, and you are nothing," and this gets Hayes motivated; he hits Cole with some strikes. Hayes hits Cole with a pump kick and then a nice dropkick. Cole gets hit with the enzuigiri, and Hayes goes for the pin; Cole kicks out at two.
Cole is in control now, and he hits Hayes with a nice superkick; Cole hits Hayes with the Panama Sunrise and gets the win.
Winner: Adam Cole
- We get a short promo with Franky Monet talking about her match tonight. She says it's going to be a good night for Robert Stand Brand and Franky Monet.
- They go to Zoey Stark, and she is asked that she and Io Shirai have mutual respect for her, and that's why she came to her aide last week. Stark says that "Io gave her, her first break."
- We get a promo with LA Knight sitting poolside with his Million Dollar Title and says that to Cameron Grimes that he thought he cared about the money but instead he cares for the old man more.
- Johnny Gargano and Austin Theory come out to cut a promo. Gargano says that NXT needs a new leader for the future of the brand. He says that NXT does not need a doomsday kind of guy but a good-looking guy. Gargano says he proved Karrion Kross is not on his level and Gargano that he could outwrestle him any day. Pete Dunne's music goes off, and he makes his way to the ring. Dunne says, "are you mad? You must be mad if you think you're the number one contender over him". Gargano tells Theory, "don't do anything; they are trying to provoke you. We are good people and says if you want a fight, it won't be us." Austin Theory stays outside of the ring and tells Dunne he is watching him. Dunne then grabs the fingers of Theory and snaps them.
- We get a promo of Cameron Grimes arriving at the Capitol Wrestling Center, and he punches a guy who asks him "if he just got back from the nursing him" after visiting Dibiase. Grimes throws a punch and walks away laughing while throwing some money out.
- Adam Cole and William Regal have a backstage promo in which Regal tells Cole that any beef he has with Joe is done; Cole tells Regal that he is a joke and walks away.
- We get a vignette of a battery-draining that promotes that someone will be coming or possibly returning to NXT soon.
- Johnny Gargano and Austin Theory go to William Regal to tell him they need respect and they're good. Regal tells them they will be facing Dunne and Oney Lorcan tonight.
Io Shirai and Zoey Stark vs. Aliyah and Jessi Kamea (w/ Robert Stone)
The match begins with Io Shirai and Aliyah, and they exchange strikes until Io takes control; Io then throws Jessi Kamea, who was just tagged goes into the corner and stands on her torso. Zoey Stark is tagged in, and Stark is in control easily until Kamea hits Stark with a nice elbow drop after jumping over the top rope.
The Way's Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell walk down the ramp to get a better view. Aliyah is now in control and then throws more strikes at Stark. They head out for a commercial break; however, when they return, Aliya controls the match and attempts to stretch Stark. Stark finds some strength to hit Aliyah with a big bodyslam.
Kamea makes the tag, and Stark tags in Io; Io hits Kamea with a 619 and a big springboard dropkick. Io hits the moon over moonsault, and this gets Io and Zoey the win as LeRae and Hartwell watch on. The Way is coming to the ring and act as they are going to get in the ring and attack Stark and Io. Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez tell Io and Zoey that they will not let them jump the line for the number one contender for the tag-team championship.
Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon come out, and they say they need to remind Raquel and Dakota that they are the number one contenders. They then charge the ring, and three of the teams start attacking each other while The Way's LeRae and Hartwell walk back and tell Samoa Joe they are not causing any problems. Samoa Joe orders the referees to stop the chaos.
Winners: Io Shirai and Zoey Stark
- NXT returns from the commercial break, and they show clips from last week's match between Thatcher and Ciampa vs. Grizzled Young Veterans. They announce that Ciampa and Thatcher will meet MSK at Great American Bash.
The Way (Johnny Gargano and Austin Theory) vs. Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan
Johnny Gargano and Austin Theory walk out to the ring, upset that they have to have this match. Gargano and Oney Lorcan begin the match, and Gargano takes out Lorcan, and Lorcan recovers and tags Dunne. Gargano goes to tag Theory, and he does, but he tags the hand that Theory is having problems with. Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan exchange multiple tags, and each time they go after Theory's injured hand. Dunne delivers a nice chop; now, both Lorcan and Dunne hit Theory with a double chop.
Theory gets the advantage and hits Lorcan with a nice clothesline; Gargano is now tagged in. Gargano gets a bunch of strikes in. He tags in Theory and Theory gets a good strike in; Dunne takes over and starts going after the fingers and the back of Austin Theory. Theory hits Dunne with a nice clothesline; Theory goes over the top and takes out Lorcan, but Dunne runs by and takes out Theory with a big clothesline. NXT heads out for another commercial break.
They are back, and Dunne and Lorcan were in control; Theory gets to Gargano for the hot tag, and Gargano takes control and hits Dunne with a kick to the face and then hits Dunne with a dive. Theory is now the legal man in the match and hits a sitting springboard Spanish fly on Lorcan. Theory and Lorcan are the legal men, Lorcan hits Theory with a blockbuster, and then he tags in Dunne. Dunne had Theory in a submission hold, and Gargano hits Lorcan with a dropkick that breaks up the submission when Lorcan falls on Dunne.
