Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for Jim Crockett Promotions' Ric Flair's Last Match, live from Nashville, TN on FITE TV. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE
Match Card
- Ric Flair & Andrade El Idolo vs. Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal
- IMPACT World Championship: Josh Alexander (c) vs. Jacob Fatu
- The Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)
- IMPACT Knockouts Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Deonna Purrazzo vs. Rachael Ellering
- Killer Kross vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.
- Yuya Uemura vs. Ren Narita
- Laredo Kid vs. Bandido vs. Black Taurus vs. Rey Fenix
- The Briscoes vs. The Von Erichs
- Ricky Morton & Kerry Morton (with Robert Gibson) vs. Brian Pillman Jr. and Brock Anderson (with Arn Anderson)
- Bunkhouse Battle Royal: Bully Ray, James Storm, Kommander, Crimson, Sinn Bohdi, Big Damo, Crowbar, Rickey Shane Page, Brian Myers, + More.
- Jonathan Gresham vs. Nick Wayne vs. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Alan Angels
Preshow Results
- Ren Narita def. Yuya Ueumura via Pinfall.
- Mance Warner won the Bunkhouse Battle Royal, eliminating Bully Ray in the final embers of the match.
Live Coverage.
- Bob Caudle welcomed the audience to the broadcast, before introducing the English commentary team for the night, Tony Schiavone and David Crockett, and the Spanish announce team, Hugo Savinovich and Carlos Cabrera.
The Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin).
In the last embers of the match, Shelley hit a flat liner/ DDT combination on both members of the Wolves before Sabin tagged in. Sabin hit a cross body on Wolves before hitting a spinning DD/ Kick combo on both Wolves. Sabin hit a tope Suicida on both Eddie and Davey to the outside. The Motor City Machine guns hit a Flat Liner/ Top rope Dropkick on Davey for a near fall. Eddie got back in the ring and hit a lariat on Sabin and a super kick on Sabin. Eddie hit a flat-back stunner before Davey hit a Coup De Grace o Sabin, but Shelley pushed Eddie onto Davey to break the pinfall attempt. The Wolves hit a pop-kick on Sabin. Sabin hit a cutter on Eddie before hitting a low drop-kick to set up the facial on Davey. Sabin and Shelley ended the proceedings by hitting a neck breaker/ frog splash combination on Davey for the pinfall win.
Winners: The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin).
MLW Showcase Match.
Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Killer Kross (w/ Scarlett Bordeaux).
MLW's Joe Dombrowski joined the commentary team for the match. The two exchanged forearm strikes, chops, and slaps before Smith Jr hit Kross with two uppercuts. Smith Jr. went for a third, but Kross reversed it with a backslide for a near fall. Smith Jr got Kross in an inside cradle for a near fall. Smith Jr went for an O'Connor Roll, but Kross reversed it his Kross Jacket Sleeper. Smith Jr broke the hold with a pin for a near fall. Kross hit a forearm strike and an uppercut on Smith Jr in the corner before hitting him with the running forearm strike for the pinfall win.
Winner: Killer Kross (w/ Scarlett Bordeaux).
Jonathan Gresham vs. Nick Wayne vs. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Alan Angels
At the last embers of the match, Takeshita hit a lariat on Angels. Wayne hit a dragon suplex and a code red on Angels for a near fall. Angels hit a rolling elbow on Wayne. Takeshita tried to hit a German Suplex on Wayne, but Wayne stood on his feet, but was greeted with a Blue Thunder Bomb by Takeshita for a near fall, thanks to Gresham breaking the pinfall attempt. Gresham tagged in, but was tossed out of the ring by Wayne. Wayne and Angels hit moonsaults to the outside on Takeshita and Wayne. Gresham hit a cannonball to the ouside on Takeshita, but Angels hit a low Tope Suicida on Gresham. Angels hit a spinning elbow, but Takeshita broke the pin with a German Suplex on Angels. Gresham hit a cutter on Takeshita, a Springboard Moonsault on Wayne, and a Tope Suicida on Angels to the outside before getting back in the ring and getting him with a seatbelt Suplex for a near fall. Gresham got an extended O'Connor Roll on Angels for the pinfall win.
Winner: Jonathan Gresham.
Ricky Morton & Kerry Morton (w/ Robert Gibson) vs. Brian Pillman Jr. & Brock Anderson (w/ Arn Anderson).
