NXT UK is holding day one of their post-TakeOver: Blackpool II tapings in York, England at the York Barbican.
Below are highlights and results courtesy of @BritWresAwayDay.
- WALTER is presented with a brand new NXT UK Championship. Imperium then cuts a promo on Undisputed Era for Worlds Collide next week.
* Jordan Devlin def. Ligero
* Ilja Dragunov def. Josh Terry
- Ilja starts hyping up Finn Balor when Gallus interrupts. Joe Coffey blames Ilja for his TakeOver loss.
* Travis Banks def. The Brian Kendrick (Believed to conclude episode 1)
* Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan def. The Hunt (Wild Boar & Primate)
- Eddie Dennis out to talk about what he did to Trent Seven in Blackpool. Trent comes out and they have a confrontation
* Isla Dawn def. Nina Samuels
* Ridge Holland def. Tyson T-Bone
* Imperium def. Dave Mastiff and South Wales Subculture
* Piper Niven def. Dani Luna
* Tyler Bate def. A-Kid
* Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter def. Pretty Deadly (Lewis Howley & Sammy Smooth)
- Kay Lee Ray challenged Toni Storm to an I Quit Match but if Toni loses she can't challenge for the belt again while Kay Lee is the champion.
* "Aoife" Valkyrie def. Amale
* Dave Mastiff def. Saxon Huxley
* Steel Corners Street Fight: Trent Seven def. Eddie Dennis
"Wooooooaaaaaooooohhh" vs. "DER DER DER DER DERDER": presumably main event of show #2, it's Mark Andrew's, Flash Morgan Webster & groundshaking Bomber" Dave Mastiff vs. Bartel, Wolfe & Aichner of Imperium#NXTUK#NXTUKYork pic.twitter.com/ovtfa6Tj6E
— BenXT UK (@BritWresAwayDay) January 17, 2020
First episode 'proper' starts with Imperium out as WALTER is presented with brand new #NXTUK Title belt (looks a lot like the old one from here...). They then have some STERN WORDS for Undisputed Era for Worlds Collide next week.#NXTUKYork pic.twitter.com/WvBtJSQLeG
— BenXT UK (@BritWresAwayDay) January 17, 2020
8) Imperium def. Andrews, Webster & Mastiff - Aichner with brainbuster on Andrews. This was great - best match of night so far. WALTER ran out to interfere but Mastiff put him down. This crowd LOVED Mastiff; loudest reactions of the night for everything he did.#NXTUK#NXTUKYork
— BenXT UK (@BritWresAwayDay) January 17, 2020
10) Tyler Bate bt A-Kid with the Tyler Driver. This was really good. Tyler's one of world's best, but Kid has loads of great subtle reactions and stuff I hadn't previously noticed. Crowd here loved "Our Kid". Joseph Conners out to confront Bate afterwards...#NXTUK #NXTUKYork pic.twitter.com/GMukBvR8NN
— BenXT UK (@BritWresAwayDay) January 17, 2020
I'm not saying the crowd has been deathly quiet at points tonight (they have, but seem to have got louder/rowdier/drunker as the night has gone on), but there have been times when I can hear Aidan English on commentary from here... pic.twitter.com/h17dCWrgYK
— BenXT UK (@BritWresAwayDay) January 17, 2020
More NXT UK results can be found in our results section.