Ring of Honor Wrestling Presents Final Battle Results

Good evening Fight Fans  and welcome to our coverage of Ring of Honor Wrestling's last event of the year; Final Battle! While you're here you can comment down below during the show, and be sure to stick around afterwards for the post-show podcast, and if you're interested in exclusive content check out premium service Fightful Select!

-We open the show with a video package for all of the matches on the show.

Jade Cargill To Naomi: Too Bad You Didn't Finish The Job, F*ck You

Kenny King vs Eli Isom

Kenny attacks Eli before the match starts and tosses him out of the ring before hitting a corkscrew cross body over the top rope. Kenny accidentally clotheslines the ring post before dropping Eli with a stiff forearm and rolling him back into the ring for a very quick one count. Eli comes back with a high knee and a dropkick before hitting a flipping senton over the top rope and onto Kenny on the floor. Eli rolls Kenny back in the ring for a quick one count before Kenny superkicks him for a two count and a backbreaker into a stunner for a near fall. Eli rocks Kenny with a forearm before hitting an overhead belly to belly and a running back elbow in the corner.

Eli powerbombs Kenny for a near fall before hitting a back suplex and Kenny sends the referee into Eli when he goes up top. Kenny hits a blockbuster off of the top rope for a near fall that he breaks up himself before he sets Eli up top and Eli counters the Royal Flush into a small package for a near fall. Eli then hits a gory special into a back slide for a near fall before Kenny catches him in midair and hits a falcon arrow for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kenny King defeats Eli Isom via pinfall with a falcon arrow.

ROH World Television Championship Match

Jeff Cobb (c) vs Hangman Page

Adam goes right after Jeff to start the match before he sends Jeff out of the ring and goes for a shooting star press off of the apron, but Jeff catches him and hits an overhead belly to back suplex onto the floor. Back in the ring Jeff gets a quick two count before Page dropkicks the knee of Cobb and hits a springboard moonsault. Page hits a snapmare into a slingshot senton and gets caught on the top turnbuckle by Jeff who attempts a spider suplex, but Page fights him off. Jeff dropkicks Page on the top turnbuckle before hitting a delayed superplex for a one count before hitting a standing moonsault, but misses a standing shooting star. Jeff fights off a superplex before going for a diving cross body, Page catching him before hitting a fall away slam.

Page clotheslines Jeff over the top rope and down onto the floor before hitting a suicide dive and a moonsault off of the top rope to the outside. Page hits two running shooting star presses for a near fall before they exchange strikes until Jeff hits a piledriver for a very close near fall. Page superkicks Jeff before Jeff nearly knocks him out of the ring with an elbow before Page hits a buckshot lariat that turns Jeff inside out. Jeff hits a helicopter slam for a near fall before Page counters the Tour of the Islands for a very close near fall. Jeff then hits two Tour of the Islands for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jeff Cobb retains his ROH World Television championship when he defeats Hangman Page via pinfall with two Tour of the Islands. 

WOH Championship Four Corners Survival Match

Sumie Sakai (c) vs Kelly Klein vs Madison Rayne vs Karen Q

Kelly goes after Madison as Sumie and Karen go at it in opposite corners before Madison gets a quick two count off of a roll up on Karen. Madison and Sumie hit dueling moves to the outside before they get back in the ring and square off, the two locking up before Sumie hits Madison with Mongolian chops. Madison hits a diving cross body for a quick two count before Sumie locks in a cross face chicken wing and Karen locks in a Boston crab on both Sumie and Madison. Kelly tosses Sumie out of the ring before she and Karen double up on Madison before they start arguing and Karen inadvertently hits Kelly, knocking her out of the ring. Madison comes back with a crucifix slam before they hit a tower of doom and Sumie hits a shotgun missile dropkick for a quick two count.

Kelly hits a fall away slam they sends Sumie out of the ring before Karen hits a full nelson slam for a two count and Kelly hits Karen with K Power for the pin and the first elimination. Madison hits a tornado DDT to Kelly for a near fall before hitting Sumie with a cutter for another near fall. Madison hits a sit-out jawbreaker for a near fall before Sumie hits Madison with Smashmouse and Kelly pins her for the elimination. Kelly and Sumie exchange strikes until Sumie hip tosses Kelly and goes for an armbar before Kelly powers out of a triangle choke and gets to the ropes when Sumie goes for an armbar. Sumie hits Smashmouse for a very close near fall before Kelly counters a huricanrrana into a powerbomb for a near fall.

Kelly then hits K Power for a near fall before hitting an avalanche K Power for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kelly Klein defeats Sumie Sakai  Madison Rayne and Karen Q to become the new champion when she eliminates Sumie with an avalanche K Power.

Zack Sabre Jr. vs Jonathan Gresham

They start the match off by grappling before getting into a shoving match and Jon locks in a heel hook before ZSJ gets free and locks in a cravat before getting to his feet and releasing it. ZSJ puts Jon in a head scissor before Jon traps ZSJ's leg and they slap each other, Jon getting a very quick two count before ZSJ rocks him with several European uppercuts. Jon dropkicks ZSJ and stomps on his foot before taking him down with a side headlock and pinning his shoulders down for a quick two count. Zack kicks the arm of Jon and hits him with European uppercuts before taking him down and stomping his arm. Jon hits an enzuigiri into a bridging German suplex for a near fall before locking in a single leg Boston crab.

ZSJ transitions into a triangle choke that nearly chokes Jon out before spinning out and locks in an octopus stretch. They then counter each other's submission attempts until ZSJ hits a PK for a near fall before they counter each other until ZSJ wins with a pharaoh pin.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr. defeats Jonathan Gresham via pinfall.

Matt Taven vs Dalton Castle

They lock up and roll around before brawling at ringside before they get back into the ring and counter each other for a solid minute in the corner. Matt sends Dalton out onto the apron before kicking him off of it, but The Boys catch him and put him back on the apron. Dalton gets back in the ring and chops Matt in the corner before hitting a knee and a front face lock take over. Dalton misses a running splash in the corner and ends up going over the top rope, but lands on his feet before Matt hits two topes to the outside and Dalton launches him onto the railing on the third attempt. Dalton hits a running knee off of the apron before Matt sends him into apron and tosses him onto the stairs on the ramp.

TK tosses Dalton back into the ring before Matt hits a backbreaker for a two count and starts kneeing the back of Dalton repeatedly. Matt chops Dalton in one corner and whips him into the opposite corner before Dalton comes back with shoulder lock before Dalton hits an overhead belly to back suplex. Matt comes back with a flurry of strikes and a snap DDT for a near fall before Dalton counters Climax into a DDT of his own. Dalton rocks Matt with an elbow before TK attacks him when Matt distracts the referee before The Boys take TK out. The Boys are hit with a double reverse DDT by Vinny who comes out from under ring and drags The Boys under with him.

Matt hits Dalton with his belt for a very close near fall before hitting a PK, Dalton catching him on the top turnbuckle and hitting a running knee from the apron before hitting Matt with a huricanrrana. Dalton clotheslines TK before Dalton hits the Bang-a-Rang into the ring post for a very close near fall that TK breaks up by throwing a Boy into the ring. The referee ejects TK from ringside before Dalton hits the Bang-a-Rang for a very close near fall, Matt grabbing the bottom rope before Dalton knees Matt repeatedly in the corner. Matt then counters the Bang-a-Rang into a PK and Climax for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Taven defeats Dalton Castle via pinfall with Climax.

ROH World Championship Number One Contender Match

Christopher Daniels vs Marty Scurll

Marty shoves Daniels and he shoves Marty back before Marty locks in a side headlock and drops Daniels with a shoulder block when he gets free. Daniels puts Marty in a side headlock before dropping him with a shoulder block and taking him back down with a side headlock takeover. Marty gets to his feet and slaps the head of Daniels before taking him down with a drop toe hold, Daniels countering into the same sequence. They counter each other's take downs until Marty hits Daniels with a back elbow and several chops before Daniels whips Marty across the ring and chops him. Daniels hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a quick two count before hitting a scoop slam into a slingshot elbow drop for another quick two count.

Marty gets out of the ring before Daniels hits an Arabian moonsault to the outside, Marty catching him on the top turnbuckle before hitting a superplex. Marty follows Daniels out of the ring and superkicks him from the apron before whipping him into the railing and superkicking him again. Back in the ring Marty slingshots Daniels into the bottom rope and chokes him by standing on his back before they exchange chops until Marty hits a neckbreaker for a two count. Marty sends Daniels stumbling back into the corner with a European uppercut before Marty hits a shotgun missile dropkick off of the second turnbuckle for a two count. Marty locks in a cravat that Daniels fights out of before Marty hits a half nelson suplex and Daniels hits a blue thunderbomb.

Daniels comes back with double ax handles before hitting an STO and a sit-out front facebuster for a near fall. Daniels hits a scoop slam into a springboard moonsault for a two count before Marty drops him with a rolling elbow. They counter each other's finishers until Marty hits the Scurll Driver for a near fall and Daniels hits a burning hammer for a near fall. Marty counters Angels Wings into a tombstone piledriver for a near fall before Marty snaps Daniels fingers and Daniels hits Angels Wings for a very close near fall. Marty gets his knees up when Daniels goes for The Best Moonsault Ever before Marty superkicks him a few times and hits Graduation for another very close near fall.

Marty then stomps on the back of the neck of Daniels before Marty submits him with the Cross Face Chicken Wing for the win.

Winner: Marty Scurll defeats Christopher Daniels via submission with the Cross Face Chicken Wing.

-After the match Bully Ray shows up out of nowhere and low blows Daniels when he's celebrating his career with the fans.

I Quit Match

Bully Ray vs Flip Gordon

Flip hits a springboard flying forearm as soon as the match starts before superkicking Ray and spearing him before Ray rolls out of the ring and beats on him at ringside. Flip tosses a chair to Ray and kicks it in Ray's face before sending him into the railing and hitting a running flying forearm. Ray comes back and rakes the eyes of Flip before wearing a trash can out on him and gets a table out from under the ring. Ray boots Flip before Flip counters a powerbomb into a superkick and gets a table of his own and puts it into the ring. Flip sets the table up in the ring before Ray hits a back drop that sends Flip over the top rope and down onto the floor before hitting Flip with a chain.

Ray gets into a fight with Cary Silkin before he pushes Bobby Cruz and the referee yells at him before Ray shoves him to the ground. Ray gets a kendo stick and points it at Cary before Daniels saves Cary and Flip hits a slingshot cross body over the top rope. Ray sends Flip over the table at ringside before he grabs Flip's girlfriend and starts to powerbomb her through the table. Ray demands that Flip get on his knees before Cary hits Ray with the kendo stick. Flip's girlfriend low blows Ray before they kiss and Flip rolls Ray back into the ring before hitting him with the kendo stick with the United States flag on it off of the top rope.

Flip chokes Ray with the stick before Silas Young saves him and hits Flip with Misery. Silas douses the table in lighter fluid before Cheeseburger gets hit with Misery and Colt Cabana leaves the broadcast position and lays Silas and Ray out with a chair. Silas low blows Colt and Ray tosses him out of the ring before Silas starts to light the table and the lights go out before Sandman appears in the ring and sends Silas out of the ring with a kendo stick of his own. Flip then superkicks Ray before hitting a springboard Star Spangled Stunner and hits Ray with two kendo sticks at the same time until he quits for the win.

Winner: Flip Gordon defeats Bully Ray when Ray says I Quit. 

ROH World Championship Match ​​​​​​

Jay Lethal (c) vs Cody

Cody and Jay exchange words on the mic before the match and grapple before Cody fakes an injury before dropping Jay with a thrusting strike to the throat. Cody plays to the crowd before Jay dropkicks him off of the apron and chops him at ringside before slamming him onto the ground. Jay rolls Cody back into the ring and whips him into the corner before hitting a running chop and a float over suplex for a quick two count. Jay hits a cartwheel dropkick for a quick two count and chops Cody in the corner before hitting a running forearm in the corner. Cody counters the Lethal Combination into a powerslam for a one count before mocking Jay and doing push-ups.

Cody hits a delayed suplex before missing the Disaster Kick, Jay chop blocking him before starting to focus on the leg and knee of Cody. Jay slams the knee of Cody into the ring post repeatedly before trapping it and hitting a running dropkick. They get back into the ring where Jay kicks the knee of Cody and stomps on it for a quick two count. Jay drops Cody with a right hand for a quick two count and keeps focused on the injured left knee of Cody until Jay almost superkicks the referee and Brandi spears Jay before Cody hits Cross Rhodes for a very close near fall. They counter each other until Jay dropkicks the knee of Cody and mocks Cody by going for Cody's brothers move shattered dreams.

Jay jumps over top Brandi when she goes to spear him and spears Cody before Cody pushes Brandi in the way and Jay hits the Lethal Injection. Cody hits Cross Rhodes for a near fall before locking in a figure four before Hangman Page rings the bell and hands Cody his belt. The referee takes the belt from Cody before Jay hits Cody with a cross rhodes for yet another near fall before Cody gets his knees up when Jay goes for Hail to the King. Cody hits Jay with a bionic elbow before Jay sends him to the outside and Jay hits six suicide dives rather than his usual three. Cody then hits Jay with a reverse double underhook piledriver for a near fall before Cody bumps the referee and Jay hits Cody in the knee with the belt before flipping him off and superkicking him repeatedly.

Jay then hits the Lethal Injection and several more superkicks before locking in a figure four and Cody is forced to tap for the win.

Winner: Jay Lethal retains his ROH World Championship by defeating Cody via submission with a figure four leg lock.

-After the match Marty Scurll comes out before the NWA champion Nick Aldis comes out and leaves before Marty tosses Jay his belt and leaves.

ROH World Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Ladder War Match

SoCal Uncensored (c) vs The Briscoes vs The Young Bucks

The Briscoes start throwing chairs in the ring and let SCU and the Bucks brawl before each member of the Bucks and SCU hit a move to the outside. The Briscoes set up a table at ringside before Matt hits a twisting cutter off of the apron and The Briscoes double team Matt with a chair. Jay hits a diving stomp through the table as Mark throws a chair at Matt and Kaz and hits them with a trash can. Mark brings a ladder into the ring and spins it around on his head while hitting everyone with it until the Bucks superkick him. Jay tosses Nick out of the ring before Matt powerbombs Jay onto the ladder and hits Sky with an inverted code red before the Bucks hit dueling suicide dives.

SCU hit Naito's sweeping leg drop before the Bucks and SCU stop each other from climbing the ladder. Kaz hits a springboard code breaker before Jay drops Kaz ankle first onto the ladder and Mark drops Sky with a chair when he throws it at his face. Sky sends Jay into a chair in the corner before Sky hits a flipping senton to the outside and Nick hits a corkscrew moonsault to the outside. Jay hits a DVD to Matt over the top rope and through the table at ringside before Jay grabs a staple gun, but gets low blowed by Kaz. MCU hits a cutter through a table at ringside before Matt grabs a sledgehammer and Jay tells him to hit him before he tosses it away and superkicks him out of the ring.

The Bucks hit a pop-up spear before Sky hits a huricanrrana to Nick onto the ladder and Matt catapults the ladder into the face of Sky. Matt climbs the ladder before Jay hits him with a chair and drops him onto it before Nick hits a sit-out facebuster and Jay slams Sky down before everyone hits a move. The Briscoes counter The Meltzer Driver and Jay hits Matt with the Jay Driller before Kaz counters the Redneck Boogie into a Styles Clash onto a chair. Kaz knocks Mark off of one ladder and nearly through another before Jay sends Nick off of another ladder and to the floor. Jay then knocks Kaz off of the ladder before grabbing the belts for the win.

Winner: The Briscoes defeat SoCal Uncensored and The Young Bucks to become the new ROH World Tag Team champions when they win Ladder War.

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