WWE NXT (12/13/2022) Results: Von Wagner vs Odyssey Jones, Toxic Attraction vs Diamond Mine & More.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 12/13/2022 edition of NXT on the USA Network. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here's what is set for the show!

The Rock Replies To Video Claiming He Hates CM Punk, 'We've Become Good Buddies. We're Solid'


WWE NXT (12/13/2022)

- Toxic Attraction (Jacy Jayne & Gigi Dolin) vs. Diamond Mine (Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley)

- Odyssey Jones vs. Von Wagner (w/ Mr. Stone).

- Lyra Valkyria's debut.

- Damon Kemp vs. Duke Hudson (w/ Thea Hail & Andre Chase).

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Live Coverage.

- After a video package recapping the proceedings of NXT Deadline (results for the show here), Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening segment.

- The women's Iron Survivor Roxanne Perez kicked off the show as the crowd serenaded her with chants, but was abruptly interrupted by the Men's Iron Survivor Grayson Waller coming to the arena in a Yellow truck and coming in through the crowd. After Waller talked trash, Perez shouted at Waller & told him that he can shut his mouth now. Perez then gave props to Waller for his win but bragged that she won from the #1 Spot unlike him, but Waller responded by saying that she came out first because she had to go to bed. NXT Champion Bron Breakker interrupted Waller by saying Perez is the future NXT Women's Champ. Waller said that he would outsmart Breakker in New Year's Evil and take the title off him. Breakker chased down Waller through the crowd before NXT Women's Champion Mandy Rose attacked Perez from behind.

- JD McDonagh was checked on backstage. McDonagh predicted that he could be cleared, to which the medic confirmed. Julius Creed came to the Medic to get checked in, to which McDonagh responded that he saved him a beating. Brutus Creed challenged McDonagh to a match.

- Out of nowhere, the segment between Brutus & McDonagh was interrupted to show Perez moving her challenge for the NXT Women's Championship from NXT New Year's Evil to tonight. Rose accepted, setting up the main event.

- Wes Lee & Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo brawled backstage before heading to the ring.

Wes Lee vs. Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo (w/ Tony D'Angelo).

Lee began the match by laying in kicks & punches before hitting a running bulldog on Stacks. Stacks hit a neck breaker on Lee before connecting a running uppercut on Lee for a near fall. Lee ran the ropes and slid under Stacks before hitting the Tijeras to send him to the outside, to which Lee responded by hitting a Tope Con Giro on Stacks to the outside. Back in the ring, Lee locked in a headlock on Stacks, but Stacks reversed it with a pin for a near fall. Lee continued to hold the headlock on Stacks for an extensive time before Stacks placed n the top rope and hitting an elbow strike on Lee's back to send him to the outside. Back in the ring, Stacks hit a double under-hook suplex on Lee before getting him up and slamming him into the corner with an Irish Whip. Stacks locked in a chin lock on Lee, but Lee broke the hold with elbow strikes before hitting a basement dropkick on Stacks into the middle turnbuckle. Lee hit a boot on Stacks and climbed to the middle rope, but Stacks slammed Lee's back into the top turnbuckle. Stacks hit elbow drops on Lee before hitting a tilt-to-world backbreaker on Lee for a near fall. Stacks locked in a Single-Leg Liontamer on Lee, but Lee broke the hold by hitting two up-kicks on Stacks, but Stacks responded with a side backbreaker on Lee for a near fall. Lee hit a chin breaker on Stacks and went for a body slam, but Stacks reversed it with a crossbody off the carry for a near fall. Stacks tried to get Lee up, but Lee reversed it with a Saito Suplex on Stacks. Stacks & Lee exchanged punches & chops before Lee hit an uppercut, a leg lariat, a series of strikes, and a snap-mare shotgun dropkick on Stacks. Lee hit a leaping enziguri to the corner into a German Suplex on Stacks before hitting a back-flip Pele Kick on Stacks for the pinfall win.

Winner: Wes Lee.