The match began with Pillman and Kerry locking up before Pillman smacked Kerry's bum. Kerry hit an arm drag on Pillman. Pillman got Kerry in a guillotine, but Kerry reversed it with two wrist locks. The two evaded each other's offense before Pillman walked over Kerry. Pillman slapped Kerry in the face, but Kerry hit a dropkick on Brock, a monkey flip, and a hip toss on Pillman. Kerry and Ricky threw punches on Pillman before Brock Anderson and Ricky Morton tagged in. Ricky threw 10 punches at Brock in the middle ropeKerry and Ricky hit a double dropkick on Brock. Brock tossed Kerry into the middle rope. Brock stomped down Kerry's ligaments before tossing him into Pillman's knee. Pillman hit a snap-mare kick on Kerry. Pillman went for a suplex, but Kerry reversed it with a small package for a near fall. Pillman hit a Death Valley Driver on Kerry for a near fall. Ricky tagged in and threw punches on Pillman and Brock before he and Kerry hit a cross body/ dropkick combination on Brock for a near fall. Pillman kicked Ricky from behind, which led to Brock hitting the Glory Buster for the pinfall win.
Winner: Brian Pillman Jr. & Brock Anderson (w/ Arn Anderson)
Bandido vs. Black Taurus vs. Rey Fenix vs. Laredo Kid.
The four brawled before exchanging pins, but Black Taurus responded with a double shoulder tackle on Fenix and Bandido. Laredo Kid hit a slingshot dropkick on Black Taurus, but Fenix responded with a slap and a chop on Laredo Kid. Laredo Kid hit a tornado DDT on Fenix. Laredo Kid hit a forearm strike and a Michinoku Driver on Bandido before attempting a tornillo, but Bandido evaded and hit a lariat on Laredo Kid. Fenix hit a spinning kick on Bandido. Rey Fenix hit an escalating kick on Taurus. Fenix hit a spring walk arm drag on Laredo Kid while kicking Black Tarus' arm. Bandido got hit with a cutter by Rey Fenix for a near fall. Bandido super kicked Rey Fenix from the top rope before hitting a Tornillo Crossbody for a near fall. Bandido hit a tilt-to-world arm drag on Rey Fenix, but got greeted with a lariat from Laredo Kid. Bandido hit Laredo Kid with a Gorilla Press Slam on Laredo Kid. Bandido hit Black Taurus with a double-spin Tijeras on Black Taurus. Laredo Kid went for a tombstone, but Black Taurus reversed it with a lung blower on Laredo Kid. Black Tauru tossed Bandido onto Laredo Kid. Black Taurus hit a Middle Rope Tornillo onto Bandido, Rey Fenix, and Laredo Kid. Rey Fenxi hit a super kick on Black Taurus. Black Taurus hit a forearm strike on Rey Fenix, a pimp slap on Laredo Kid, and a power slam on Bandido for a near fall. Black Taurus went to the top rope, but Bandido met him there. Laredo Kid hit a super kick on Rey Fenix. Bandido tossed Laredo Kid onto the top turnbuckle, before Black Taurus hit him with an Avalanche Gorilla Press Slam on Laredo Kid. Bandido and Rey Fenix hit a double super kick on Black Taurus. Laredo Kid hit a crucifix bomb on Black Taurus before Bandido hit a code red on Black Taurus to the outside. Rey Fenix hit a plancha on Bandido but was met with a tornillo from Laredo Kid to the outside. Bandido and Laredo Kid got into the top turnbuckle before Bandido hit an Avalanche Fall-Away Slam onto Fenix and Taurus. Bandido went for the 21 Plex on Fenix, but Fenix held on the ropes. Black Taurus hit a German Suplex on Rey Fenix, a Gonzo Bomb on Bandido for a near fall, broken by a double stomp by Rey Fenix for a near fall. Rey Fenix tried to carry Black Taurus and did so successfully before hitting the Fear Factor for the pinfall win.
Winner: Rey Fenix.
IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship Match.
Josh Alexander (c) vs. Jacob Fatu.
The two brawled in the corner before Alexander hit a hip toss on Fatu. Fatu slapped Alexander before hitting a body backdrop on Alexander. Alexander hit a middle rope shotgun dropkick on Fatu. Alexander hit two uppercuts and a running back elbow on Fatu. Alexander got Fatu in a front Ankle lock on Fatu, but broke the hold. Alexander threw punches onto Fatu, but Fatu smacked Alexander in the mouth. Fatu hit a running Tijeras on Alexander. While on the apron, Fatu hit a lariat Alexander back in the ring. Fatu climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Alexander met him on top and hit a super plex on Fatu. Fatu hit a spring rope Senton on Alexander. Alexander went for a C4, but Fatu hit a backdrop and a cartwheel moonsault on Alexander for a near fall. Alexander went for a German Suplex but hit a Northern lights Suplex on Fatu for a near fall. Alexander went for the C4, but Fatu escaped the hold and hit a super kick on Alexander. Fatu hit a split-leg spring rope moonsault on Alexander for a near fall. Fatu went for a hip attack, but Alexander evaded and hit a chop block on Fatu before locking in an ankle lock. Fatu kicked Alexander off, but Alexander responded with a lariat and a powerbomb back breaker for a near fall. Alexander hit a running crossbody to the back of Fatu, sending each other to the outside. Fatu hit an Over the Top Rope Dive on Alexander to the outside before hitting the Mighty Moonsault on Alexander back in the ring for a near fall. Alexander hit two German Suplexes and attempted a third, but Fatu landed on his feet and hit a pop-up Samoan Drop on Alexander. Matt Cardona, Brian Myers, and Mark Sterling came to the ring to attack both men, ending the match in a no contest. Alexander hit a C4 on Mark Sterling and, of all people, Diamond Dallas Page hit a Diamond Cutter on Cardona.