Dunne and Lorcan double-team Theory, and they hit a combination powerbomb and then the pin, but Theory makes the save. Gargano hits Lorcan with a superkick; Gargano then hits Dunne on the outside with a diving DDT. Gargano recovers and then hits Lorcan with a DDT; and then pins Lorcan to get the win. After the match, NXT champion Killer Kross takes out Johnny Gargano and then stares him down as he walks away.
Winners: The Way (Johnny Gargano and Austin Theory)
- After the commercial break, we have Karrion Kross get in the face of Samoa Joe and says, "remember unless provoked." So Kross and Scarlett walk away; Samoa Joe turns around, and Pete Dunne is right beside him, and they have a staredown.
Franky Monet vs. Elektra Lopez
The match begins with Franky Monet gets Elektra Lopez with a headlock; Lopez gets out of it and immediately gets Lopez in a wristlock. Monet gets Lopez in the corner; Lopez gets a big boot in and then slams down Monet and hits her with some quick elbow drops. Monet comes at Lopez with multiple quick kicks and drops Lopez. Then, Monet begins laying in multiple and heavy shots. Monet picks Lopez and throws her about five feet. Monet goes for a big kick at Lopez in the corner; Lopez gets some strikes in, and Monet takes control real quick with another heavy punch and hits the Blockbuster. Monet follows it up and gets the victory.
Winner: Franky Monet
- We go to a backstage segment with Bronson Reed, and Reed does not understand what he has to do to get away from Santos Escobar. Hit Row gets in front of Reed and somewhat threatens him, but he is not bothered, and Hit Row walks away, and then NXT goes to another commercial break.
- We get a promo with Ever-Rise outside of the CWC, and they are about to spray paint Hit Row's vehicle, but they don't after Top Dolla rolls down the window. They then run off to get away from Top Dolla.
Ever-Rise vs. Hit Row (Ashante Adonis and Top Dolla) (w/ Isaiah "Swerve" Scott and B-Fab)
The match begins with Top Dolla taking out Matt Martel rather easily, Martel makes it over to Chase Parker, and Top Dolla tags Ashante Adonis, and he takes out Parker. However, the match does not last long and goes for the Long Kiss Goodnight. Martel has a rough landing, but Adonis goes for the pin and gets the win.
Winners: Hit Row (Ashante Adonis and Top Dolla) (w/ Isaiah "Swerve" Scott and B-Fab)
Kyle O'Reilly vs. Kushida
Kyle O'Reilly and Kushida tie-up with neither man getting the upper hand until the referee forces both men off the ropes. O'Reilly has the first takedown; however, Kushida takes down O'Reilly rather quickly. This has been a technical style match; each man has countered multiple moves multiple times. Kushida goes for a submission, but O'Reilly escapes it. O'Reilly now takes Kushida and does the same; Kushida makes it to the ropes. Kushida goes for the springboard elbow; O'Reilly catches Kushida and goes for the armbar. Kushida escapes it, and then Kushida nails O'Reilly with a big kick. Kushida gets some heavy body shots in on O'Reilly; Kushida gets nailed with a heavy shot by O'Reilly, and this knocks Kushida right down. Now, both men are recovering as NXT goes to their final picture-in-picture commercial.
Kushida and O'Reilly never control the match very long; they are constantly countering each other's moves. Kushida goes after the back of O'Reilly's legs; Kushida has now landed multiple dropkicks in on O'Reilly. O'Reilly hits Kushida with a jumping knee which slows down Kushida, O'Reilly goes for a submission, but Kushida recovers. Kushida hits O'Reilly with an arm breaker; Kushida has the Hoverboard Locked; O'Reilly counters, then Kushida now counters it back into the Hoverboard Lock again. Kushida hits O'Reilly with a suplex and then goes for the pin, but O'Reilly gets his leg on the rope.
Kushida is now in danger of submission; however, Kushida comes back with a heavy kick, and now both men exchange multiple strikes. O'Reilly hits Kushida with a big brainbuster; O'Reilly goes to the top of the ropes, but Kushida hits O'Reilly with a dropkick. Kushida and O'Reilly are striking each other on the outside of the ropes. Kushida slams O'Reilly onto the apron, and the ref almost gets to the ten count, but both men get back into the ring. Kushida goes for Hoverboard Lock but does not work, as O'Reilly hits Kushida with a heavy knee. Kushida has O'Reilly in another Hoverboard Lock, but O'Reilly can overcome the hold and roll up Kushida for the pin.
After the match, Kushida and O'Reilly embrace. Adam Cole gets in the ring and attacks Kyle O'Reilly, and they are fighting each other near the announcer's table, and Samoa Joe gets security to help guide them outside the building. They go back to the ring, and a man in a hoodie is attacking Kushida. It's Diamond Mine! Roderick Strong takes out Kushida, Tyler Rust, and Hideki Suzuki now get in the ring. Malcolm Bivens follows them, and he has Kushida's title as they go off the air.
Winner: Kyle O'Reilly