- After the match, Dijak came to the ring to confront Lee, but D'Angelo attacked Lee before hitting a back Suplex on Lee. Dijak stared daggers at D'Angelo after stealing his thunder.

- Thea Hail & Andre Chase walked backstage before seeing Duke Hudson shaking hands with Drew Gulak. In response to this, Chase apologized to Hudson for his antics the previous week. Hudson accepted the apology and said that he would give Damon Kemp a Chase-U Size ass-whooping.

Toxic Attraction (Jacy Jayne & Gigi Dolin) vs. Diamond Mine (Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley).

NXT Women's Tag Team Champions Katana Chance & Kayden Carter joined the broadcast team for the match. Nile & Paxley laid in the kicks on Toxic Attraction before Dolin & Jayne HIT stereo thrust kicks on Paxley & Nile. Jayne hit a Cannonball on Nile before Dolin hit an apron PK Kick on Paxley on the outside. Jayne laid in the strikes on Nile before they hit a boot into a lariat combo on Nile. Dolin hit a forearm strike on Nil before hitting an STO on Nile for a near fall. Jayne & Dolin tried to double-team Nile, but Nile hit a punch/ thrust kick combo on Dolin & Jayne. Jayne tossed Nile into Carter ^ Chance. The champs pulled Jayne & Dolin before causing a no-contest.

Result: No-Contest.

- Brooks Jensen, Fallon Henley & Josh Briggs talked backstage after Henley got a disappointing call. Jensen to them that 2023 would be their year and to keep their heads up.

- Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams were looking Angela Bassett's pictures before Williams showed a picture of Hayes being bamboozled by Axiom's moonsault off the Penalty Box. Hayes told Williams that he would delete Axiom's ass.

Odyssey Jones (w/ Edris Enofe & Malik Blade) vs. Von Wagner (w/ Mr. Stone).

The two men locked up in this hoss fight. Wagner went for a shoulder tackle on Jones, but Jones stood still before Wagner & Jones went for a Football lock up, which Jones repsoned with a chop block & a body slam on Wagner. Wagner climbed to the top rope and hit a diving lariat on Jones. Wagner hit a series of headbutts on Jones before hitting a running boot and a back lariat on Jones. Wagner argued with Blade & Enofe before locking in a Sleeper hold on Jones, but Jones backed Wagner to the corner, but Wagner quickly locked in the hold again. Jones backed Wagner again before hitting a corner lariat, a corner splash, and a World's Strongest Slam on Wagner. Stone tried to distract Jones, but Blade took advantage of the distraction to hit a shotgun dropkick on Wagner. Jones hit a running cross-body dive on Wagner for the pinfall win.

Winner: Odyssey Jones (w/ Edris Enofe & Malik Blade).

- Javier Bernal was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell. Mitchell talked trash to Bernal after his terrible names for his fanbase. Bernal would face Ikemen Jiro after the commercial break.

- There was a TikTok of Nikkita Lyons making fun of Zoey Stark's entrance.

Javier Bernal vs. Ikemen Jiro.

Jiro & Bernal exchanged strikes before Bernal slammed Jiro into the mat. Jiro did a kip-up and got a headlock on Bernal before hitting a jacket slap on Bernal. Bernal went for a hip toss, but Jiro blocked it two which Bernal responded by hitting a short-hand lariat on Jiro. Bernal hit a bulldog & a basement lariat on Jiro for a near fall. Bernal locked in a chin lock on Jiro, but Jiro got up to break the hold. Bernal hit an uppercut on Jiro to send him to the outside. Bernal tossed Jiro back in the ring and taunted the crowd, but Jiro caught him with a Tope Con Giro. Back in the ring, Jiro hit five jackets slaps. Bernal caught him with a back elbow but Jiro hit. a leaping enziguri kick on Bernal before hitting a Frankensteiner. Jiro hit a Leaping Karate Kick on Bernal for the pinfall win.

Winner: Ikemen Jiro.

- SCRYPTS leaped over the top turnbuckle & attacked Jiro after the match. SCRYPTS then hit a leaping cannonball on Jiro off the top rope as he put Jiro's jacket on.

