This is the live coverage for tonight's episode of the WWE Mixed Match Challenge and WWE 205 Live! Tonight we continue the WWE Mixed Match Challenge with a match where Braun Strowman and Alexa Bliss take on Sami Zayn and Becky Lynch! On 205 Live we have a general manager assigned to the brand for the first time and TJP tries to overcome his recent losing streak against Gran Metalik and Kalisto so be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST for the Mixed Match Challenge on Facebook Watch and 205 Live exclusively on the WWE Network!
WWE Mixed Match Challenge
Alexa Bliss & Braun Strowman vs Becky Lynch & Sami Zayn
Becky takes Alexa down repeatedly to start the match before teasing the Disarmer, but Alexa quickly gets to the ropes and tells Braun that she's got this and he doesn't need to tag in. Alexa and Becky exchange quick two counts off of a backslide before Alexa goes to tag Braun in, but Becky pulls her back and takes her down before locking in a body scissor and rolling her around the ring. Alexa gets back to her feet and talks to Braun before Becky hits a series of arm drags and a dropkick, then Becky tags Sami in and he avoids Braun at all costs, trying to stay out of the ring until Braun chases after him. They get back in the ring and Sami pleads with Alexa to get back in the ring before Braun tosses him across the ring and he tags Becky back in. Becky comes in and Alexa finally gets the upper hand by grounding Becky and keeping her in a headlock as we see Charlotte and Bobby Roode watching backstage.
Alexa drags Becky's face across the middle rope before choking her in the ropes and and putting her back in the rear headlock as Sami tries to get the crowd to cheer for Becky. Becky hits an arm drag into an enzuigiri once she's back to her feet, then tags Sami in as Braun gets tagged in, then Sami sends Braun over the top rope before dropkicking him through the ropes and going for a tope, but Braun catches him before tossing him into the crowd. Braun then tags Alexa back in and she hits Twisted Bliss with the assistance of Braun onto Becky for the pin and the win.
Winner: Alexa Bliss & Braun Strowman defeat Becky Lynch & Sami Zayn via pinfall when Alexa hits Becky with Twisted Bliss
205 Live
-We open the show with Daniel Bryan coming out onto the ramp alongside Rockstar Spud before saying that the new 205 Live general manager will give everyone the matches they want and deserve before introducing Spud at Drake Maverick. Drake says that he's proud to be appointed the 205 Live general manager before saying that there needs to be a new WWE Cruiserweight champion. Drake then makes a sixteen man tournament which will culminate with the finals at this years WrestleMania before making two matches tonight between Gran Metalik and Cedric Alexander right now as well as the former WWE United Kingdom champion Tyler Bate Bate TJP for later tonight.
Gran Metalik vs Cedric Alexander
They shake hands before exchanging wrist locks and flips, then take turns landing on their feet when the other hits a huricanrrana. Metalik takes Cedric down and locks in a straight armbar before Cedric fights back only to run into an enzuigiri and be sent out of the ring with a springboard missile dropkick. Cedric comes back in and sends Metalik out of the ring when he goes for a good only to hit one of his own and toss Metalik back into the ring for a quick two count. Cedric puts Metalik in a straight jacket hold before slamming him to the mat, then counters a huricanrrana, but Metalik counters a powerbomb into a sunset flip for a near fall. Metalik catches Cedric coming in with a superkick before hitting a bulldog and a missile dropkick that sends Cedric out of the ring.
Metalik hits a flipping senton over the top rope before rolling Cedric back into the ring and hitting a springboard splash for a near fall.Cedric comes back with a standing Spanish fly for a near fall before Metalik sends him into the corner and drops him with a chop across the chest. Metalik sets Cedric on the top before hitting a frankensteiner for a near fall, then Metalik counters the Lumbar Check into a snap DDT for a very close near fall. Metalik then misses a moonsault off of the top and Cedric capitalizes by hitting the Lumbar Check for the pin and the win.
Winner: Cedric Alexander defeats Gran Metalik via pinfall with the Lumbar Check to advance to the next round of the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament
-We then get a video package for Tyler Bate before his match against TJP in our main event. We then have Jack Gallagher talking about wanting to be in the tournament backstage before Drew Gulak shows up and gives Drake a bouquet of flowers as we go to commercial.
-In what feels like a reality show segment we return from commercial to Mustafa Ali sitting down on a chair in front of the camera and cutting a promo about how he's going to win the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament. We then have TJP interviewed about the tournament before his match against Tyler Bate later tonight. Drake shows up and introduces himself where he talks Tyler Bate up and questions which TJP will show up for the match before leaving. We then have Akira Tozawa talking on his phone about how he was disappointed he isn't the general manager before saying that he'll win the tournament as we go to commercial.
TJP vs Tyler Bate
They lock up to start the match for a clean break before exchanging wrist locks and head scissors until they're back to their feet and TJP rolls Tyler up for a quick two count. TJP puts Tyler in a wheelbarrow hold before Tyler counters into one of his own. Tyler keeps the hold applied and stands up, increasing the pressure before dropping him for a quick two count. Bate sends TJP out of the ring with a dropkick before hitting a tope to the outside and playing to the crowd. Tyler rolls TJP back into the ring before TJP counters a roll up into a leg whip and hits a series of suplexes for a quick two count.
TJP puts Tyler in a stock submission before Tyler backs TJP into the corner, but TJP immediately locks in a single leg Boston crab from the top rope. TJP keeps the hold on until the count of four before Tyler comes back with a series of strikes into a boot and a running European uppercut in the corner. Tyler hits a bridging German suplex for a near fall before TJP counters the Tyler Driver '97 and kicks him repeatedly before Tyler comes back with a suplex and hits a running shooting star press for another near fall. They boot each other before TJP hits a series of strikes and locks in the kneebar, but Tyler is quick to the ropes for the break. Tyler turns TJP inside out with a right hand for a near fall before putting TJP in an airplane spin and slamming him down to the mat. Tyler goes for the Tyler Driver '97, but TJP immediately counters into the kneebar, Tyler countering that with a roll up for a near fall before missing a corkscrew moonsault.
TJP locks in another kneebar and Tyler gets to the bottom rope for the break right before tapping, then Tyler hits a European uppercut into a rolling kick before going for the Tyler Driver '97. TJP then counters the Tyler Driver '97 and rolls through to roll Tyler up and hold onto his tights for the pin and the win.
Winner: TJP defeats Tyler Bate via pinfall by grabbing his tights for leverage to advance to the next round of the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament.