Fred Yehi vs Richard Holiday
They start the match off by grappling, Fred having the upper hand early until Holiday comes back with a shoulder block, but Fred drops him with one immediately after. Fred hits a snap suplex before whipping Richard across the ring and hitting a release German suplex for a quick two count. Richard drops Fred with a boot before beating on him in mount and hitting a spinning neckbreaker for a quick two count. Fred then drops David before locking in a submission and beating on him with hammer fists until he taps for the referee stoppage and the win.
Winner: Fred Yehi defeats David Holiday via referee stoppage
-Brian Pillman Jr. explains why he attacked Kevin Sullivan last week via a promo on Twitter video.
Homicide vs PCO
They go toe to toe and exchange strikes until PCO tosses Homicide into the corner and counters a tornado DDT before dropping Homicide with a shoulder block. PCO drops Homicide with several kicks before Homicide rakes his eyes and PCO hits a Michinoku Driver. Homicide sends PCO into the middle turnbuckle before hitting an exploder suplex into the corner and a neckbreaker. Homicide hits a diving knee strike for a quick two count before sending PCO out of the ring and hitting a cannonball off of the apron. Back in the ring PCO catches Homicide off of the top and hits a chokeslam before going out after Homicide and hitting a suicide dive through the ropes.
PCO rolls Homicide back into the ring before hitting a moonsault for a near fall before hitting a frog splash for another near fall. Homicide then catches PCO up top before hitting a superplex and a cutter off of the top when PCO goes up once again for a near fall. Homicide then tries to drop PCO repeatedly until PCO drops him with a stiff forearm for the pin and the win.
Winner: PCO defeats Homicide via pinfall with a forearm strike.
MLW Tag Team Title Match
Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix (c) vs Drago & Rey Horus
Pentagon and Drago start the match off, the two posing and playing to the crowd until Fenix and Horus come in and everyone hits a move. Drago and Pentagon exchange open handed palm strikes and forearms until a Lucha superkick party ensues. Fenix and Pentagon double team Horus for an early near fall that Drago breaks up before hitting a double huricanrrana and Horus sends Pentagon out of the ring with a huricanrrana. Horus hits a spinning arm drag before Drago hits a tilt-a-whirl arm drag and Horus hits a flipping senton over the top rope and onto Fenix at ringside. Pentagon hits a draping neckbreaker for a near fall before Horus hits a Spanish fly that Fenix breaks up with a missile dropkick.
Fenix hits a diving foot stomp for a near fall before Fenix hits a rolling European uppercut and Horus hits a pop-up tornado DDT for a near fall. Pentagon hits the Pentagon Driver for a near fall before Pentagon hits a package piledriver at the same time Fenix hits a diving stomp for a very close near fall before hitting it again for the pin and the win.
Winner: Pentagon jr. and Rey Fenix retain their MLW Tag Team titles by defeating Drago and Rey Horus via pinfall when Pentagon pins Horus with a package piledriver/diving stomp.