- There was a vignette of Wendy Choo saying she was relieved Cora Jade did not win the Women's Iron Survivor Challenge on NXT Deadline. Choo then said that Jade throwing her drink at her was disappointing because she usually does it to people that deserved it. Choo said that Jade throwing the drink at here brought her to a dark place & said that she did not want to be in that place again.

- NXT Tag Team Champions The New Day (Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston) came to the ring to celebrate their win against Pretty Deadly on NXT: Deadline. Woods put over Kingston on becoming the first-ever singles & tag team triple crowned & the man with the most Tag title reigns in WWE History, to which Kingston responded that it felt good. Woods said that winning the belts was special for him because he was there when it started, reflecting that the first-ever match on NXT TV was against current stablemate Big E, and said that itched him not having NXT gold, but celebrated as the champions before Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson & Elton Prince) interrupted in a massive rage. Pretty Deadly said that New Day ruined their Christmas, but they would not dare to ruin Christmas in front of Santa. Kingston & Woods put over Wilson & Prince for their abilities but said that they needed to do one thing to get a rematch, and that was to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs came to the ring to recite the pledge. New Day told Jensen & Briggs that they would see about the tag match for next week.

- Jakara Jackson, Lash Legend & WElektra Lopez talked trash about Indi Hartwell before Hartwell came from out of nowhere and booted Lopez right in the dome. The two brawled before being separated by fellow members of the Women's Division.

JD McDonagh vs. Brutus Creed.

Brutus & JD locked up before McDonagh clmbed to the top rope and dove to get a headlock takedown on Brutus. JD hit two forearm strikes, a chop, and a dropkick on Brutus, but Brutus hit. asking double lariat on JD before firing away with strikes on JD. Brutus hit a double-leg take down before hitting the Brutus Smash strikes on JD. JD lowered the rope to send Brutus to the outside before hitting a shotgun dropkick on Brutus's back off the apron. Back in the ring, JD targetted Brutus' injured hand before he went for a shotgun dropkick, but Brutus caught him and launched him out of the ring with a catapult. D rolled out of the ring, but Brutus caught him with a forearm strike before hitting an overhead toss on JD. JD hit a PK Kick on Julius before lowering the rope to send Brutus to the outside and hitting a PK kick on Brutus. JD got a chair on Brutus and went to attack Brutus with the chair, but Sanga & Veer took the chair off JD's hand. McDonagh hit a Saito Suplex on Brutus on the outside before getting him back in the ring and hitting Devlin Inside on Brutus for the pinfall win.

Winner: JD McDonagh.

- McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Zoey Stark backstage, but Stark made fun of Mitchell for taking her time to talk about a Tik Tok. Stark said that Lyons can bring the shenanigans & that she would bring the real talent.

- There was a final vignette of Lyra Valkyria ahead of her NXT debut after the commercial break.

- There was a video vignette of Isla Dawn celebrating her win against Alba Fyre. Dawn said the darkness of night would consume Fyre.

Lyra Valkyria vs. Amari Miller.

The match began with the two locking up before Valkyria did a Brazilian Arm Drag on Miller for a near fall. Valkyria got a wrist lock on Miller, but Miller reversed it with a headlock. Valkyria pushed miller before catching her with a vicious enziguri kick on Miller. Valkyria ran the ropes and hit a vicious sliding dropkick on Miller to the outside. Back in the ring, Miller slammed Valkyria into the corner before going for an Irish Whip, but Lyra hit a spinning abdomen kick, a chest kick, a headbutt to the gut & a Northern Lights Suplex on Miller for a near fall. Miller tripped Valkyria before hitting a vicious running senton on Valkyria for a near fall. Miller went for a back kick, but Lyra caught her with a back kick of her own before hitting a Frog Splash on Miller for the decisive pinfall win.

Winner: Lyra Valkyria.

- Axiom was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell backstage. Axiom said that he was not afraid of Hayes & said that he fears absolutely no one.

