Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 4/12/2022 edition of WWE NXT 2.0 on USA Network. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and on Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE
- The broadcast begins with a recap video of the 4/5/2022 edition of NXT 2.0, showcasing the match of Bron Breakker vs Gunther for the NXT Championship. Breakker won the match, but Joe Gacy and Harland were seen kidnapping Rick Steiner, Breakker's dad, after the match.
NXT North American Championship
Cameron Grimes (c) vs Solo Sikoa
The show began with Grimes and Sikoa locking up, before Sikoa carried Grimes for a Samoan Drop before Grimes escaped. Grimes grabbed Sikoa's leg before both exchanged roll-ups before staring each other down. Sikoa hit an elbow to the face of Grimes, but Grimes got an arm-drag for an arm stretch on Sikoa. Grimes got two more arm-drag arm stretches on Sikoa. Sikoa tried to hit a bodyslam on Grimes, but grimes reversed it to another arm submission. Sikoa hit a series of Shoulder blocks on Grimes before hitting a senton to the back of Grimes. Grimes and Sikoa shook hands before Grimes told Sikoa that the Bloodline can kiss his grits. Grimes hit Sikoa on the corner before Sikoa slammed Grimes on the corner. Sikoa clotheslined Grimes outside the ring before Grimes hit Sikoa with an inseguri. Grimes a kick, followed by a running Tope con Hilo, on Sikoa before the picture-in-picture break.
Sikoa and Grimes got back to the ring, where Grimes did a series of kicks on the chest of Sikoa. Sikoa caught on of the kicks into a leg-sweep. Sikoa stomped Grimes before doing the "To The Moon" taunt. Sikoa hit a series of punches on the head of Grimes before throwing Grimes to the other ring corner for a near fall. Sikoa continued to stomp Grimes before hitting a running Senton for a Near fall. Sikoa worked on the arm of Grimes before hitting an arm-drag on Grimes.
Grimes escapd the submission lock with an arm-drag before both exchanged strikes. Sikoa hit a headbutt on Grimes before hitting a running elbow on Grimes in the corner. Grimes went for another running move, but Grimes hit a frankensteiner. Grimes hit a german suplex on Sikoa for a near-fall. Grimes went for the cave-in, but Sikoa threw Grimes to the corner before hitting a rack-attack for a near fall. Grimes and Sikoa exchanged series again before Sikoa hit a superkick on Grimes. Grimes went for a Top-rope Cave-In before hitting Sikoa with a running moonsault bodyslam for a near fall. Sikoa planted Grimes for a near fall. Sikoa went for a frog splash, but Grimes caught Sikoa before Sikoa threw Grimes onto the referee. Trick Williams tried to interfere, but Sikoa hit a frog-splash on Williams on the outside of the ring. As Sikoa went back to the ring, Grimes caught Sikoa with a cave-in for the pinfall victory.
Winner & Still NXT North American Champion: Cameron Grimes (c).
- After the match, Carmelo Hayes returned to NXT before he and Trick Williams attacked both Sikoa and Grimes. Hayes hit a spring rope crossbody on Grimes before getting the NXT North American Championship title on his hands, putting his eyes on regaining the championship he lost on NXT: Stand & Deliver on April 2, 2022.
- Wade Barrett and Vic Joseph announced that there will be a Gauntlet Tag Team Match for the vacated NXT Tag Team Championships. Pretty Deadly vs Legado del Fantasma vs Briggs & Jensen vs Creed Brothers vs Sanga & Grayson Waller, who cut a promo saying that they will win the titles in the match.
- Malcolm Bivens and The Creed Brothers told pretty deadly that they are Pretty stupid, with the Creed Brothers saying that they will win the NXT Tag Team Championships and beat Pretty Deadly after they attack the Diamond Mine Dojo. Creed Brothers were shown getting a number from the Royal Rumble Roulette, with The Creed Brothers looking satisfied.
- NXT Champion Bron Breakker made his way to the ring to cut a promo. He said that Joe Gacy got his attention after kidnapping Rick Steiner, stating that no one messes with his family. He told Gacy to make his way to the ring immediately, but Gacy was backstage in a campfire, saying that he started to understand Breakker better. He said that he knew Breakker was tough based on the beating Gacy and Harland put on Rick Steiner. Gacy revealed that he stole Rick Steiner's Hall of Fame ring before burning it in the camp fire.
- There was a video package showcasing Toxic Attraction regaining the NXT Women's Tag Team Championships before getting interviewed in the Toxic Lounge backstage. NXT Women's Champion, Mandy Rose, said that Dakota Kai has zero chance Kai could win the NXT Women's Championship later in the night.
- Kushida and Ikeman Jiro were making their way to the ring, but Von Wagner attacked both of them from behind. Wagner powerbombed Kushida in a trash can before Robert Stone said that there would be no match between Kushida and von Wagner in the episode.
- Bron Breakker was seen backstage walking out of the arena after
- Robert Stone said Jacket Time just ran out of time, saying that this is Von Wagner's world and that audience was living in it. Ikeman Jiro got to the ring to confront both Wagner and Stone, challenging Wagner to a match.
