The stars of Ring Of Honor took center stage at 'Center Stage'.
'Center Stage' in Atlanta, Georgia played host to last night's Ring Of Honor television tapings. There were a few notes coming out of the tapings such as a new stable being formed entitled 'Lifeblood' consisting of Juice Robinson, Tenille Dashwood, Mark Haskins, David Finlay, Bandido and "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams. There were also two championship matches that occurred during the taping and below are the full spoilers by way of F4WOnline:
* Dark Match
- Sons of Savagery & Joe King def. Odinson, Mike Parrow & Jackson
* ROH World Tag Team Championships
The Briscoes (c) def. Chuckie T & Colt Cabana
- Beretta could not make it due to a family emergency.
* Tracy Williams def. David Finlay
* Bandido def. Mark Haskins
* Slias Young def. Eli Isom
- Young earns a shot at ROH World TV Title.
* 'Villain Enterprises' (Marty Scurll, Brody King & PCO) def. Corey Hollis, John Skyler and an unknown competitor
* Women Of Honor World Championship
Kelly Klein (c) def. Rockelle Vaughn
* NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship
Nick Aldis (c) def. PJ Black
* Juice Robinson introduced the 'Lifeblood' stable with Tenille Dashwood, Mark Haskins, Bandido, Tracy Williams and David Finlay and stated that the goal of the stable is to bring honor back to Ring Of Honor.
* Six-Way Match
Shane Taylor def. Luchasaurus, Rhett Titus, Chris Sabin, Kenny King and Flip Gordon
- Chris Sabin had to be helped to the back after the match.
* Beer City Bruiser & Brian Milonas def. Marcus Kross and Griff Garrison
* 'Lifeblood' confronted ROH World Champion Jay Lethal which set up the tag match at the end of the taping.
* Cheeseburger, Eli Isom & Ryan Nova def. Griff Garrison, Marcus Kross and Slim J.
* Triple-Threat Match
Madison Rayne def. Sumie Sakai and Jenny Rose
* 'Lifeblood' (Juice Robinson, David Finlay, Tracy Williams, Mark Haskins & Bandido) def. Jonathan Gresham, Flip Gordon, Dalton Castle, Jeff Cobb & Jay Lethal
Welcome to @ringofhonor @LuchadorBandido! #ROHAtlanta
— Will Henderson (@willh94) January 13, 2019
Juice Robinson says he's not here for a cup a coffee. Plans to have an extensive run here in 2019. #ROH #ROHAtlanta
— Ismael AbduSalaam (@Ismael_BBM_NYK) January 13, 2019
Villain Enterprises is open for business! @MartyScurll @PCOIsNotHuman @Brodyxking #ROHAtlanta
— Will Henderson (@willh94) January 13, 2019
First time since 1993 the @NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship is defended in Atlanta. @RealNickAldis defends against @darewolf333! #ROHAtlanta #TenPoundsOfGold
— Will Henderson (@willh94) January 13, 2019
Juice declares the reset button has been hit and these guys (Bandido, Finlay, Williams, Haskins, Tenille) are the new era of ROH. Agree? #ROHAtlanta
— Ismael AbduSalaam (@Ismael_BBM_NYK) January 13, 2019
Lethal putting the entire crew the over one by one. Crowd is loving it. Tenille and Bandido get the biggest pops. #ROH #ROHAtlanta
— Ismael AbduSalaam (@Ismael_BBM_NYK) January 13, 2019