STARDOM held another pay-per-view but this time it was a switch up from the usual. Instead of a big show with huge title matches and feuds clashing, this brought together the legends of Joshi with the current STARDOM roster for a one-time special -- MidSummer Festival 2023.
Legends on this show included Shinobu Kandori, Takako Inoue, Kyoko Inoue, and Dump Matsumoto.
Full results for the show are below.
STARDOM MidSummer Festival 2023 Results (8/19/23)
- Mei Seira def. HANAKO and Fukigen Death
- Hanan, Hina & Rina def. Waka Tsukiyama, Yuna Mizumori & Lady C
- ROSE GOLD (Mariah May & Mina Shirakawa) def. Megan Bayne & Thekla
- Suzu Suzuki & Maika def. Ami Sourei & Saya Iida
- STARS (Mayu Iwatani & Koguma) def. God's Eye (Syuri & Saori Anou)
- BMI2000 (Natsuko Tora & Ruaka), Dump Matsumoto & ZAP def. Queen's Quest (Utami Hayashishita, AZM & Miyu Amasaki) & Kyoko Inoue
- Cosmic Angels (Tam Nakano, Natsupoi & Saori Anou) def. Hazuki, Shinobu Kandori & Takako Inoue
- Nanae Takahashi, Momoe Nakanishi & Jaguar Yokota def. Black Desire (Momo Watanabe & Starlight Kid) & Yuu
【--#ミッドサマーフェス2023 PPV生配信中】
— スターダムSTARDOM (@wwr_stardom) August 19, 2023
--PPV for fans from overseas(Japanese commentary)
Check out Fightful's exclusive interviews with Sareee and Saori Anou.
You can follow STARDOM on Twitter at their official account (@wwr_stardom) and their official English account (@we_are_stardom) to stay up-to-date with the promotion.