Von Wagner (w/ Robert Stone) vs Ikeman Jiro.
Jiro hit an inseguri on Wagner before going for a monkey flip, but Wagner slammed Jiro's face to the corner before being hit with a clothesline. After Wagner hit a series of headbutts, Wagne rhit a fallaway slam on Jiro. Jiro hit a series of punches on Wagner, but Wagner caught Jiro with a Bear hug. Wagner wen for a back suplex, but Jiro hit a series of kicks and strikes on Wagner. Jiro hti a jumping knee, followed by a super kick. Jiro hit a Swanton Bomb for a near fall. Jiro did a kick-up and tried to kick Stone outside, but Wagner hit a big boot on Jiro. Wagner hit a version of the Attitude Adjustment on Jiro for the pinfall victory.
After a woman on the crowd told Wagner to attack Jiro, Wagner threw Jiro from the ring onto the crowd.
Winner: Von Wagner (w/ Robert Stone).
- Nikkita Lyons was interviewed backstage, saying that she was going to prove herself after defeating Lash Legend on the 4/5/2022 edition of NXT. Legend came out of nowhere and hit a pump-kick on Lyons, before Norman Smiley came in with other WWE officials to separate Legend from Lyons.
- There was a video package showcasing Pretty Deadly, revealing that they came in to dominate NXT 2.0. They revealed that The Creed Brothers were not stylish, also stating that they will be the first team to win the NXT Tag Team Championships in their debut match.
NXT Women's Championship Match.
Dakota Kai vs Mandy Rose (c) (w/ Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne).
The match began with Kai and Rose locking up before Rose kicked Kai. Ros ehti a series of punches on Kai before hitting a bodyslam on Kai. Rose stomped Kai in the corner before. Kai went for a crucifix for a near fall, hitting a roll-up for a near fall. Kai hit two arm-drags before hitting a dropkick on Rose. Kai punched Rose out of the ring, followed by doing a crossbody on all three members of Toxic Attraction before the commercial break.
After the commercial break, Rose had Kai in a leg-assisted back stretch on Kai, transitioning to a Camel Clutch before Kai leaned her weight for a near fall. Rose hit a Tombstone-position faceslam on Kai for a near fall. Rose hit an Irish whip on Rose into the corner before going for a side-headlock on Kai. Rose transitioned from the side headlock into a leaned back camel clutch, before transitioning into a near fall. Kai hit a series of strikes on Rose hit a spine buster on Kai for a near fall. Kai got an inside cradle on Rose for a near fall, followed by a Kai-ropractor. Gigi Dolin distracted the referee, which led to Jacy Jayne getting hit with a kick to the head. Rose hit the Running Knee on a distracted Kai for the pinfall victory.
Wendy Choo came to the ring with a water gun to run-off Toxic Attraction out of the ring.
Winner & still NXT Women's Champion: Mandy Rose (c) (w/ Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne).
- After the title match, Joe Gacy was seen burning his hand with the burnt Hall of Fame ring of Rick Steiner.
- Backstage, Legado Del Fantasma and Tony D'Angelo were talking backstage. Tony D'Angelo offered a peace offering in cash, but Santos Escobar told D'Angelo that the respect of the family is earned before walking out of the locker room.
- Cora Jade made her return to NXT to cut a promo. Jade said that WrestleMania weekend as the most important weekend of her life, stating that her parents watched her wrestle in the second row. She said she felt like she was leaving NXT: Stand & Deliver as new NXT Women's Champion, saying that she needs to be champion. She said that her goal was to be a champion in WWE, saying that she will work her ass off to be in the same level as wrestlers like Paige, AJ Lee, Bayley, Sasha Banks, and Natalya. Surprisingly, Natalya made her return to NXT, with Jade stunned. This is Natalya's first NXT appearance since 2014. Natalya told the crowd that she loved them. She said that she is glad to meet Cora Jade, with Jade saying that the moment was surreal. Jade recalled that Natalya messaged Jade, with Natalya remembering that she remembers Jade messaging her in 2011 after she made her debut in NXT. Natalya told Jade that she loved that she had the passion for this, telling her that she is the future of the NXT Women's Division. Natalya told Jade that the future is bleak, before slapping Jade and hitting a Sharpshooter on Cora Jade.
- Briggs and Jensen were seen backstage that they would do anything to win the NXT Tag Team Championships, with Fallon Henley shouting that they were going to kick some ass.
- There was a video package showing Nathan Frazer, where he revealed that he was making his way to NXT 2.0 after his stint in NXT UK.
Draco Anthony vs Xyon Quinn.
The match began with Draco Anthony doing a drop-kick on Quinn before getting a side head lock. Quinn hit a double fore-arm tackle on Anthony before being double-handed chopped by Anthony, Quinn threw Anthony to the other side of the ring. Anthony hit a Northern Light Suplex on Quinn before mocking Quinn. Quinn tossed Anthony again before hitting a clothesline and an elbow strike on Anthony. Quinn hit a modified Attitude Adustment on Anthony before hitting two forearm strikes on Anthony. Quinn hit a running forearm strike on Anthony for the pinfall victory.
