-We open the show with a long video package for Cody and Christopher Daniels as we go to commercial.
-We come back from commercial to Daniels coming out to the ring with Frankie Kazarian. Kaz talks about The Addiction and BULLET CLUB before Daniels talks about Cody and how he finally won the belt he'd never had only to lose it to someone like Cody before saying that he's going to get it back before leaving as we go to commercial.
-We come back from commercial to Silas Young and Beer City Bruiser in the ring cutting a promo about Jay Lethal before Jay comes out and takes them both out with a steel chair. Jay takes out both Silas and BCB as well as officials who try to make him stop before he leaves as we go to commercial.
Cody vs Christopher Daniels ROH World Championship 2 out of 3 Falls Match
Daniels gets out of the ring to start the match before getting back in, Cody opting to do a series of pushups once he does. They lock up to start the match, Cody getting a quick two count off of a roll up before teasing a figure four leg lock that Daniels is quick to get out of. Daniels fights out of a headlock before slamming Cody down to the canvas, the two countering each other's attempts at a suplex until Daniels rolls out of the ring once more. Daniels plays to the crowd and teases striking a fan in the crowd as we go to commercial.
Cody takes control as we come back from commercial, getting a one count after dropping down and thrusting his hand into the throat of Daniels. Daniels drops Cody with a right hand before putting him in a cross face in the ropes until the count of four repeatedly. Daniels hits a dropkick that sends Cody out of the ring before Cody ducks under a baseball slide and sends Daniels into the railing. Cody pokes Daniels in the eye before Daniels whips him into the railing. The referee checks on Cody as the medical staff join them before Daniels tosses him back into the ring.
Daniels chokes Cody in the ropes before Cody smashes his head into the top turnbuckle and hitting a Beautiful Disaster that sends Daniels to the floor. Daniels catches Cody trying to do a springboard move, hanging him over the top rope before they go back out of the ring and Daniels stalks Cody before tossing him into the ring for a quick two count as we go to commercial.
Daniels hits a scoop slam as we come back from commercial, following up with a slingshot moonsault for a quick two count. Cody hits a huge jumping arm drag off of the top rope that sends Daniels across the ring before dropping Daniels with a series of clotheslines into a float over suplex for a quick two count. Daniels gets a quick two count off of a roll up before Cody locks in the figure four. Daniels gets to the ropes for the break before Cody plays to the crowd, mocking Okada before he gets sent into the referee. They low blow each other before Kaz puts a chair in the ring for Daniels, but Marty comes down and fights with him to the back.
Cody gets the first fall off of a roll up before Daniels hits him with a chair. Daniels then argues with the referee that he didn't call for the bell for the next fall to start as we go to commercial.
We come back from commercial to Daniels hitting a backbreaker to Cody onto the floor before rolling back into the ring, seemingly content with fall number two being a count out. Cody gets back in at the count of nineteen, but Daniels is all over him, stomping on him before picking him up. Daniels then hits a back elbow before Cody hits a flat liner. They exchange right hands before Daniels hits Cody with Cross Rhodes for a near fall, trying to beat him with his own finisher before hitting Angels Wings for another near fall. Daniels then hits a uranage before Cody counters the Best Moonsault Ever into a Cross Rhodes of his own for the pin and the win.
Winner: Cody via pinfall