Result: No Contest.
- An interviewer went backstage to interviewer Jeff Jarrett but was greeted instead by Jerry Jarrett and WWE Hall of Famer Jerry Lawler. They pointed out that the Ric Flair strut was actually the creation of Jackie Fargo.
Ross Von Erich & Marshall Von Erich vs. The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe)
Ross and Mark began the match locking up, with Ross getting Mark in a waist takedown before transitioning into a headlock. The Von Erichs hit double dropkicks on Mark for a near fall. Marshall hit a bodyslam/ leaping elbow drop on Mark for a near fall. Ross tagged in but was greeted with a diving lariat by Jay Briscoe. Jay hit a headbutt on Ross before laying in the stomps on Ross. Mark tagged in and hit a chop on Ross. Mark tossed Ross into the corner before Jay hit a Helluva Kick. Mark hit a leaping lariat on Ross in the corner before Jay tossed Ross out of the ring. Jay hit a Tope Con Giro onto Marshall and Ross to the outside. Mark got a chair and used it as a launch pad to hit a Tope Con Giro of his own on Marshall and Ross. Jay laid in the jabs on Ross, but was met with an Enziguri kick by Ross. Ross hit a high knee on Jay, Marshall hit a diving lariat on Jay. Ross and Marshall hit a snap-mare kick on Jay for a near fall. Marshall hit two uppercuts on Jay. Mark tagged back in and hit forearm strikes and elbow strikes on Marshall and Ross before hitting a shotgun dropkick on Marshall, unleashing the Redneck Kung-Fu. Mark hit an exploder suplex on Ross before Jay hit a diving lariat. The Briscoes went for Redneck Boogie, but Marshall and Ross hit Mark with an Iron Claw/ German Suplex combination for a near fall. Jay hit a lariat on Ross before hitting an inverted stunner. To end proceedings, Mark hit the Froggy-Bow on Ross for the pinfall win.
Winner: The Briscoes (Mark Briscoe & Jay Briscoe
- There was a vignette showing Sting wishing Ric Flair luck in his match.
IMPACT Knockouts Championship Match
Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Rachel Ellering vs. Deonna Purrazzo.
The three began the match locking up before they exchanged pinfall attempts, but Ellering injured her left ankle during the rolls. While Ellering was checked out, Purrazzo got Grace in a headlock, but Grace reversed the hold with a German Suplex for a near fall. Ellering got back in the ring and shook hands with Grace. Grace got Ellering in a headlock but was laid out with a shoulder tackle. Ellering got a sunset flip on Grae for a near fall. Grace hti a dropkick through the middle rope before hitting double knees on Ellering, a running uppercut, and a Vader Bomb on Grace for a near fall. Purrazzo tripped Grace. Grace was hit with a forearm strike by Purrazzo before Purrazzo hit a cross body on Grace for a near fall. Ellering hit a sliding dropkick, a diving forearm strike, a STO, a spring rope leg drop, and the Die Hard Driver for a near fall. Purrazzo hit a Scorpion DDT/ Flat Liner combination on Ellering and Purrazzo for a near fall. Purrazzo transitioned a sunset flip into the Fujiwara armbar, but Grace broke the hold. Purrazzo hit a standing moonsault on Grace for a near fall. Ellering and Grace exchanged strikes before Ellering hit a chop on Grace. Grace hit a palm strike on Ellering before hitting a spine buster. Purrazzo hit La Mistica on Grace, but broke the hold and got a Fujiwara Arm Bar on Ellering. Purrazzo broke the hold after Grace got Purrazzo in a sleeper hold. Ellering hit a Tower of Doom (Powerbomb from a superplex) on Grace and Purrazzo. Ellering and Grace exchanged strikes before Ellering hit a Boss Man Slam on Grace for a near fall. Ellering hit a forearm strike on Purrazzo but was greeted with a punch by Grace. Grace hit a Made In Japan driver on Purrazzo for a near fall. Ellering rolled up Grace, but Grace reversed it with a Coquina Clutch for the submission win.