- Natalya was seen walking out of the arena before being confronted Tatum Paxley. Paxley challenged Natalya to a match, which Natalya accepted.
- Backstage, Indi Hartwell and Persia Perotta came up with the idea for Dexter Lumis and Duke Hudson becoming a tag team. Duek Hudson and Dexter Lumis agreed to do it, before they both got kissed on the cheeks.
Gauntlet Match for the Vacant NXT Tag Team Championships
Creed Brothers (Brutus & Julius Creed) vs Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) vs Legado del Fantasma (Joaquin Wilde & Raul Mendoza) vs Briggs & Jensen vs Grayson Waller & Sanga
Gauntlet Match 1: Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus Creed vs Legado del Fantasma (Joaquin Wilde & Raul Mendoza) (w/ Elektra Lopez).
The first of the Gauntlet matches began with Brutus Breed doing an Irish whip on Mendoza, who it an inseguri on Julius Creed before throwing Brutus out of the ring. Wilde tagged in and did a dive onto both Creeds for a near fall. Julius tagged in and hit a clothesline on Mendoza. Mendoza hit a spinning suplex on Julius, before Wilde did a spring-rope Snenton for a near-fall. Wilde went for a kick, but Julius caught the kick with an ankle lock. Mendoza tired to break the lock, but Brutus caught Mendoza in an ankle lock. Julius tossed Mendoza with a German-Overhead suplex, before Brutus hti a modified Razor's Edge on WIlde for a near fall. Mendoza tagged in and hit a spring rope missile dropkick on Julius, followed by Wilde hitting a 450 for a near fall. Julius hit Wilde with an Angle Slam before doing a toss-spinebuster on Wilde before Julius hit the unnecessary clothesline for the pinfall win, eliminating Legado del Fantasma.
Winners: Creed Brothers
Gauntlet Match 2: Briggs & Jensen (w/ Fallon Henley) vs Creed Brothers.
Before the match, Briggs & Jensen and The Creed Brothers exchanged punches before heading to the commercial break.
After the commercial break, Brutus hit a splash on Briggs for a near fall. Brutus got tossed out of the ring by Briggs, who it a clothesline on Julius. Briggs and Jensen powerbombed Brutus onto the announcer's table, with Malcolm Bivens being stunned. Julius hit a drop kick on Briggs. Briggs and Jensen hit stereo shoulder blocks on Julius before hitting elbow strikes on Brutus. Jensen got a modified Camel Clutch on Julius before hitting an atomic drop-big boot combination, followed by a chokeslam-powerbomb for near fall. jensen and Brigs hit a diving knee, powerbomb combination before Brutus broke up the pinfall. Brutus Creed tagged in before being tossed by Briggs and Jensen. Brutus took down Jensen before hitting the unnecessary clothesline on Brutus for the pinfall victory.
Gauntlet Match 3: Sanga & Grayson Waller vs Creed Brothers
Sanga hit a big boot on Julius for a near fall. Sanga hit an uppercut on Julius before. Sanga pushed Julius out of the ring before Waller tagged in and attacked both Julius and Brutus Creed. Waller stomped down Julius Creed before tagging in Sanga, who hit another big boot on Julius. Waller tagged in and got bodyslammed on Julius Creed for a near fall. Waller went for a suplex, but Julius hit an northern lights suplex on Waller. Brutus tagged in, but Sanga did so and clotheslined Brutus. Waller tagged back in and got a side-headlock on Brutus. Brutus escaped the side headlock with a back-suplex. Julius creed tagged in and hit a series of forearms on Waller before doing a chop block on Waller. Brutus hit a back-suplex on Sanga before tagging in Julius Creed again. Julius did the rolling slam on Sanga before hitting the unnecessary clothesline on Sanga to for the victory.
Winners: The Creed Brothers
Gauntlet Match 4: Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) vs The Creed Brothers.
Pretty Deadly came in and attacked The Creed Brothers all over the ring. Prince hit a running elbow for a near fall. Wilson did a standing elbow drop on Julius. Prince hit a diving elbow drop on Julius for a near fall. Julius hit a chop on Prince, but Prince hit a series of strikes. Wilson came in and hit a running knee on Julius for a near fall. Pretty Deadly hit a suplex on Julius, who kicked out. Prince got Creed in an arm-lock, with Pretty Deadly continuing the onslaught on Julius before Wilson hit an forearm on Julius. Julius and Prince exchanged strikes before Julius hit a Belly-to-belly. Brutus tagged in, but was hit with a jumping uppercut. Pretty Deadly hit a Fireman's Carry-Codebreaker on Brutus for a near fall. Brutus got an inside cradel on WIlson for a nearlfall. Prince hit another codebreaker on Brutus, who kicked out again. Julius Creed hit a clothesline on Prince. Pretty Deadly hit Spilled milk for the pinfall victory, becoming the new NXT Tag Team Champions. In their first match in NXT, Pretty Deadly stood tall as the new NXT Champions to end the show.
Winners & New NXT Tag Team Champions: Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson)