- Brooks Jensen was encountered by Kiana James backstage. Jensen that he was happy about getting a tag title match but said that he was worried about Fallon Henley. James gifted him a dress shirt before telling him to focus on the Tag titles. Nile, Paxley, Carter, Chance, Dolin & Jayne continued to brawl backstage after the conversation.

Damon Kemp vs. Duke Hudson (w/ Thea Hail & Andre Chase).

Kemp got Hudson's leg & dropped him on his back before getting a wrist lock on Hudson, but Hudson turned the hold before locking in a headlock, a shoulder tackle, and a body slam on Kemp. Kemp slammed Hudson's neck into the top rope before connecting the running neck breaker on Hudson. Kemp laid in the strikes on Hudson, but Hudson responded with body shots on Kemp. Kemp caught Hudson and hit a cut-wrench faceslam &. shoulder tackle on Hudson for a near fall. Gulak watched the match from ringside, but Chase confronted him during that. Kemp laid in the punches on Hudson, but Hudson powered up and laid in the punches, a clothesline, a back elbow & a side slam on Kemp. Hudson hit a corner lariat, an overhead toss, the Dusty Strikes, and a lariat. Kemp loaded up the band and hit a running Big Boot on Kemp for the pinfall win.

Winner: Duke Hudson (w/ Thea Hail & Andre Chase).

- There was a vignette of a countdown of a New Year's Celebration, teasing a new arrival/ debut to NXT for the Women's Division.

NXT Women's Championship Match.

Mandy Rose (c) vs. Roxanne Perez.

The main event match began with Rose leaning Perez into the ropes. Perez & Rose locked up before Perez got a headlock on Rose, followed by a shoulder tackle. Perez showboated on Rose after evading her offense, but Rose responded with a cartwheel shotgun dropkick on Perez for a near fall. Perez leaped over Rose before Perez hit two arm drags on Rose. Perez got a wheelbarrow lateral press on Rose for a near fall, but Rose caught her with a knee strike to the abdomen. Rose went for a corner spear, but Rose landed on the ring post to go to the outside. Perez hit a top suicida on Rose to the outside. Perez went for Pop Rox on Rose on the outside, but Rose slammed Perez into the stairs to regain some footing. Rose slammed Perez into the barricade before tossing her back in the ring. Rose targetted Perez's arm, locking in a wrist lock into an elbow strike on Perez's elbow. Rose took Perez's arm tape off and tossed it to Booker T on the outside before hitting a snap-mare kick on Perez for a near fall. Rose pushed Perez before hitting a Wheelbarrow faceslam on Perez for a near fall. Rose got a Kimura lock on Perez's injured left shoulder, but Perez hit an arm drag to break the hold. Perez hit a chin breaker, two double-axe handles & the Tijeras before going for. Russian Leg Sweep, but instead hit a shotgun dropkick on Rose. Perez hit an uppercut on Rose, but Rose hit a boot on Perez's shoulder. Rose climbed to the top rope, but Perez caught her with an enziguri kick before hitting a Frankensteiner off the top rope on Rose for a near fall. Rose hit a gut-wrench face slam on Perez from out of nowhere for a near fall. Rose aim for the Running Knee on Perez, but Perez got a roll-up for a near fall, but Rose locked in a LaBelle Lock on Perez. Perez turned her body and reversed it with a pin for a near fall, but Rose hit the Kiss By The Rose on Perez, but Perez shockingly kicked out at two. Rose threw a fit at the referee before getting Perez back up for a Bitter End, but Perez reversed it with an Inside Cradle for a near fall. Rose got up, but Perez hit a spinning Abdomen kick before hitting the Pop Rox for the pinfall win, becoming the new NXT Women's Champion. With this win, Perez joins Athena as the second Women's Wrestler to win World Championships in Ring of Honor & NXT, joining Athena. The Prodigy stood tall on the ramp to end the broadcast as the new NXT Women's Champion.

Winner & New NXT Women's Champion: Roxanne Perez.

- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.

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