Winner: Jordynne Grace (c).
Ric Flair & Andrade El Idolo vs. Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal (w/ Karen Jarrett).
Jarrett started pushing the referee and Andrade before the match after having the longest entrance in SummerSlam weekend. Flair and Jarrett began the match exchanging words before Flair slapped him in the face. Jarrett instead tagged in Lethal. Lethal and Flair exchanged words before locking up, with Lethal doing a headlock takedown, but Flair reversed it with leg scissors before Lethal did a kip up to break the hold. Flair did a side headlock takedown of his own, but Lethal pulled him off to break the hold. They locked up again before both got in the corner. Lethal and Flair exchanged slaps in the face. Lethal demanded Andrade to tag in Andrade, to which he obliged. Andrade got Lethal in a side headlock before hitting him with a shoulder tackle. Lethal and Andrade exchanged strikes. before Lethal hit a uppercut, but Andrade responded with a high boot on Lethal for a near fall. Jarrett tagged in and laid in jabs on Andrade. Andrade hit two hip tosses on Jarrett. Andrade got a wrist lock on Jarrett before Flair tagged in, but Jarrett backed away. Jarrett and Flair ran the ropes before Jarrett did the Fargo Strut. Flair got Jarrett in a side headlock and tried to run the ropes, but Flair did the Flair strut and the "suck it" taunt on Lethal & Karen Jarrett. Jarrett got a side headlock on Flair, but Flair hit four chops on Jarrett and a low blow on Lethal. Andrade hit a clothesline on Lethal to send him out of the ring and Andrade hit a chop on Jarrett. Jarrett walked to the ramp, greeted with "you suck" chants by the crowd. Jarrett stalled out of the ring to analyze the next move. Andrade slammed Lethal in the corner and, while the referee was distracted, Flair illegally got Lethal in a headlock. Flair tagged in and hit multiple chop on Lethal's chest before slamming him with an Irish Whip and another chop. Flair tagged in and stomped on Lethal's midsection. Lethal hit Andrade with a Back-breaker/flat liner combo on Andrade before tagging in Jarrett, who stomped down Andrade in the ring. Jarrett hit a middle rope senton on Andrade before strutting in the ring. Lethal stomped down Andrade before they exchanged strikes. Lethal hit a hip toss/ shotgun dropkick on Andrade for a near fall. Jarrett went for a back suplex, but Andrade reversed it mid-move with a lateral press. Flair tagged in and hit chops on Lethal and Jarrett. Lethal went over the top rope and tried to hit a top rope move, but Flair hit him with a chop before locking in a Figure Four on Lethal. Jarrett hit a lariat on Flair. Jarrett slammed Karen's heel onto Flair's head. Conrad's wife and Karen Jarrett exchanged blows on the barricade. The four brawled on the outside, with Flair bleeding heavily. Back in the ring, Lethal hit Flair with a terrifying suplex and went for a lateral press, but Andrade broke the pin attempt. Lethal sent Andrade out of the ring. Jarrett tagged in and got Flair in a Figure Four Leg Lock, but Andrade broke the hold with a lateral frog splash. Lethal tagged in and stomped down Flair. Lethal went for the Top Rope Elbow Drop, but Flair rolled out of the way before tagging in Andrade. Andrade hit a lariat on Jarrett, a forearm strike on Lethal, a snap suplex on Lethal, and a frontal suplex on Jarrett onto Lethal. Andrade hit a low Meteora on Jarrett for a near fall. Jarrett slammed Andrade into the corner, but Andrade hit a Top-Rope DDT on Jarrett for a near fall. Andrade. Lethal accidentally hit a superkick on Jarrett, but he also hit a superkick on the referee. Andrade hit a Poison Rana on Lethal. Flair tagged in and Andrade went for a move to the outside, but Jarrett was pulled by Karen. Flair went for a pinfall, but the referee was nowhere to be seen. Jarrett got a black guitar and tried to hit a guitar shot on Flair, but Jarrett instead hit a guitar shot on Lethal. Andrade got the brass knuckles from the crowd and gave them to Flair. Flair finally got the Figure Four Leg Lock to get the pinfall win, with Jarrett's shoulders on the mat.
Winners: Ric Flair & Andrade El Idolo.
- Flair was interviewed by Tony Schiavone at ringside after the match, with Flair thanking the wrestlers and the audience for coming to the show. He said that he adores everyone and that they are the reason why people like him are in wrestling. Flair said that he was going to party after the show with Ric Flair. Flair and Andrade stood tall and celebrated with the rest of the talent on the ramp to end the show.
