Thanks for joining us and we hope you have fun for the final hour of WWE tonight as the Cruiserweight division takes the spotlight.
Drew Gulak vs Lince Dorado
Drew takes Lince down and pins his wrists before Lince comes back with a frankensteiner for a quick two count before Drew crotches him on the top rope and sends him over the top rope and onto the floor. Lince gets back in the ring and hits Drew with a series of right hands before Drew dumps him back out of the ring. Lince gets back in the ring and hits a wheel kick before hitting an enzuigiri into a diving cross body for a quick two count. Lince gets a near fall when Brian puts Drew's foot on the bottom rope, then Lince gets distracted yelling at Brian before Drew locks in the Gulock for the tap and the win.
Winner: Drew Gulak defeats Lince Dorado via submission with the Gulock.
TJP comes out to the ring and talks about how he's being wasted as a talent as he comes down and gets in the ring for his match against a local performer.
TJP vs Local Talent
His opponent slaps him before TJP hits a dropkick to his knee and locks in a kneebar before the match can start.
Winner: Match never got underway.
-We get an announcement that Lio Rush has joined 205 Live and will debut next week.
Triple Threat Match
Buddy and Ali go after Hideo to start the match before he backs out of the ring and Buddy goes out after him. Ali hits a tope to the outside before rolling Hideo back into the ring and he and Buddy take turns beating on Hideo in the corner. Ali and Buddy exchange chops before Ali hits a huricanrrana and sends Buddy out of the ring. Hideo hits a kitchen sink when Ali goes to dive out of the for a quick two count. Buddy comes in and hits Hideo from behind before they take turns kicking each other in the back. They exchange slaps before Hideo hits a kitchen sink that turns Buddy inside out, then kicks the spine of Buddy repeatedly before Ali hits a back drop. Ali hits a clothesline before Buddy hits a bridging German suplex for a near fall. Ali rolls Buddy up for a near fall before Ali fights out of a rear naked choke, then Hideo comes in and puts one on Buddy. Ali hits a rolling sit-out facebuster to Hideo before hitting Buddy with a reverse huricanrrana and tornado DDT for a near fall. Hideo catches Ali on the top turnbuckle before Buddy drops Ali with a boot and hits Hideo with a cheeky nandos before hitting a spinning facebuster for a near fall. Ali superkicks Buddy before going for a moonsault, but Hideo kicks him in midair before Buddy hits a powerbomb into a knee strike before Ali hits a 450 splash to both Hideo and Buddy. Buddy drags Ali out of the ring when he goes to pin Ali for a near fall before Ali hits a Spanish fly off of the announce table. Hideo gets a near fall before Ali gets a near fall off of a roll up, then Hideo hits a running dropkick in the corner and into the exposed turnbuckle for the pin and the win.
Winner: Hideo Itami defeats Buddy Murphy and Mustafa Ali via pinfall when he pins Mustafa Ali with a running dropkick in the corner.